The Michigan Daily
Friday Mav 27. 1988
Page8 1
Sibbles stalks
to reggae beat
BY TODD SHANKER reggae vocals.
But as reggae music shot like an f'
L EROY Sibbles, the former MX-missile from the '70s into the
head Hepcat of the Heptones, will '80s, an abundance of musical inno-
pussyfoot into town with his pulsat- vation quickly transmogrified tradi- .
ing reggae vibes Monday night at the tional roots rhythms into a variety of,
Blind Pig. modernized Caribbean styles. With
Sibbles is the ultimate panther- the internationalization of reggae,
smooth predator of Caribbean Sibbles decided to embark on a solo
rhythms; a Trenchtown master of career which would stir-in a heap of
nearly every JAH-maican music trend Afro-cultural influences from many
since the mid-'60s. With the Hep- different areas of the world. The result
tones in 1966, Sibbles slashed was his 1986 release on Attic
through the knife-wielding Rude Boy Records called Meanwhile.
rhythms of ska music and soon after The LP was a restless combo of
purred, prowled, and then pounced ganja-maican chillum pipe palpita-
onto the jive move-groove of the tions with the groaning tremors of.
rocksteady sound. With such sun- boom-chang Blackeyed pea-blues and
blister popping singles as "Fatty, quavering quasi-Motown musings.
Fatty" (a song singing the praises of Like a placid, sea-breeze swirl trans-
a Goodyear blimp-sized spliff) and forming into a harbor-crushing hurr-
"Cry Baby Cry," the fruition of the cane, Sibbles can ooze effortlessly
Heptones'/Sibbles' career began. from breezy, wind-whistling love
In 1975, on the hit LP Nightfood songs such as "You're My Sugar" to
Sibbles led a symbolic exodus the furious falsetto politi-screams of
trough the lonely recesses of the "South Africa."
night with his shining-star lead vo- Leroy Sibbles is the Black Pan-
cals. Barry Llewelyn and Earl Morgan ther of Jamaican music; he will mas-
shared the spotlight with twinkling sage your soul with soothing sounds
back-up harmonies that fortified late as well as ignite your feet into flam-
night reggae crowds throughout Ja- ing masses of dance-flash fury. Along
maica. with his backing band, Sibbles will
1977's Partytime LP was a roots be bringing along a killer horn sec-
reggae rocker that showcased Sibbles' tion that is guaranteed to pin your
jasmine-flavored vocals and sweat- ears against the wall. Jam it, Dumbo!
box rhythm grinds. Like a scoop of So listen-up all you Natty Dreads out
strawberry ice cream on a steaming there - come mash it up in a reggae
summer day, Sibbles proved he could style at the Blind Pig on Monday
cool down droves of dance-squadrons evening at 9:30 p.m. with LEROY
with his refreshing, soul-drenched SIBBLES. Tickets are $8. ... Former Heptone
'Hands On'
explores China
"W HERE you learn by doing"
"Where 'hands on' means 'minds on"'
"Where Science connects with Art"
What else could this slogan refer to than the celebrated Ann Arbor
Hands On Museum. On the second floor of the Museum, between 58,000
pinpricks and the star sculpture, lies a small but enriching exhibit on Ev-
eryday Life in China. If you feel like playing dress-up, there are embroi-
dered jackets, masks, hats and bags to accessorize yourself with. If these
objects alone do not entice you, check out the Chinese butterfly kites,
unique musical instruments, or make your own stone rubbings to take
home. The Museum also presents a collection of coins, stamps, toys,
shoes, books and other items to give all viewers a taste of the Chinese
lifestyle. And speaking of taste, if you have never managed to master the
art of chop'icks, the exhibit has a sample pair with instructions.
EVERYDAY LIFE IN CHINA will run through May 29. The Hands-On
Museum is located at 219 E. Huron St. The Museum is open Tuesday-
Friday 1:30-5:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 1:00-5 p.m. For
more information, please call 995-5439.
Kings sati~sfy
BY BRIAN JARVINEN overly concerned about hearing a 13
minute, vanilla-fudgy version of
THE Chesterfield Kings were a "She Told Me Lies." In a recent in-
mainstay on the East Coast 'bring- terview with the Daily, guitarist
back-the-sixties' scene of the early Greg Prevost peppered his remarks
and mid '80s. Now however the with references to good bands from
motley moptops are moving forward the seventies such as the New York
on their musical trip through time, Dolls, the MC5, and former Ann
having recently discovered '70s Arborites the Stooges. During the
stylings and leather jackets. The '70s interview a Johnny Thunders tape
you say? The Kings know what they played in the background, and Pre-
are doing, though, so don't get See Kings, Page 9
'Willow': Kid's fare
BY MIKE PITTMAN and a good army from another empire make the movie fascinating for any
- fight to overthrow the bad empire. Terminator lovers.
There is plenty of action and ad-
WILLOW, with George Lucas venture, but it doesn't have any seri- The dialogue is filled with relief
as writer and executive producer, and ousness that Lucas put into Star humor that becomes thin along with
Ron Howard as director, has the Wars. Instead it seemed like a long the seriousness of the mission. The
wonderful technique expected from fight scene with too much busy hu- humor doesn't match Pee Wee Her-
Lucas and the family feeling of mor and busy action. The relaxed man's Big Adventure . The serious
Howard's Happy Days but the witch is no match for Darth Vader - dialogue is hardly touching and defi-
substance of Batman.Willow is so a trendsetter in evil doings. The nitely not profound - just like
obviously mixed in style that it isn't "good side" rambles off humor which Happy Days.
solid and amounts to nothing more overruns any seriousness that they
than a carnival of iceberg tips. could produce. Their humor is defi- In short, Willow is not for adults,
Willow is about a baby who is nitely "Han Solo," but there is so even with music performed by the
born and sent by the good fairy much of it, and so little of "Han London Symphony Orchestra. It has
(seriously) to grow up and produce Solo" action that both the action and plenty of action to keep
good for the world. The object is to the humor are corny. "Transformer" watchers interested,
allow time for the baby to grow The run-of-the-mill action comes but it doesn't rank with Excalibur,
under an empire that wants to kill the from Indiana Jones and Excalibur, Star Wars, Terminator, or even Pee
baby. but it isn't as dynamic; in fact a few Wee . However, if your little brother,
This "Evil Empire" is run by a of the fight scenes might have been sister, cousin, nephew or niece are in
relaxed "wicked witch." As she draws choreographed from B atm an town or they're coming to visit, you
off the fat of the land, the "good side" episodes. There is no blood, no gore, might want to see Willow for their
-imade up of good-natured peasants zand no. impressionable;violence to sake,.. ... .. ....
Whenever you need clear, quality copies,
come to Kinko's. We're open early, open
late, and open weekends.
When you're working late, it's good to know
you're not working alone.
Great copies.Great people.
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