The Michigan Daily Friday, May 20, 1988 Page 8
Meat Puppets stir up sun-soaked sounds
BY TODD SHANKER a punk/hardcore band. What was it, angst, I mean we're not just flailing. guys going "All right, line-up god- being slammed down) Ahh, much
Deep in the dust-storm swirl of like being known and treated like a We've played together so long that damn it!" And then you have this better. But as far as MTV goes, fuck
the Arizona extension of Mexico's punk band and how would you de- are thing is wired with intuitive feel- fuckin' 50-year old psychotic studio- it! What do I need MTV for? If MTV
Sonoran desertnbionic blues blasts scribe your music now? ings. We can take our music to the owner lady and she's yelling at us (in is going to be the thing that turns a
echo like the screams of a freshly Kirkwood: I missed the disco- extreme where it's actually a jump- a high nasally voice) "No POT! My band into a fuckin' good little plastic
stun scorpion victim. As the dust bus and kept walkin'; then the ing off point for the human spirit. son is a heroin addict, but no POT!" pink tater then so be it. I know our
sthg uiqu cturs the punker-bus whizzed by and it was It's like that thing you experience You're dealing with a lot of bullshit number one goal for the future is to
desert reveal themselves - creepy like, "cool I got callouses now! " when you orgasm or when you have in the studio, man. get on MTV (laughs). No, for real
c y black widow spiders, skter- Some of our songs are similar to a good meal. I mean that's about ut- D: If you could do a live jam we're just gonna crank it out and take
ing rattlesnakes and three cactus- hardcore because they're fast and ex- terly fucking magical. with three bands or artists who would over the world. We're going to con-
creeps known as the Meat Puppets. cessive but basically it's just the they be? v-ce the rest of the planet that we
Curt and Cris Kirkwood combine Puppets leaving all that other shit in D: So you guys freak on stage, K: Nixon, Elvis, and Hitler really are the best band in the Uni-
with Derrick Bostrom to create an the dust. All of a sudden people were whereas in the studio you're more (laughs). verse.
acid rainbow mirage of American going "Are you hardcore?" and we're restricted? THE MEAT PUPPETS set out to
roots stylings - an hallucinogenic going "Well fuck no, we're Nerd-core K: Actually you could call it D: Many bands have the awe- prove it Monday night at 10p.m. at
mish-mash of jagged, wangbar guitar - we're fuckin' Corduroy rock!" freaking; that's a good enough word. inspiring dream of having a video on the Blind Pig Ballroom. BRIAN
arpeggios, heaving, bottom-heavy Before people go and classify us in But when you're in the studio you're MTV. What are your aspirations and RITCHIE of the Femmes opens up.
bass boogie, and bad ass bump-and- any genre it's like, hey, suck on this. surrounded by all this fuckin' fancy- what do you think of MTV? Tickets are $10.50 in advance and
thump drumming. These weirdo But anyway, I'd classify our music as schmantzy equipment, you know. I K: I don't watch MTV 'cuz I $12 at the door. The Meat Puppets
wranglers buy their shirts for a $1.25 hardcore/punk rock (laughs). No mean you're trying to get loose and don't have a television. Hang on a and Ritchie will both be at
yet know they're the best dressed seriously, we're just radically self- there's all these Chumlies walking second, it's time for my medication. Schoolkids' from 3 to 4 p.m. Mon-
men alive. Betty Crocker rockers indulgent. I think there's another around and all these fuckin' engineer (Sounds of gulping and then a bottle day.
they ain't! I recently spoke with bass word for it and it's called "spoiled"
player Cris Kirkwood, who gave me D: Your live shows are com- . "
the scoop on the entire Meat Puppets pletely killer. What happens when png s j ZZo p e
spectrum of thought. you get on stage that makes you go B e e
Daily: After your first album a so wild?
lot of people began to classify you as K: Well, it's not just hormonal BYARI SCHNEIDER and saxophonist Donald Harrison, America's greatest composers created
and the Ann Arbor Symphony Or- most of their music. It was highly
MEXICAN CUISINE- chestra (AASO) conducted by Carl melodic."
LIKE YOU'VE NEVER HAD BEFORE! Tomorrow night, the Jazz for St Clair Unlike Allen's more structured
KELife Project of Washtenaw County, a Steve Allen, an accomplished Jazz sound, Terence Blanchard and
non-profit organization dedicated to pianist, will perform his own com- Donald Harrison perform less struc-
helping children of low-income positions, including favorites such as tured, more improvisational Jazz. As
La Casita Featuring our families, will host a benefit concert "This Could Be the Start of Some- Blanchard says, "Jazz musicians are
de Lupe Spring & Summer featuring the multi-talented Steve thing Big." Allen comments about more in touch with how they feel.
Allen, trumpeter Terence Blanchard the influence of Classical music on What makes the music so hard to
Outdoor Cafe his compositions: "I, like other play is that you have different con-
BREAKFAST: Sat-Sun. 9-2 pm LOOK YOUR BESTI I composers, could not read music, so cepts that you study, ways of doing
B I was not influenced by Classical things. Then you have to tie those,
LUNCH: Tue.-Fri. 11-2 If your hair isn't becom- music ... The greatest influence on things in with emotion - taking the
DINNER: Tue.-Th. 5-9:30, Fri.-Sat. 5-10, Sun. 5-9 ing to you-You should my music was the Big Band era. theory and putting it together with
Iab i h"This was considered the Golden whatever you feel."
2% FFanyme, by metoig t d be coming to us! Age of American music. I am not THE JAZZ FOR LIFE BENEFIT
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