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June 10, 1988 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-06-10

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Page 4- The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 10, 1988

Continued from Page 1
the board voted after member Sue
Dise left for another engagement.
The remaining board members in-
cluded University Director of Major
Events Kevin Gilmartin, WUOM
Technical Director Fred Remley,
WCBN Sports Director and LSA se-
nior Dave Mammel, and Chief An-
nouncer Kathleen Michaud, an LSA
Michaud abstained from voting.
Gilmartin and Remley, the two ad-
ministration representatives, voted in
favor of the motion.
Gilmartin said the board voted
without a quorum because "after
(Dise) left, we had a situation where
Frank wanted a decision, and without
a vote Thom would be put on the
hot seat. We didn't feel it was fair to
dump it in his lap."
Remley was not available for
MICHAUD said she abstained
from voting because "it was a diffi-

cult decision and I hadn't yet com-
pletely resolved the issue in my own
mind... (and) a lot of it had to do
with the way the administration was
treating us."
Some WCBN staffers have
charged that the administration is
using Daley as a scapegoat to im-
prove the University's image
following recent racial problems on
"We tried to be open, but we have
been steered into other action (by the
administration)," said non-student DJ
Des Preston.
Many have charged that the ad-
ministration has tried to increase
control over the station by threaten-
ing to cut its funding and hiring a
non-student general manager.
IN MARCH, Vice President for
Student Services wrote a letter to
then-GM Paul LaZebnik, an LSA
senior, saying he may consider ap-
pointing a non-student General
Manager for the station.
In April, Interim University
President Robben Fleming said
Johnson should reexamine WCBN's
purpose when he prepares the Stu-

dent Services' budget in June. John- The regents had already offered the
son may find that CBN's funding post to Gregorian, who rejected the
could be more useful in other areas, S e a c h offer Monday, a source close to Gre-
such as aid to the handicapped, gorian said. Another source said
Fleming said. Continued from Page 1 Gregorian was under consideration
Controversy arose within the one of the three search advisory for the Brown University presidency.
community because Daley failed to committees said they were surprised Gregorian was unavailable for com-
explain the context of the song, to hear Duderstadt was a final candi- ment.
which many said was racist. Others date because the University's former The Ann Arbor News filed a law
argue that the song is a social state- engineering dean had received the suit three weeks ago that said the
ment, because it originated from an lowest rating when the final 16 can- nominating committee violated
underground railroad song meant to didates were evaluated. Michigan's Open Meetings Act by
encourage slaves to escape. But a source on another advisory selecting the final candidate in pri-
Michaud said that while the ad- committee said Duderstadt is an ex- vate. The OMA states that public
ministration had informed them of cellent candidate. "Duderstadt is a bodies must make public policy de-
displeasure within the community stunning candidate," the source said. cisions in public.
regarding Daley's reinstatement, "He's an extremely smart man. Any "If they offered the job to some-'
WCBN had not received complaints inside candidate is going to be liked . one (referring to Gregorian) before
first-hand. by some and disliked by others." the regents voted on it publicly, it
Duderstadt was unavailable for shows that their methods are the
BUT Cianciola said he had dis- comment last night. scam that we thought they were,"
closed the origins of the complaints Sources from one advisory com- News' attorney Joan Lowenstein
to CBN staffers following the meet- mittee said their two top candidates said.
ing. were New York Public Library WASHTENAW County Cir-
CBN put Daly on indefinite sus- President Vartan Gregorian and Uni- cuit Court Judge Ross Campbell,
pension after the incident until April versity of Chicago Vice President for who ruled for the regents in the suit,
13, when the Board of Directors Research Walter Massey. stated in a written opinion that the
voted to accept his petition for rein- M A S S E Y , the only B lack regents would jeopardize the search
statement and allow him to return as finalist, was unavailable for com- See Search, Page 5
a non-student guest of the station. ment last night.

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture workshk. and con-
ference announcements with other events happening each week
on campus. It is based on The University Record calendar, and
is open to all University sponsored groups and orcanizations
recognized by the Michigan Student Assembly. ircts must be
submitted in writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publication.
Address all information to: Michael Vargas, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*'
denotes events to which admission is charged.
Astronomy--Visitors' Night: tec, CM Gaskell, "The New
Telescopes" & film, X-Ray Spectroscopy, 8:30 pm, basement, Lec
Rm 35 Angell Hall; observatory open following presentation til
I1 pm.
Hosp Arts Prog--Perf, improv by pianist L Hackenberg, noon, 1st
fl Hosp lobby. 936-ARTS.
Annuitants Assoc--Lec, H Johe, "Watercolorist John Marin," 2:30
pm, 2104 Lee Hall, Art & Arch Bldg.
*HRD--Info Series: "Purchasing and Accounts Payable," 8:30 am-
noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
U-M-Flint--Mich Shakespeare Festival: *Medieval dinner, 6:30 pm
(res req); perf, As You Like It, 8 pm, Intl Institute. 767-0720.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Excel: Basic Skills,
8:30 am-12:30 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Basic Concepts of Word
Processing, 9-11 am. In Rm 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of
Spreadsheeting, 1-3 pm. Reg req, 763-7630.
Turner Ctr--Peer counselors training sess, 1-3 pm, Zion Lutheran
Church, 1501 W Liberty. 764-2556. - .
Gay Liberation--Soc/support grp, 7:30 pm, 3200 Mich Union.
*M-CARE--Adult CPR course, 10 am-2 pm, Northville Hlth Ctr, 650
Griswold. 344-1777.
U-M-Dearborn--Nature walk, "Search for Pond Life," 10 am, meet at
Environmental Study Area main entrance, Fair Lane Dr. 593-5338.
*Alternative Action Films--Baby It's You, 8 pm; Lianna, 10
pm, MLB3.
U-M-Flint--Mich Shakespeare Festival presents: "Shakespeare
Revue," 1:30 & 3:30 pm, Courtland Ctr, As You Like It, 6:30 pm,
Water Street Pavilion. 762-3230.
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre-Shows: "A Starry Night," 11:30
am;- Voyager 2 at Uranus, 2 & 3m. Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus,
cor--ner Geddes-Waibtonaw. 764-0478.

