It's not illegal here
A youthful skateboarder must risk his life at Veterans Park since he can't skateboard
[ Looking for a Place this Fall?
Look No Further..!
Woman attacked
near Nectarine
BY ANNA SENKEVITCH together at some private joke."
A woman standing with a friend Selley said he asked the victim if
outside the Nectarine Ballroom was she was "okay," to which she said
verbally and physically attacked by a yes, but did not inquire further. Nei-
man who believed she was a lesbian ther officer recalled seeing anyone
near midnight on Wednesday, July with an injury.
27. Marshall also said Selley and Lt.
Witnesses to the assault charged Harold Tinsey ignored the victim's
that the attending police officers were friend, who had chased the assailant
negligent in handling the woman's further down Maynard, when she told
complaint, and charged that their them she had spotted the man around
handling of the case may have been the corner.
affected by the fact that the woman Tinsey, who described the friend
was a lesbian.
The assailant, described by wit- as "very emotional," said he searched
hesesassalonds-brobwd-bywet-for the perpetrator, but could not find
nesses as a blondish-brown-haired,hi
stocky male, screamed to the victim him.
from a red Mazda, "bitch... dyke... The police officers help the victim
lesbian." When the woman re- retrieve either her sweater or her
sponded, "It's none of your fucking shoes, which she had lost while run-
business," the man got out, ripped ning, Marshall said. Furthermore,
off her sweater, and struck her in the she said, they did not offer the victim
face, leaving a bleeding wound. transportation or assistance to her
The two women pursued the flee- car, provide any information on how
ing attacker down Maynard Street to to get counseling for the assault, or
the front of the Tower Plaza apart- ask if she wanted to go to the police
ments, where he struck her again in station to make an additional state-
the face and head several times. ment.
Neither the victim nor the friend Marshall said she believes the po-
was available for comment. lice did not adequately handle the as-
Ann Arbor police arrived after re- sault because the victim said she was
ceiving a call from Plaza security of- a lesbian.
ficers who saw the struggle but of- The Lesbian/Gay Organizing
fered no additional assistance. Committee, after meeting with Mar-
According to Lisa Marshall, a wit- shall and another acquaintance of the
ness who had just left Cottage Inn victim last Tuesday, will hold a
restaurant, twolled the assailant off of protest against the assault and its
the victim. treatment by the police next Tuesday
Marshall, who has subsequently at 6:30 pm, starting at the Nectarine
talked with the victim about the as- Ballroom and ending at the police
sault, said the attending police offi- headquarters on Fifth and Huron
cer, Scott Selley, never asked the Streets.
victim if she wanted medical atten- The group seeks additional partic-
tion from either the ambulance or fire ipants in the demonstration and will
rescue truck dispatched to the scene hold an organizational meeting
for the "large,... bleeding.. knot on tonight at 8 in the Student Counsel-
the side of her face," ing Offices, 3100 Michigan Union.
She added that, "at one point, the Those interested can call 747-6848 or
two officers were actually laughing 994-5403.
Vol. XCVIII- No. 11S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Fridays dur-
ing the spring and summer terms. Subscription rates: May through
August - $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city.
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EDITORS IN CHIEF'...............Lisa Magnino
MANAGING EDITOR..........Jm Ponlewozk
EDITOR. . ........Li, Pollk
NEWS STAFF: Doma adipaolo, Anna Snkevitch.,
Patrick Staiger,Ryan Tutak.
Roemar.y Ch......k
Joshua Ray Levin
OPINION STAFF: Phillis Engelbert, Amy Harmon.
Sandra Steingraber
ARTS EDITOR.....................Lisa Magnino
ARTS STAFF: Brian Jarvinn, Mike Rubin, Todd
Shankcr, Lauren Shapiro.
SPORTS EDITOR................Adam Schrager
PHOTO EDITOR......................Elen Levy
BUSINESS MANAGER................Jein Kim
FINANCE MANAGER...............Jodi Friend
FINANCE MANAGER.............Hyun Joo Oh
FINANCE STAFF: Brian Bi.enbach, Kelly Costello.
Jil Katz, ainoiMau.
SALES MANAGER................Karen Brown
DISPLAY SALES STAFF: Paul Berkey, Jennifer
Chappell, Susi DWambra, Beverly Day, Jeff Halperin,
Sarah Poole, Larry Purdy, Lauren Yessayan.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub-
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndi-