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May 27, 1988 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1988-05-27

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 27, 1988
Chemical spill creates
anti-racism center BY KRISTINE LALONDE tered the building wearing air masks
A University employee spilled a to determine how to handle the
BY VERONICA WOOLRIDGE initially funded the center, but gallon of highly flammable chemi- problem.
The University's first anti-racist UCAR will seek supplementary cals in the C.C. Little Building The spill, consisting of diethyl
education center, scheduled to open sources of funding over the next Sunday afternoon, creating a fire ethyr, chloroform, etho-acetate and
in September, will promote Ella three years, the report stated. hazard to which 17 firefighters and pyridin, was three feet in diameter, a
Baker's and Nelson Mandela's strug- Baker, who died in 1986, was a seven fire trucks responded. fire department official said. A Uni-
gle for freedom - in name and civil rights activist and co-founder of The spilled chemicals had the po- versity Occupational Safety and En-
spirit. Student Christian Leadership Coun- tential to catch fire spontaneously, vironmental Health Hazardous Waste
The Ella Baker-Nelson Mandela cil and Student Non-violent Coordi- which could have caused nearby team was called to the sight to dis-
Center for Anti-Racist Education, nating Committee. Mandela is leader chemicals to explode or catch fire, pose of the spill.
organized by the United Coalition of the African National Congress, a Ann Arbor fire officials said. The firefighters were at the scene
Against Racism, will serve as "a South African anti-apartheid organi- The Ann Arbor Fire Department for over three hours.
comprehensive and well-organized zation. responded to a call from the em- Fire chief George Markus said
resource center" for anti-racist educa- "(Baker and Mandela) devoted ployee at 5:00 p.m. Firefighters en- there was potential for an explosion.
tion. It will promote improving tremendous time and energy to the
campus race relations through stu- struggles for freedom and justice onz ? come more committed. They realize
dent leadership, according to a two separate continents, thus high- it's afundamentally good idea," said
UCAR report. lighting the global quest for human Associate Research Scientist Richard
The project demonstrates that rights, self-determination and racial Continued from Page 3 Stoffle, a member of ISR's research
students not only want to point out equality," UCAR's report stated. m OOdy sites in Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, team. Public opinion of the collider
flaws and deficiencies in the system, RACKHAM graduate student helps plan center North Carolina, Tennessee, and in Stockbridge improves as citizens
but are also willing to work for a Barbara Ransby, a UCAR steering Texas, as finalists from a field of 25 learn more about it, he said.
solution, said University Vice committee member, said the center original states. But Elma Back, a Stockbridge
Provost for Minority Affairs Charles was named for Baker "to let people leadership training sessions two or ISR's report, the result of three resident who would have to relocate
Moody, who has helped UCAR know women were involved in the three times every term for interested years of telephone and personal in- if the SSC comes to Stockbridge,
members plan the center. civil rights movement. Some people students. The center will also pro- terviews, said 72 percent of the sur- said four generations of her family
"IT IS the legacy of some stu- don't know," said Ransby. The cen- vide information on the culture and veyed residents support the project have lived on her farm since 1904.
dents to make a difference in the ter's exact location is unknown at history of people of color through a while only 11 percent opposed it. In "Picking up 83 years and moving it
corporate culture climate," said this time, she said. newsletter and a library focusing on 1987, only 62 percent favored the down the road" would be difficult,"
Moody. The center will include a Student "hard-to-get, alternative publica- project. she said. Back added she doesn't
The Office of Minority Affairs Speakers Bureau, which will host tions." "As people learn more they be- know where she would move.
BACK acknowledged, however,
SRegents Veronica Latta Smith On Wednesday, Fleming and stalled sooner. "It's not just a special that her views were in the minority.
