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June 10, 1988 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-06-10

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 10, 1988
B "we think it's time for you to re- NADASEN said the ongoing
1 think your position" on racial Black workers' strike in South
segregation, said Sen. Virgil Smith Africa was one reason to criticize ar-
Continued from Page 1 (D-Detroit), who began pressing for guments against divestment. "One
partly due to years of divestiture legislation in 1977. reason people have used to oppose
pressure that groups like FSACC "It's asking for fair treatment of divestiture is 'we're giving them
placed on them. the Black majority in South Africa," jobs,"' she said. "That's bullshit.
WHILE 8 Republicans did vote he said. Blacks in South Africa don't want
for the bills, all 12 "no" votes came Opponents have generally decried companies to put money into a
from the GOP. All Democrats voted apartheid buthave been reluctant to white government that's oppressing
for the bills, except for Sen. Joseph withdraw investments because of them.
Mack of Ironwood, who didn't vote South African segregation. And Da___ NewsStafferParick_
on one measure. some Republicans have argued that ~ Daily News Staffer Patrick
The bills tell South Africa that Blacks will be hurt more than helped Staiger contributed to this report
by the divestiture.

Compiled from Staff Reports

- Have fun all day in the sun
" Then work a few evening hours
" Go out with your friends after
work and party!

Rape case update
The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment has no suspects yet in the
rape which occurred Sunday, May
29, in an Angell Hall bathroom,
but a police spokesperson said
there appears to be no connection
between the incident and other lo-
cal rape cases.
"There have been no other rapes
with this MO (method of opera-
tion) for years and years," Ann
Arbor Police Det. Douglas Bar-
bour said, referring to the as-
sailant's method of raping the vic-
tim at gunpoint. The rape was not
the result of a "copycat" crime, and
it was very different from recent
chain rapes in nearby Oakland
County, Barbour said.
Although he has eliminated
several suspects, Barbour said he
has "no firm suspect at this time."
The department is continuing its
The department sent evidence

holiday for Vietnam veterans, and
came back with thumbs up.
Tackett met with Sen. Lana
Pollack (D-Ann Arbor), Rep.
Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), and
an aide to State Veteran Affairs
Commission Chair Sen. Harmon
Cropsey. Tackett said all were in
favor of a May 7 remembrance.
Pollack said yesterday she
expected such a proposal to pass
the state legislature without
problem. "The domestic wounds of
that war are not fully healed. It's
very important to remember the
pain that was involved in that
war," she said.
Tackett said yesterday that,
unlike Memorial Day and
Veterans' Day, the Vietnam
Veterans' Holiday would be a day
"for all American citizens to
celebrate peace and to remember
their democratic rights to
determine their countries'
-Patrick Staiger

from the rape to the Michigan
State Police Crime Laboratory last Candidate
week. Barbour said he hopes to re- The Ann Arbor City Council
ceive the results of the analysis will publicly interview six candi-
some time next week. dates to replace departing City
Assistant Director of University Administrator Godfrey Collins to-
Public Safety Robert Pifer said a day and tomorrow at the Ann Ar-
police sketch artist was unable to bor Transportation Authority of-
produce a sketch of the assailant. fices.
Pifer said he is not aware of any The date of the new administra-
other rapes on campus this sum- tor's selection, and whether or not
mer, and that in the three years he will be among the six presently
that he has worked for the Univer- under consideration, remains
sity, he does not know of any rape indefinite. The council's goal is to
occurring at gunpoint have a final selection made by
-Margo Gilbert June 20, councilmember Jerry
Schleicher (R-4th Ward) said.
Matt Hennessee, Ypsilanti's
Vietnam veteran Charles city manager, raised eyebrows
Tackett and Michigan Student within the council when he an-
Assembly President Mike Phillips nounced his finalist status on
went to Lansing this week to push Tuesday.
for state approval of a memorial - Jeff Hass



mfirbigan Batag
Vol. XCVII-No.6S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Fridays dur-
ing the spring and summer terms. Subscription rates: May through
August - $6 in Ann Arbor; $8 outside the city.

EDITOR IN CHIEF...............Steve Knopper
MANAGING EDITOR..........Jim Poniewozik
EDITOR... .. ...Li P
NEWS STAFF: onna, hdipa.I., ,rsieLaLonde,
Eric Lemnt, Alywa Lustigman, Peter Mooney, Anna
Senkevitch, Ryan Tutak, Veronica Wookridge, Julie
Rosemariuy ChIinnok
OPINION STAIF: Philis Engibe,,s Amy H ar,
Kenneth Km,Marm Rachmiel, Andrea 7mnmnenan.
ARTS EDITOR.....................Lisa Magnino
ARTS STAFF: Brian Jarvinen, Mike Rubin, Todd
ShnkerLaur-S *hapiro.
SPORTS EDITOR................Adam Schrager
SPORTS STAFF: Adam Benson, Mike Grifenberg,

VALUABLE Resume Experience

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SALES MANAGER................Karen Brown
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and sub-
scribes to Pacific News Service and the Los Angeles Times Syndi-

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