OPINION Page 4 The Michigan Daily 9 The real liars, hypocrites and terrorists WITH LAST week's kidnapping of Sheik Obeid in southern Lebanon, the Israeli government added yet an- other entry into its catalogue of ter- rorist activities. The fact that Israel's government should resort to such tactics is certainly not surprising to anyone familiar with its history. Successive Israeli governments have a long history of kidnapping and hostage taking in order to ad- vance its political and military ends. The first hijacking of a civilian plane occurred in the mid-fifties when Israeli agents hijacked a Syrian plane in the hopes of trading its hostages for Israeli soldiers who had been captured on cross border raids. In 1955, the Israeli government held a number of shipwrecked Syrian sailors for several weeks in the hope of trading them for captured soldiers. In 1970, following a series of plane hijackings carried out by the Palestine Liberation Organization,, the Israeli army rounded up 450 Palestinians living on the West Bank. According to the New York Times, the people rounded up were selected either because they were prominent members of the Palestinian community or because they were related to leaders in the PLO, both attributes which made them particularly valuable as hostages. More recently, the Israeli army has held hundreds of Lebanese and thou- sands of Palestinian civilians in bar- barous detention centers, without fil- ing any charges against them, with the hope of crushing resistance to the Israeli occupation. It is worth noting, that even the latest kidnap- ping effort was carried out not in order to combat anything that may legitimately be termed "terrorism," but rather to bargain for the release of Israeli soldiers who were captured in Lebanon. In short, when it comes to kid- napping and hostage taking, the Israeli government has experience. Although the Israeli government has over thirty years of kidnapping and hostage taking to its credit, it is worthy of receiving over $1,000 per year per person in aid from the United States. And it is the upstarts in Lebanon who earn universal con- demnation for their barbarism, even though their actions would not fill a page in the book of Israeli terrorism. The fact that the level of aid for Israel can be maintained in spite of such acts is attributable, in part, to the incredible number of lies and dis- tortions streaming forth from our political leaders and the media. Suppose the following account of the Israeli kidnapping of Islamic cleric Sheik Abdul Karim Obeid had appeared in the New York Times, or any other major US newspaper: "Early yesterday terrorists armed with silencer-equipped pis- tols attacked a village in southern Lebanon, seizing Islamic cleric Sheik Abdul Karim Obeid from his home there. None of his family, who were at home during the attack, were reported injured, although his wife was bound and blindfolded dur- ing the kidnapping. Bloodstains on a mattress in the home indicated that Obeid may have been injured." "A neighbor of Obeid's was shot in the head and killed when he peered out his door during the at- tack. Police are withholding the victim's identity. vending notifica- tion of next of kin." "The terrorists quickly fled in a helicopter awaiting them outside the village." "Shortly after the incident, the Israeli government came forth and accepted responsibility, claiming that Obeid is a high ranking official of the Party of God, an Islamic re- sistance organization opposing Israeli expansionism in the Middle East. Informed sources believe Obeid will be held hostage, pending release of captured Israeli troops held by the Party of God." "Reaction to the attack from other nations was swiftly forthcom- ing. Governments throughout the world roundly condemned it. Even officials of the United States gov- ernment, which is known to bankroll Israeli terrorist opera- tions, expressed some reservations about the attack...." If your newspaper presented this account in place of the one it actu- ally did (i.e. using terms like "commando" and "took to Israel", (NYT 7/28), rather than "terrorist" and "kidnapped"), you would proba- - _ _ _ _"_"'_ bly think you were getting an inac- on the McNeil Lehrer news show for "Israel," "an Israeli cabinet mem- curate report of the incident. Due to that Israeli commandos staged the ber" in place of "Islamic cleric," "an the long history of media propagan- kidnapping in "hot pursuit." Two Israeli villager" substituted for "a dizing in its reporting of the Arab- U.S. senators, Dodd of Connecticut Lebanese villager," "Libya" substi- Israeli conflict, most people simply and Lugar of Indiana, expressed their tuted for "the United States," etc.. cannot believe that any Israeli attack agreement with the "hot pursuit" The circumstances and brutality of against Arab civilians is essentially theory. Of course neither of the cru- the attack would be the same, only "terrorist." sading journalist hosting the show the characters would change, yet The mass media has established thought to question this claim. nothing about the story would prob- the concept of "preemptive retalia- Suppose that an identical opera- ably strike the reader as out of order. tion" to justify Israeli attacks any- tion had been carried out by an Arab The fact that the corporate media where at any time. This time they group against Israel. Also suppose did not use such terms as "terrorist" added a new twist- the latest kid- that the exact same news account in reporting the Obeid kidnapping napping was committed in "hot pur- appearing above was printed with should make clear that it has a dou- suit." Moshe Arens, Israel's ambas- "The Popular Front for the ble standard in its reporting of the sador to the United States, explained Liberation of Palestine" substituted Arab-Israeli conflict. No care for nurses by 'U' 0 0 0 WHILE PRESIDENT Duderstadt was eager to speak for the cause of free- dom regarding Chinese protestors half way around the world, he seems far more adverse to the idea at the University under his control. When nurses at the University hospital went out on strike, the response by the University was not to investigate their grievances, but rather to have them forced back to work under the judicial threat of fines and impris- onment. Ironically the University is forcing the nurses back to work by claiming that their strike threatens the care be- ing given to hospital patients. In fact, it is exactly the issue of quality care that has led 1700 of the Hospital's nurses to go out on the strike. University Hospital is plagued by understaffing and admin- .+ istrators have responded by forcing nurses to work well in excess of a normal workweek, sometimes over 60 hours a week. This practice can- not help but to jeopardize the quality of care provided by the hospital. If the University were really con- cerned about the well being of the patients atits hospital, it would at- tempt to attract more nurses by of- fering better conditions and higher pay. It's current position of forcing nurses to chose between either work or jail has more in common with slavery than the human rights that President Duderstadt claims to be concerned about. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Vol. XCiX, NO. 11-S 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 signed editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other toons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Striking nurses have been temporarily forced back to work by the University with a court injuction. Strikers'grievances have not yet, been addressed by the University.