PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Friday, May 20, 1988 Page 7 F s" t Integrate curricula ._. ._ mmw y C) NOW _ Imw + BY ANNA SENKEVITCH In an attempt to address issues of diversity in the classroom as well as in public forum, the University's Department of English has imple- mented a version of academic cul- tural diversification. After June 15, every University student who declares an English major must complete an elective class which covers the literature of minority ethnic groups, women, or people of color. This fall, about six courses qualify to fulfill the re- quirement, said English Teaching Assistant Pamela Cohen. The installation of this token class is a profound affront to ethnic minorities, women, and people of color and their respective accom- plishments. It is offensive to sug- gest by a course such as "Literature and Social Change 319: Black, Chicano, Native American Indian, Puerto Rican, Asian American Literatures," that "the unique cultures and life experiences of people of color in the United States" (English Department's courseguide description) will be covered, under the broad heading of "literature" moreover, in the scant period of one term. When one of two options for the requirement of first-year English composition concentrates on five To the Daily: I have difficulty understanding why some people wish to have the university charge all teaching assistants as the instate tuition rate. Although doing so would substan- tially reduce each individual TA's tax burden at absolutely no cost to the university, it would likewise forsake what may well be an un- precedented opportunity in Ameri- can education - namely the chance to have graduate students earn seven figure incomes, at least on paper. That's right! Rather than have the university charge all TAs instate tuition, I recommend a radically different strategy: tuition for all teaching as- sistants should be fixed at $1,000,000 per annum. Since next year's contract contains a full tuition waiver for all TAs, why not waive billions of dollars instead of a few lousy million. Current Uni- versity policy requires that I pay an additional $800 each year in taxes. plays by William Shakespeare and more than half of this fall's English courses are Eurocentric if not en- tirely white male-oriented, the existence of the 319 class, as one example, is both unjust and aca- demically irresponsible. Under what educational standard can a lec- ture spanning five cultures be of- fered to the same educational effec- tiveness as one dealing only with Shakespeare? How, in a single class, can the entire literary body of one culture be portrayed, let alone five? Grouping minorities first for their minority status and second for their accomplishments also encour- ages differentiation on ethnic, racial and gender bases, and inevitably brings those labels into a consideration of the achievements' value. The authors included in 319 be- long in a short story or poetry or other genre-narrowed class, not in one which haphazardly mixes the struggles of minorities into discus- sion of artistic validity. Some con- cern should also be brewing over the effect of the mandatory class on perpetuating the Eurocentricism of most University English courses. The addition of the new requirement is a confession by the English De- partment to the otherwise absence of multi-cultural representation in its curricula. Leaning on the mandatory class to fill the void fu- els the continuation of the dis- tinctly male, European focus. A course like 319 portrays the literary works of minorities as isolated from the standardized study of white, European-descended, male authors. In insisting upon such a separation, the English Department is denying students a vital element of their major, that of observing the interaction between authors of di- verse cultural backgrounds, the re- sults of which exchange can have tremendous effects on any literature. Rather than reinforce many Uni- versity students' preconceptions of minorities, the English Department should integrate a variety of literary works by ethnic minorities, women and persons of color into currently existing genre-specific courses. Stanford University has attempted this with its revision of first-year student reading requirements to in- clude at least one non-European work. That is a start. The enactment of curricular inte- gration, a microcosmic Real World, would retract a racist, sexist delin- eation and so make one small stab at conquering institutional racism. Anna Senkevitch is a News staff writerfor the Daily. Anti-apartheid shanty destroyed BY ELIZABETH PAIGE honorary degree to imprisoned African National Congress leader, On Saturday, May 14th one of Nelson Mandela. Mandela has been the anti-apartheid shanties on the jailed for the past 24 years for Diag was burned down. The other protesting the racist apartheid sys- shanty was also dosed with tem gasoline, but not set on fire. This The second shanty was built in was a pre-meditated, violent act of the spring of 1987 to further pres- racism. The two anti-apartheid sure the University to meet our de- shanties were the only Diag mands, as well