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June 17, 1988 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-06-17

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Lesbian/Gay Pride Week
seeks to educate public

School's in.
Tomorrow, organizers of Les-
bian/Gay Pride Week will begin
educating the public, trying to elim-
inate the "awkwardness" many het-
} erosexual people experience in the
presence of lesbians and gay men.
At an Ecumenical Service on
Federal Plaza tomorrow, the
organizers will also work to dissolve
the "disenfranchisement" many ho-
mosexuals feel in the heterosexual
community, said Ann Arbor resident
Brian Durrance, the week's orga-
"The purpose of the week is to
commemorate and celebrate gay pride
that began with a rebellion at a gay
bar called the Stonewall in New
York City, June 27, 1969," Dur-
rance said. "Homosexuals were al-
ways being harassed by police, but
that night they fought back for the
first time; the rebellion marked the

Regents' refusal to incorporate dis-
crimination on the basis of sexual
orientation into bylaw 14.06 was
"symbolic." The bylaw currently
prohibits discrimination based on
"race, sex, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry, age, mari-
tal status, handicap, or Vietnam-era
veteran status."
Groups like the Lesbian and Gay
Rights Organizing Committee have
sought to amend the bylaw to in-
clude lesbians and gay males. The
regents, however, maintain that such
a change would affect their business
relationship with companies, such as
the U.S. Army and the Central
Intelligence Agency, which do dis-
criminate on this basis.
Participants will rally at the Fed-
eral Plaza, march up Liberty to State
Street, then down to Main Street.
The purpose, Durrance said, will be
to make the University, as well as
Ann Arbor area downtown merchants

open to the public - gay, straight,
and bisexual," states a leaflet to be
distributed during the march.
In addition to the march and rally,
workshops will begin Monday in the
Michigan Union with "Lesbian/Gay
Rap," and continue through the week
to conclude with workshops titled
"An Open Discussion," "Men as
Victims of Rape and Violence," and
"Jewish Lesbians and Bisexuals."
Ann Arbor resident Linda Kurtz,
one of the event's organizers, said
the week will offer "interested people
the opportunity of getting together
to engender a sense of neighborhood
within the gay community."
A lot of people do not realize
how large the gay population is in
the Ann Arbor community, said
Kurtz, adding that it should be
"interesting for those who pass by
the Federal building to see how
many of us there are."
A number of workshops will

If you can't find a pool
Sacha Moustakas, age 9, and her brother Misha, age 6, of
Ann Arbor cool off in a sprinkler next to City Hall last week.


ginning of lesbian and gay pride." and businesses aware of the homo- serve as "political education," she
DURRANCE said homosexuals sexual community. "Homosexuals said, so people can "understand thea
nstantly face the problem of not are proud of their sexuality and that different groups within the gay
ing regularly acknowledged, is why Lesbian/Gay Pride Week is a community. People have to under- Continued from Page 3
specially on paper." visual show," he said. stand they are dealing with gay peo- Michigan entered the National
He said the University's Board of "ALL EVENTS are free and ple on an everyday basis." Debators' Tournament seeded third,
behind Northwestern and Dartmouth.
t ' ize ard c at l o The team of now-graduated Speta and
'U' to computerizecard catalog junior Denise Loshbough was seeded
Y JEFF H A SS sure, it is one of the largest, if not the largest." 10th in the toumament
TT ' 1-1 ,. 1 I .f - ,, ..al o-tSchrank and Green went on to

semi-finals and finished in third
place. Speta and Loshbough took
fifth. Dartmouth took the tourna-
"It's all pretty remarkable," said
Schrank. "There are really a lot of
good teams out there."
Next year only one member,
Speta, will be gone. "They very
likely will be able to repeat as na-
tional champions," he said. "It's a
safe bet."

University library users will no longer face the end-
less drawer-pulling and card-flipping required by card
catalogs once the University library system unleashes
what it refers to as "the magic of MIRLYN."
In August, card catalog material at University li-
braries will become computerized through the Michi-
gan Research Library Network (MIRLYN).
MIRLYN users will be able to access the Univer-
sity's six million-volume collection through a network
of 200 terminals scattered throughout the University's
20 branch libraries. Users will also be able to tap into
MIRLYN through UM-Net, the University's computer
tyre, the library's coordinator of public relations, said.
"It's not something that's brand new." MIRLYN's
software, he said, is the same as that used at North-
western University. He said it is the size of Michigan's
collection that makes MIRLYN unique.
The massiveness of large research libraries have dis-
couraged computerization attempts in the past, McIn-
tyre said. David McDonald, assistant director for li-
brary systems, said a trend toward computerization
among the University's peer institutions has arisen
over the last five years.
"MIRLYN will be able to support 400 simultane-
ous users," McIntyre said. "If you use that as a mea-

mcintyre said te does not anuitpate crashes ecause
of the system's large size and its past success else-
where, but McDonald said the system has no backup
and it will be brought down on a nightly basis to copy
data so it can be restored if problems arise.
Although computers have long been a tool in Uni-
versity libraries, they have been available for research
purposes only in the form of GEAC, a system which
lists only books acquired during the last 10 years. Ear-
lier material has only been included in GEAC in a
piecemeal fashion as the need has arisen.
INITIALLY, MIRLYN will include the library's
most heavily used material, and all material acquired
since 1975, because these items are already computer-
ized and can be easily transferred to MIRLYN. McIn-
tyre said he expects the library to convert its entire
collection within three years.
MIRLYN will possess full bibliographic informa-
tion and can list all material found under various sub-
ject, author, and title headings. Users will not need to
know the complete and correct heading before begin-
ning their search however, since even partial headings
will elicit a response.
Paper card catalogs may soon be obsolete, McIntyre
said. After MIRLYN debuts in August, the Graduate
Library will cease updating its card catalog, though it
will still be available for use.

Computer Maintenance
On-Site annual maintenance agreements are now
available from $75.00 per year, for IBM, Zenith
and Epson Computers. Printers, laser printers,
color monitors and hard drives also at low option
prices. For options and other equipment, call for
a UM price list.

Continued from Page 2
plaints go to the Affirmative Action
circulating throughout the Univer-
sity where faculty and students will
be able to see the document for the
first time.
"I don't think the faculty as a

whole knows what the policy is completely secret.
yet," Howard said. "I don't know if " p y.i
everybody knows it's being worked This policy mandates, in most
yb s be r situations, absolute secrecy regarding
the discriminatory conduct ofyfaculty
When Fleming's policy was ap- and staff," he said. The policy would
also be "designed to cover up acts of
proved, many student leaders de- institutionalized racism" because in-
manded the administration draft a vestigation would not take place
faculty policy as well. But law stu- vublicly he said n
dent Eric Schnaufer, an anti-code ac-
tivist, criticized the policy because Hearings for the student code
the investigation process remains would also be conducted in private.

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