Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 15, 1988 g and that it should be eliminated if its problems can't be solved. "I was re- sponsible for passing bylaw 7.02," Continued from Page 1 he said. "Since it has failed to oper- pices of regental bylaw 2.01, can ate, I feel I have some responsibility impose a code unilaterally. Bylaw to correct it." 2.01 grants the University president "It's always harder for a new "general power" over "the mainte- president to do these things than an nance of health, diligence, and order old president," he said. among students." Regents Paul Brown (D- Fleming said the council has been Petoskey) and Veronica Smith (R- "unproductive" - failing to agree Grosse Ile) said yesterday they were upon rules of conduct since bylaw unaware of Fleming's proposal, and 7.02 was revised eight years ago - they would not comment on it. If the regents don't accept Flem- ing's proposal, Duderstadt may pur- sue it when he becomes president. Before the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs weekly meeting Monday, three fac- ulty members discussed Duderstadt's views on bylaw 7.02. "Duderstadt wants to abolish 7.02 outright," one said. But Shirley Clarkson, Duder- stadt's assistant, said the provost was not involved in Fleming's pro- See Code, Page 5 EXCITING SUMMER JOB - Have fun all day in the sun - Then work a few evening hours at MICHIGAN T ELFUND - Go out with your friends after work and party! ELLE LY/OiIa Slip-slidin away Ypsilanti resident Lynn Thoma enjoys the "Super Slide" at the Wade Carnival in the Pioneer High School parking lot Wednesday. Suit Continued from Page 1 as well as the city of Ann Arbor, Barbour, and Police Chief William Corbett. Both John Ketelhut, acting gen- eral counsel to the University, and Bruce Laidlaw, Ann Arbor city at- torney, said they have not seen the summons for the case or discussed legal representation for its cited de- fendants. The suit does not cite an amount for monetary compensation, though if the jury rules in his favor, Mar- cuse will ask for a judgement to cover damages, attorneys fees and other costs. Rose said the suit likely will not appear in Ann Arbor circuit court for at least six months. Vol. XCVII-No. 9S The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Fridays dur- ing the spring and summer terms. Subscription rates: May through August - $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city. EDITOR IN CHIEF...............Steve Knopper SPORTS EDITOR...............Adam Schrager MANAGING EDITOR..........Jim PonIewozik NEW STUDENT EDITION PHOTO EDITOR......................Ellen Levy EDITOR...............................Lisa Pollak GRAPHICS CONSULTANT: Fred Zinn. NEWS STAFF: Dom IdipaAo, An Senkevitch, Patrick Staiger. Ryan Tutak. BUSINESS MANAGER................Jein Kim OPINION PAGE EDITORS...Muzamml Ahmed Rse-ary ChInck FINANCETMANAGER....... Jodi Friend Joshua Ray Levin ASSISTANT FINANCE MANAGER...........Hyun Joo Oh OPINION STAFF: Phillis Engelbert, Amy Harmon, FINANCE STAFF: Brian Birenbw, Kelly Costello, Mani Rachmiel, Sandra Steingraber Andrea Zimrmer- JillKatz, Zainol Man. ,. SALES MANAGER......... Kren Brown ARTS EDITOR....................Lisa Magnino DISPLAY SALES STAFF, PaulBerk y, Jennifer ARTS STAFF: Brian Jarvinen. Mike Rubin, Todd Chappell., Susi D'ambra, Beverly Day, JeffHalperin, The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub- scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndi- cate. VALUABLE Resume Experience 5.00-6.50/hr Plus Bonuses 611 Church St. 3rd floor 763-7420