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August 11, 1989 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-08-11

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Ninety- nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCIX, NO. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, August 11, 1989 T*.%gyIIy
Palestinians continue education
BY PSC-MSA DELEGATION MEMBERS self, like all universities on the West Bank, rived in Ramallah. The Israeli army army jeeps first approached the delegation, its
SPECIAL TO THE DAILY has been closed since the beginning of the In- cordoned off the area surrounding the uni- Palestinian guide quickly hurried away for fear
EAST JERUSALEM, August 8 - The tifada (Palestinian uprising) by the Israeli de- versity, ordering the delegation to leave the of being picked up and detained.
University of Michigan Delegation to Pales- fense forces, the offices in Ramallah have re- area. They were harassed by up to ten soldiers Nonetheless, the delegation was able to get
tine traveled to Ramallah in the West Bank, mained opened under a tenuous legal status. who followed them to the edge of the down- to the offices some two hours later. Meeting
Tuesday to visit the administrative offices of Just how tenuous that status is was town area and ordered them to return to with -members of the Bir Zeit faculty and
Bir Zeit University. While the university it- demonstrated shortly after the delegation ar- Jerusalem (20 miles from Ramallah). As the See Delegation, Page 2

Nurses still await
fair contracts
BY MICHELLE RABIDOUX both positive and negative reactions
to the ruling.
"The best scenario was to allow us
Judge Melinda Morris ruled in to go on strike again," she said, but
favor of the University Hospitals added that it would have been diffi-
yesterday as the third day of the cult to prove that the nurses strike
latest hearing in the nurses strike was not causing harm to patients.
came to a close. The nurses union was pleased that
Morris called for a preliminary in- the ruling allowed both parties to
junction which orders all the mem- negotiate in front of the judge, in-
bers of the University of Michigan stead of solely via two-party bargain-
Professional Nurse Council ing.
(UMPNC) back to work and pre- The UMPNC presented evidence
vents them from striking during fu- in defense of their walk-out
ture negotiations, said Hospital yesterday. "We put various
spokesperson Michael Harrison. individuals on the stand and tried to
The ruling also "expedited fact show that the University was not
finding," calling for an impartial complying with the original order,"
third party to be appointed from the said George Davis spokesperson for
Michigan Employment Relations the UMPNC.
Commission to listen to both sides The "original order" refers to Judge
and compile a factual report that will Morris' ruling of last week that lim-
be submitted to both parties and ited the Hospital's admissions to
Judge Morris. those patients with life threatening
Thirty days after the report is pub- conditions while both sides contin-
licly submitted, if a settlement still ued to try to forge out a contract.
has not been reached, both the nurses "They've been admitting (patients)
union bargaining team and the since we were ordered back. They
Hospital's negotiators will meet shouldn't have been operating as
with the Judge again in a status hear- normal," said Davis.
ing. The issue of mandatory overtime
The ruling also requires that the continues to be a volatile one.
nurses will continue to work under Davis said that John Forsyth,
the terms of their old contract which Executive Director of the Hospital,
expired on May 30. - took the stand as a University wit-
Harrison said that Morris' ruling ness and discussed the number of
agreed with the Hospital's allega- hours, on average, that University
tions that the nurses absence during nurses worked per month. Their fig-
the strike was causing "irreparable ures had an average of 8 hours per
harm" to patients. nurse a month.
"Now, we can admit anybody. We The nurses union called an RN to
can do elective surgeries," he said. the stand who averaged 27.7 hours of
Before yesterday's ruling, only those overtime per month in the period
patients with medical emergencies from January to June, 1989.
could be admitted. The nurses union contract with the
Yesterday, the Hospital housed University expired on May 30, but
602 patients. This represents negotiations continued until July 7,
approximately 68 percent of the when the nurses gave strike notifica-
Hospitals' 886 beds, according to tion. The University Hospitals won
Hospital officials. an court injunction against the
Deborah Stoll, spokesperson for UMPNC on July 31, legally requir-
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Worker installs computers at Angell Halt's new computing center. Although the new center hasn't
been used much during summer term, fall semester will turn out long computer lines in Angell Hall.
CSAPACIncreases outreach

Between May 1st and August 9th
the University of Michigan Hospital
emergency room treated 12 sexual
assault survivors, according to
University hospital Information
Officer Toni Shears.
Though the number is down from
the same period last year by three,
the number of people overall, who
sought sexual assault counselling
through the University has increased
from last year, said Julie Steiner, di-
rector of the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center
"People come to our office usually
for counselling," said Steiner.
"About one-third - primarily
women - come in very soon,
within one month, after the assault.
Another third come in between one

and six months and the rest, later. the 'Assault Crisis Center at
Knowing that, it's not surprising Community Mental Health.
that hospital numbers are low." "When SAPAC first opened in
FBI statistics estimate that only 1986, one of the first things we
10 percent of rapes are reported. heard was, don't go to U of M hos-
However, even this statistic is low pital. What we've ended up with is
according to Steiner, because "FBI very nice," said Steiner.
statistics are the narrowest legal def- Treatment for sexual assault sur-
inition of sexual assault: forced sex- vivors is two-pronged. When a sur-
ual intercourse by a man against a vivor comes to the emergency room
woman." . and identifies herself as such, the
Michigan state law is broader in emergency room immediately calls
its definition, including sexual con- SAPAC or the Assault Crisis
tact, and assault against men. Center, who send crisis counsellors
For the past year, a program at the to assist the survivor. Secondly, a
University's hospital has been in clinical nurse/midwife from the hos-
effect for the treatment and tracking pital staff is called to conduct the
of sexual assault survivors. The pro- exam.
grain, which was three years in de- "Formerly residents performed the
velopment, was established by examinations, but it was believed
nurses in the emergency room, hos- that a nurse/midwife would be more
pital nurse/midwives, SAPAC and See Survivor, Page 3

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