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June 10, 1988 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-06-10

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The Michin Dlv - ,Fridav. JunelA10.R988-Paane3

Continued from Page 1
candidates, he said, would be "pretty
impractical," adding that the Open
Meetings Act specifies that such w
action would not occur.
DURING THE search, only
the regents and three advisory
committees of students, faculty, and
alumni were privy to candidates' ap-
plications, and only two members of
each 10-member committee and the
regents interviewed the final five
candidates. The 13-month search be-
gan with about 250 candidates.
Many sources on the advisory
committees were quick to point out
that Duderstadt was not their own
first choice.
WHEN THE regents asked for
candidate evaluations to cut down the
list of finalists from 16 to five, one
source said: "(Duderstadt) recorded
the second lowest score, if not the
Sources said other top finalists
did not express interest in the posi-
tion. New York Public Library
President Vartan Gregorian and Uni-
versity of Chicago Vice President for
Research Walter Massey, the only
Black finalist.
State University of New York-
Buffalo President Steve Sample was
also a finalist. All - except Duder-
stadt - withdrew from the race,
sources said. Illinois University
President Stanley Ikenberry was re-
portedly among the top ten candi- ratulations
dates. ames Duderstadt, the 11th University President and current
THE NEWS filed a law suit nne, yesterday after the University's Board of Regents voted
May 27 in the Washtenaw County ame to an end esterda with the re ents' meeting.
Circuit Court to make the confiden-
tial search open to the public. The Chair of the Student Advisory
News claimed the regents had vio- tj / Committee David Newblatt, an LSA
lated Michigan's Open Meetings Act graduate, said a chief reason the stu-
and the Freedom of Information Act. Continued from Page 1 dent advisory committee did not en-
The Detroit Free Press later joined of moral development (at the Uni- dorse Duderstadt is his stance on the
the suit. versity) is not the appropriate re- code. "He wants to suppress student
The OMA states that public bod- sponse," he said. rights," Newblatt said, expressing
ies such as the regents must an- He said he supports Interim Uni- concern that student protests such as
nounce all meetings when more than versity President Robben Fleming's sit-ins and rallies would be restricted
a quorum is present. The FOIA re- policy to punish student harassment under derstat s reign.
quires that public bodies release and discrimination outside the class- Duderstadt, during the press con-
public documents, with some room. He said rules of guiding be- ferenee, responded that be encouraged
exceptions, upon request. havior must "extend beyond the aca- students to be critical of the UIver-
FOR THE eight regents, five demic environment." He added that sity s actions and policies. "I chat-
constitutes a quorum, and the News he would like to see the University lenge students to protest and take
said the regents met in rotating move toward common sense rules over my office," he said.
groups of four to interview candi- that must govern a scholarly He said the University's overrid-
dates and review applications while institution, instilling such values as ing priority is its ethical integrity.
having telephone conversations with honesty, integrity and respect. mosThe values important institution he said.
the remaining regents. The News most__mportanteement,_hesaid.
said their requests for the regents'
travel records were granted with keyR e a t o
information deleted. Reaction
The regents denied the round-
robin meetings and telephone calls Continued from Pag 1
and claimed they were acting in selection the students or workers inappropriate manner," she said,
compliance with the OMA. They will like... I think his interests will adding that the search process should
argued that revealing travel destina- be strictly financial." have included more student input_
tions would have led to unnecessary LEVY ALSO criticized the wan the ten students on the
speculation about the next president. closed presidential search process - presidential search committee.
If the search was open, the regents a practice many called a violation of But Overdorf said MSA, which
said, potential candidates would be Michigan's Open Meetings Act.' has conflicted with the administra-
reluctant to express interest because Michigan Student Assembly Vice tion on several points - including
peers at their current institutions President Susan Overdorf echocd the discriminatory acts policy -
would feel alienated. Levy's criticism. "My and MSA's over the past year, "will just have to
The court ruled in favor of the reaction is that the presidential elec- work with President Duderstadt as
regents, but the Ann Arbor News tion process was really done in an best as we can."
filed an emergency appeal.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, hugs his wife,
unanimously to appoint him. The 13-month, closed search
But he later would not state his own "The remaining $500,000 did not
views on the ethical implications of represent an action by the University
the University's remaining funds in of support for apartheid but to
South Africa, stating instead the maintain the autonomy of the Uni-
University's position: versity."

Former candidate
Steve Sample, president of the State University of New York-
Buffalo, reportedly pulled his name out of contention last
aturday. Sources said he made the University's Board of
egents list of the top five candidates.

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