Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 4,1989 Matell accredited the postpone- S tr k ement of flights to the retraining of continued from page 1 700 new pilots Eastern has hired. We are on target but there were mi- ers since Lorenzo is having a diffi- nor bottlenecks." cult time finding qualified staff at the Most passengers who boarded the rate of pay he is offering. Eastern flight said they were using Eastern newspaper ads are offer- tickets they had bought before the ing flight attendants a $13,000 strike began. salary. Strikers at the rally translated Only one of the three scheduled Lorenzo's reorganization plan into flights, flight 765 to Atlanta, left either lost jobs and reduced wages, or the ground during the rally. The selling off the airline piece-by-piece. others were postponed until August Rick Delafuente, an Eastern ramp 15, according to the flight schedule. worker, at the rally said working for Strikers said Lorenzo has routinely the airline has become increasingly cancelled flights for lack of equip- difficult since he began with the -- .. He said Eastern employees, the first union workers in the country to begin giving up wage and benefit concessions, gave up $1.5 billion in concessions between 1975 and 1985, enough to buy the airline three times over. While working in Miami, Dela- fuente said Lorenzo hired former mil- itary officers to monitor and harass employees, in an effort to break the union and reduce wages. Strikers at the rally said they would not go back to work for Lorenzo. Instead, they support a buyout by Chicago financier Joseph Npwn krifs SUMMER JOBS! Luckhardt takes the field BY JONATHAN GOODMAN Marching Band director Eric Becher will be leaving the University August 11 to begin as marching director and associate prof. of music at the University of Arizona. Becher, who has directed the marching band for nine years, will be up for tenure in four years at the U of A. The position of marching band di- rector at Michigan is not a tenure-tracked position. Becher was unavailable for comment. The interim replacement for Becher is Saline High School band direc- tor Jerry Luckhardt. "I'm thrilled to death," said Luckhardt. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime." Luckhardt, 28, received his bachelor's and master degrees in music education at the University. He marched in the band for four years and was a graduate assistant in the band for two years. His duties as an assistant included directing, drilling and organizing trips. "I am very optimistic about Jerry Luckhardt," said University Music School Dean Paul Boylan. "We are very fortunate that he is able to step in on such short notice." Boylan said that in the next few weeks he would form a search committee to look for a permanent band director which he hopes to fill for 1990-91. Luckhardt said he would apply for the permanent position. "Eric Becher is a fine young man who led the band very effectively," Boylan said. "It was for this reason that I was able to recommend him so highly for the position at the University of Arizona." Workers talk with city BY ALEX MAWS Lowering retirement age is one of the issues being settled in contract negotiations between the Police and Firefighters' Unions and the Ann Arbor City Council. Both parties are hoping to be able to agree on mutual terms by the city's council meeting on Monday so that a new contract can be voted on by the council. "Right now we are reasonably close to reaching terms that both parties will agree on," said union spokesperson and police Sergeant Jack Ceo. Although President of the Firefighters Union Mike Vogel had originally set yesterday as the deadline for the two parties to settle, Ceo said, "our bottom-line goal is to reach a mutually agreeable pact with the city. Setting deadlines and challenges is counterproductive." Though the exact terms of the contracts under negotiation are confidential, lowering the retirement age from 55 to 50 in exchange for a two- year wage freeze is a possibility, according to city officials. Mayor Jerry Jernigan also hopes to include a provision requiring a minimum 20 years of police or fire service for retirement at 50. Councilmember Ann Marie Coleman (D - 1st Ward) said that the council is concerned about the situation and will be meeting today to discuss it. TheMichiganDaily(ISSN0745-967)ispublished onceaweekduringthespringandsummerterms by students at the Universitysof Michigan. Subscription rates: for spring and summerl(2 semesters) $6.00 in-town and$.00 out-of-town, prepaid. The Michigan Daily is amember of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. Ann Arbor, MI 48109. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sparts 747-3336, Classifiedadvertising764-0557 Dispiayadvertising 764-0554, Billing764-0550 EDITHALTAFF: Edta-n-ChSi Fran b d Managing Editor Sharon Holland opnon PogeEdtor SiPage awt Eder Slae a5b* potEdtor OhWod Ats Edior Mihel Pal se NewStdentEdito nEditr Aeodon AssociaeArEdit AlysaKatz 5SorExeeauve Editor MgeM Cruz NaWSt AaA ehDCanCoo kAm EeleS GrSusan Greewe, A Maws, ihdwle Rabidu, Taraneh Sha, kedr dKeldThKynSCherKyJsehnsWsdy WHama. opiinSfTebowd, v utd, VciBece, ie Hdso,eKahSaoeaynJhsse Himan SpatetStaff: " alHed elTay orUn . ArStaff : Maisa Maya hu,115,ane,JleySa, Bred sEwad aIt e geMk ce, iam ,Fey, Fest GenIII Bria Jrne, KeE, Pam, A Shnier, Mrk sh TmySbChck ksaue, N dabeelZbed Pht t aff uf aba, Am Sha. 0 6 Good Times! Great Pay! Terrific People! 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