*Eclipse Jazz--Summer concert series: Doc Holladay, Cadeau a
Vous & Community High Sch 1:45 Jazz Band, 5 pm, Bird of
Paradise, 207 S Ashley, 763-0046.
U-M-Flint--Mich Shakespeare Festival presents: "Shakespeare
Revue," 2 pm, Water Street Pavilion; As You Like It, 7:30 pm,
Buckham Alley, 762-3230. *1-wk Elderhostel wkshp begs, Hurley
Sch Nursing. 762-3200.
Women's Action for Nucl Disarmament (WAND)-Mtg, H
Weingarten, "Constructive Conflict Resolution," 7:30 pm, St
Aidan's Episcopal Church, 1679 Broadway. 761-1718.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation svc, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd,
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Voyager 2 at Uranus," 2
& 3 pm, Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus, comer Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-
Univ Lutheran Chapel-Worship, 9:15 am, 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Canterbury House/Episcopal Std Fdn--Holy Eurcharist, 5 pm;
supper follows, Canterbury House, 218 N Division, St. 665-0606.
Integrity---Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606.
Cognitive Scl & Machine Intell Lab.-Wkshp, Exploratory
Vision: The Active Eye: D Sparks,"Neural Signals for the Control
of Eye Movements," 3 pm; E Kowler, "Cogito Ergo Moveo: The
Role of Visual and Cognitive Processes in the Control of Eye
Movement," 4:30 pm; R Steinman, "Moveo Ergo Video: Natural
Retinal Image Motion and Its Effect on Vision," 8 pm, Bus Sch
Complex, Mich Rm.
MSA Peace & Justice Committee-El Salvador Film Month: In
the Name of the People, 7:30 pm, MLB3. 763-3241.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Lec, R Sharf, "Buddhist Meditation in
Southeast Asia," 7 pm, 1214 Packard Rd. 761-6520.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 4212 SEB: Microsoft PowerPoint
Demo (no reg req), 9-11 am. In Rm 3001 SEB: Using the MTS
Full-Screen Message System, 9 am-noon; Lotus 1-2-3, pt 2, 1-5
pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Computer Networking Technol, pt 3, 1-3
pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Hosp Arts Prog--Perf, AA Civic Chorus, 12:30 pm, Hosp

courtyard, 936-ARTS.
Cognitive Sci & Machine Intell Lab--Wkshp, Exploratory
Vision: The Active Eye: A Treisman, "Features and Objects," 3
pm; D Ballard, "Eye Movements and Spatial Cognition,"4:30 pm,
Bus Sch Complex, Mich Rm.
Amnesty Intl--Mtg, 7:30 pm, Mich Union.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MTS Basic Skills, 9
am-noon; Beginning Microsoft Word (IBM PC-Compatibles), 1-5
pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills Lec/Demo, 10-11:30
am. Reg req. 763-7630.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC)-
-Mtg, 8:30 pm, 3100 Mich Union. 763-4186.
Weis Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible disc, 7-9 pm, Mich
U-M-Dearborn--Chancellor's picnic for U-M-D fac & staff, noon-3
pm, west of pond area.
Nursing History Society--Picnic & prog, "Reminisence of Sally
Chase," 5-9 pm, Leslie Sci Ctr, 1831 Traver Rd. Bring dish to
pass, table sve & remembrance of S Chase.
U-M-Flint--Mich Shakespeare Festival presents: "Shakespeare
Revue," 1 pm, Flint Township Library; As You Like It, 7:30 pm,
McCree Theatre, 762-3230.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: dBASE III Plus, pt 1,
8:30 am-12:30 pm; LaTex Lab, 1-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB:
Computer Networking Technol, pt 4, 1-3 pm. 763-7630.
C E W --Job Hunt Club, 7-9 pm, 350 S Thayer. 763-7080. All
Sch Educ--3-day conf begs, Macintosh Technical Conf--MacHac '--
88, 9 am-mdngt, AA Holiday Inn West.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Supper, 6 pm; activities, Bible study &
devotions follow, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560.
Mich Gay Union--Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe St. 763-
*Zen Buddhist Temple--Yoga & breathing class, 9:30-11 am,
1214 Packard Rd. 761-6520.
MSA Peace & Justice Committee-El Salvador Film Month:
And That Is Why the State Is to Blame, 7:30 pm, MLB3. 763-
U-M-Flint--*Hth Briefing Luncheon, noon, Univ Ctr Brewery. Res
req, 762-3383. Mich Shakespeare Festival presents "Shakespeare
Revue," 7 pm, City of Fenton, Millpond Park Gazebo. 762-3230.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft Word: Adv
Formatting & Glossaries (Macintosh), 8:30-11:30 am; MTS Visual
& Command Editing, 9 am-noon; dBASE III Plus Programming:
Intermediate Topics, 1-4 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Text Formatting
with LaTeX, pt 2, 9 am-noon. Reg req, 763-7630.
*Mich League--Intl night, Pacific Northwest, 4;30-7:30 pm, The
League Buffet.
His House Christian Fellowship--Bible study, singing &
prayer, 7:30-9 pm, 925 E Ann.

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