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July 21, 1989 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-07-21

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 21,1989-Page 7
ISR students conduct local
police accreditation survey

Students in an Institute for Social Research summer
program are phoning Ann Arbor residents with a
survey that they designed to measure community
perceptions of the city's police department.
The survey was commissioned by the Ann Arbor
Police Department as part of an accreditation process
that the department is undergoing with the Committee
on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
Police departments that are accredited by CALEA pay
up to 20 percent less for liability insurance and enjoy
reduced liability in the event of a lawsuit.
Ann Arbor Police Chief William Corbett said that
the ISR was chosen for the survey "because they're a
world class operation." But he noted that for "financial

reasons" the survey will be conducted by students and
not by professional ISR staff.
The 55 students of Introduction to Survey
Research spent the first weeks of she semester
studying survey methodology as well as reviewing
surveys of other police departments in preparation for
the project. Students gathered material for specific
questions from a two-hour discussion with several
police officers. They also observed an accreditation
hearing in which several local residents charged the
AAPD with police brutality, racism, failure to protect
gay men and lesbians, and use of excessive force
during political protests.
Students discussed potential questions in small
groups and ran a trial of the survey before deciding
See Survey, Page 10

Fair-goer Lee Musselman gets his portrait sketched by artist Billy
Patrick III.
* Ann Arbor art fair
celebrates 30 years
Over 400,000 people are swarm- "We received over 800 applica-
ing to Ann Arbor this week for the tions from all the states and
30th annual Art Fair. This festive England," said Audrey Libke, a coor-
event technically consists of three dinator of the fair. Michigan artists
concurrent art fairs which are orga- are represented in 25 of the 204
nized and run separately. booths.
"This is the one that founded it "People are reinvited on a yearly
all," said Susan Froelich, Ann Arbor basis," she said. "No one is guaran-
Street Art Fair coordinator. "This teed a spot next year."
year, artists from 27 states are partic- The Summer Art Fair, in its 19th
ipating in our fair." year, is the youngest and the largest
The fair spans the area along of the three fairs.
South and East University streets. The fair accounts for most of the
"Every year we reinvite about booths on State, Liberty and Main
half of the artists," said Jean Lau, streets. The 1,400 member Michigan
acceptance co-chair for the fair. The Guild of Artists and Artisans spon-
remaining spaces are filled by appli- sors the fair and limits spaces
cants. strictly to its members.
Over 1,200 people competed this "We have two types of members.
year for about 110 spaces. Of the Senior members participate in the
216 booths in the fair, 40-50 are oc- fair. Associates require about seven
cupied by Michigan residents. years of membership before partici-
This year the Ann Arbor Street pating," said Ellen Levy, merchan-
Art Fair becomes the first and only dising coordinator for the fair.
fair to include University students as The Summer Art Fair has 540
artists. booths, about half of which are oc-
Eight years younger than the Ann cupied by Michigan artists this year.
Arbor Street fair is the State Street Together the three fairs generate
Art Fair. Despite the name, it has an estimated $25 million in goods
only one booth located on State and services purchased.
Street. The fair is located primarily
on Maynard and Liberty streets and Hair Styling with
is the smallest of the three fairs.
a Flair
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