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June 10, 1988 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-06-10

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 10, 1988 - Page 9
Arts Update
young girl" who becomes involved Pig ... Frank Allison and the Odd class - see Moby Dick, starring Arbor Recreation Department's Mid-
F d with a guy from the wrong side of Sox swing into Rick's. Gregory Peck and Orson Welles Town Music Series kicks off today at
the tracks, rises above its trite plot to (guess who he plays?). It's at the noon at Liberty Plaza.
-Community High sponsors "Com- offer an entertaining but thorough Tuesday Michigan at 7:15 p.m. -Kerrytown Concert House hosts
stock," the annual bash featuring account of life in the early '60s. It's 'Local upandcomers the Groove Bis- Carlos Nakai, a Navajo-Ute flutist
student and alumni bands. It's from at MLB 3 at 8 p.m. -Josey Wales, the most popular DJ cuits rise up at the Beat. whose traditional tunes are updated
noon to 6 p.m. at Community High. -Slide guitarist Ellen Mcllwaine belts in Jamaica s well as a successful by improv jazz and some electronics.
*Kerrytown Concert House exhibits out some blues at the Ark ... reggae artist, spins into the Blind Pig The performance starts at 8 p.m.
oil and watercolor paintings by Dan- Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band energizes ... Johnny Allen and the Appeal -Koyaanisqatsi takes a look at the
ish artist Frede Schilling through the Blind Pig, bring their local blues/rock blend to -Pianist Monty Alexander opens up alienation of modern life with the
August 8th. He is known for his ex- Rick's. the weekend at the Bird of Paradise help of Philip Glass's soundtrack.
cellent technical renderings of nature. yWednesday with his Latin rhythms. The Ja- It's at the Michigan at 5:15 and
-Play it again ... that perennial fa- maican-born Alexander has worked 11:30 p.m. The African Queen sails
vorite Casablanca plays at MLB 3 'Check out the Gateway to Ann Ar- -The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's with Frank Sinatra, Milt Jackson, in between at 7:30 p.m.
tonight at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. bor exhibit at the Ann Arbor Asso- production of Bullshot Crummond, a Quincy Jones, Dizzy Gillespie, and 'Matt "Guitar" Murphy blueses it up
-The good old RFD Boys bring their ciation, 117 W. Washington.Six spoof of old detective movies a la Ray Brown among others. Shows are at Rick's ... Second Self splits into
bluegrass blend to the Ark ... the artists are competing for the honor of Mickey Spillane, begins its run at at 9 and 11 p.m. tonight with three the Blind Pig ... The Hysteric Nar-
Bird of Paradise hosts Detroit's Larry creating a sculpture for the Citizens the Lydia Mendellsohn Theatre at 8 shows on Friday and Saturday at 8, cotics psyche out at the Beat ...
Nozero Quartet ... (Bop) Harvey for Public Art of Ann Arbor. p.m. Tickets are $15 to $ 10, and 12p.m. Tickets are $10. John Roberts & Tony Barrand bring
bounds into Rick's with their popu- -SST recording artists The Tar Babies -Get ahead for your American novel -The season is upon us ... the Ann their British humor to the Ark.
lar brand of East Lansing-based reg- stick to The Beat ... Footloose frees
gae ... Anson Funderburgh and the up the Ark.
Rockets bum into the Blind Pig with
their blues blastoff.M n yG T ry bo a m E y?
Saturd-Night Zoo, a thriller about Mon- Lit ( G ThG Th12bG flg
treal's criminal underworld, begins a
-Journey to Ypsi tonight to catch week long run at the Michigan
Eddie Shaw and the Wolf Gang at tonight at 8 p.m.
Aubree's Second Floor in Depot -The Del Rays (alias George Bedard
Town. The long time leader of and Steve Nardella) sting the Blind
Howling Wolf's band, Shaw is a
premier blues sax player and not bad
on the harmonica, either.) l TC S
-Baby, It's You, the story of a "nice, Continued from Page 8
toured with such flared-jeans '70s
1 hard-rockers as Peter Frampton,
a t s Aerosmith, Uriah Heep and Yes.
The power trio performed electrified
Continued from Page 8 blues treated with Cream-y, corus- ,
playwright with dramas such as The cating sheets of white-hot guitar,
Assassin and The Farm. causing hairy headbangers every-
The Flats has played to packed where to flip their wigs when they
housed in Dublin, Derry, and Belfast discovered White Lightning was
and recently met with unbridled en- actually a rumble of black thunder. J
thusiasm at the Irish Festival in De- It was through Donald's associ-
troit. This play has already been ation with Island Records that he
translated into Czechoslovakian, was introduced to Bob Marley and
French and German. Peter Tosh. On Marley's 1976
Although John Boyd is less well- Rastaman Vibration LP, Kinsey Albert Terrace 344 . Division

known here than in Europe, we can See Blues, Page 10
be educated by his artistry and by the
} efforts of this production. This show KOFE H T KJIA CC
is more than just an historical look Mnic ieee for ane roee iu
at a turbulent situation; it promises - e ,u
to be a multi-dimensional celebration Full Color
of life - a celebration of the bitter r ' Soviet Poster
and of the sweet that comprise the Printed On
lives we cling to so dearly. s 100% Cotton
THE FLATS runs weekends from 0 t
June 9 through June 25. Thursday 1 hir
through Saturday performances are at Cic size S M L XL
8 p.m. and Sundays shows are at Send $1.5ppdw
6:30 p.m Tickets are $6 for students P.0-ox 1080 New Paiz.NY 1256i'
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