D-Grosse Ile) and Deane Baker (R- University deans discussed plans for day for Blacks. If any day it should Only eight percent of the report's
Ann Arbor) abstained from the vote. Fleming's idea. Fleming would not be Martin Luther King's birthday respondents said family relocation
Smith said it would be unfair to elaborate on their discussion, be- that people take off to learn about would be a disadvantage of Stock-
Continued from Page 1. cancel classes for students without cause he wants to avoid publicity racism." King's birthday is a na- bridge's hosting the SSC. Back said
ised of clsss giving faculty and staff the day off. until he determines if enough sup- tional holiday that should be cele- her husband, who inns an excavation
g iveraymsybwe not be giv- " "IF THE MAJORITY of stu- port exists to implement a plan. brated nationally; faculty and staff business, would lose all his cus-
ing students the day off," Fleming dents really wanted the day off, I Carl Berger, dean of the School of should have the day off as well, tomers, if he had to move his busi-
insudens te dea so, Flesin would support it," Smith said. "But Education, said Fleming outlined Jenkins said.ness.
educational day, wea senithis han since I watched that program, specific plans for a diversity dayto "IT'S IMPORTANT to rec- Back said her biggest concern is
contribute to a better understanding 'Racism 101,' (a PBS documentary be held on Martin Luther King's ognize needs and concerns of minor- the "limbo" she is experiencing
ontriut rae e uon campus racism) I'm not con- birthday The deans, Berger said, re- ity students. Educational options on while waiting for the DOE to choose
vinced." sponded "positively" to his propos- diversity should include the a final site in November.
M aals with some general concerns if opportunity to stand back and reflect Louis Wild, another Stockbridge
"students plan to make it a truly on a daily basis, not just in one farmer who owns land on the site,
significant day for diversity educa- day," said Ron Aramaki, student said most farmers support the SSC.
tion." services associate and Asian repre- "If it's progress, I guess I'm for it,"
1s Many students have supported a sentative. he said, adding, "I don't like the
King holiday in the past. Last Jan- American Federation State, suspense, but I'd like to know one
uary, about 1,000 students partici- County and Municipal Employees, ,,yorte
Lease any apartment pated in a United Coalition Against local 1583 - the University's ser- aid herhopes the SSC will
Racism-sponsored boycott of classes vice and maintenance workers union ildrsaid he opal e SSC.wslg
or $100. on King's birthday. UCAR held al- - is requesting Martin Luther King prove the local economy. As long
fpdo $1 b 0 ternative education programs in the day as a paid holiday. The proposal pensation for leaving his farm, he
(Appied to September rert) Michigan Union for boycotting stu- is one of 16 that the bargaining said, he docs not object to moving.
dents. team chose to present to University STOFFLE SAID, "The state
"NOT EVERYONE'S going management last week. will give (farmers) current market
to attend the programs," said Michi- "Although no formal counterpro- value at the highest price they can,
gan Student Assembly President posals have been discussed at this and add a sweetener to it."
Mike Phillips, "But a fair amount time, it was clear from the first In addition to giving homeowners
will attend, and that's what counts." week's sessions that management on the site current market value for
The holiday would attract the at- had very little inteest or motivation their property, the state will provide
tention of students who wouldn't to meet any of the bargaining team's the homeowners with an additional
normally care about race relations, proposals," said Bargaining Chair $15,000 and help with the relocation
1700 Geddes 1224 Washtenaw Phillips said, adding that last year's Judy Levy in a May 24 bulletin, process, Stoffle said.
1506 Geddes 520 Packard alternative education programs - Union and University bargainers, According to the report, 56 per-
1001S. oret 54 Chrchincluding a distinguished group of however, have signed an agreement cent of the surveyed residents believe
1001 S. Forest 543 Church speakers as well as theater and art not to discuss negotiations with the the SSC will create more jobs, and
610 S. Forest 515 Walnut presentations - were "very press. 33 percent said it would improve the
We also have other great properties! iformative" A special meeting was called at local economy.
The University's acknowledge- Tuesday afternoon in the ball room Thirty-two percent of the res-
More Information at: ment of King's birthday "was a long of the Sheraton for union members dents said they didn't know of any
543 Church YeS time coming, and it's about time," to discuss the bargaining teams pro- disadvantages the SSC would bring
Ann Arbor, MI we're open he said. posals and counterproposals. The to Stockbridge. Eighteen percent said
(313) D7J61-1523as yan Jenkins, an LSA junior, Unions contract expires on mid- ere wouldn't be any disadvanlages
7153: ,;Staturdays :said te day should have, t, iq-, night of June 30,1988. dsda

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