as to educate the constructions which were van- University community that the sit- dalized. nation in South Africa had wors- The act of burning down the anti- ened. On March 19, 1987 while the apartheid, anti-racism shanty is a United Coalition Against Racism racist attack for it is an attack on (UCAR) occupied the Administra- what the shanties represent tion building, the Regents agreed to award an honorary degree to Nelson Mandela. But the University still has not divested the remaining $500,000 in companies supporting the white South African regime. Awareness about the situation in Southern Africa has decreased with at the Botha regime's continual State of Emergency, a tactic used by the apartheid regime to cover up its racist policies and crimes. These crimes include the detention of w>w thousands of children and the killing of over 2500 Black South & African's since October, 1984. As the fascist Botha regime con- Anti-apartheid shanty has been tinues to try to stop the people's vandalized numerous times. struggle in South Africa through the recent banning of 17 non-vio- lent anti-apartheid organizations, we The first shanty was built in must continue to raise awareness in March 1986 by the Free South the community about the oppres- Africa Coordinating Committee sive apartheid regime and demand (FSACC) to remind the University that the University divest the rest of community of the suffering and its holdings in South Africa. injustice in Southern Africa. The From the beginning, FSACC has shanties symbolize our solidarity pledged that the shanties will not be with the people of Southern Africa dismantled until the system of in their quest for a free society. apartheid is dismantled. The people The shanty that was burned who live in these conditions endure down, and the one that remains, are the attacks of the government on replicas of the dwelling that most the shanty towns, and reconstruct Black South Africans are forced to them when the security forces have live in as a result of the apartheid gone. regime. A large family of ten to FSACC will rebuild the shanty twelve people may be forced to live on Monday, May 23 at 5 p.m. on in a shanty of this size, eight square the Diag. Please come and help re- feet. build the shanty. Amandla Con- Many of the 23 million Black tinua! The Struggle Continues! South Africans have no other alter- native but to live in these condi- Elizabeth Paige is a member of the tions, as the apartheid system re- Free South Africa Coordinating fuses to recognize their legitimate Committee. demands for decent wages and living conditions. In fact, the apartheid ATTENTION: government continually attacks the shanty towns, such as the Cross- The Daily opinion page staff is roads, destroying everything with actively seeking minorities and bulldozers and fire. women interested in writing When the first shanty was built and discussing editorials. Staff FSACC demanded that the Univer- requirements consist of one sity divest its shares in companies meeting, one editorial, and doing business with South Africa, production work once per and that the University grant an week. Call 764-0552. My recommendation would increase that amount to approximately $280,000 each year. In either case, I don't have the money and cannot pay. But at least my proposal would make me and every other TA feel worth a million bucks! -Eric Caplan April 28 To the Daily: Jesse Jackson has been dubbed a "radical" or "leftist" by some be- cause he is more outspoken in criticizing certain "effects" of capi- talism than other Democrats. For example, he questions the practices of multinational corporations that destroy jobs at home and which in- vest overseas. He also seems to empathize more deeply with strug- gles of the workers, visiting picket lines, demonstrations and the like. But none of his proposals touch the central question of who shall control the economy. In fact, Jack- son has sought to reassure the capitalist class that he is very much a supporter of their system and that even his most "radical" reform pro- posals are intended to serve "their" interests. In Business Week of last year, Jackson is quoted as stating "the long-term interests of Ameri- can business and the American people are mutual and inseparable." In other words, "capital and labor are brothers." This hardly presents him as an advocate of working class interests. What workers need in this 1988 Presidential Campaign is an under- standing and an application of the Socialist Labor Party's program of Socialist Industrial Union govern- ment. It carries with it a practical promise of a world without poverty, racism or the threat of conventional or nuclear wars. -Archie Sim April 25 To the Daily: Rowdy students were rude to a commencement speaker in the foot- ball stadium and our university ad- ministration's upper echelons were quick to publicly state that they thought this was bad and that they were embarrassed. Rowdy students last autumn physically and sexually assaulted dozens of women students in the football stadium and the same administration remained silent. Tells us something about pri- orities, doesn't it? -Terry Calhoun May 5