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June 12, 1987 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-06-12

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Copyright © 1987 r
TheMichigan Daily t Ar
Vol. XCVI - No. 6S Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, June 12, 1987

'U' Council
may disband

University Council co-chair
Shaw Livermore yesterday proposed
that the council disband because
members are "unable to agree upon
a set of rules of non-academic
conduct accompanied by appropriate
"I see very little hope of
concurrence," Livermore, a history
professor, said. "The course of
action t propose now is that we
conclude our operation with the
charge we have."
Livermore drafted his resolution
at the meeting, after reading an
April report from the student
members of the council. In the
report, student members said they
felt "an omnipresent sense of

State threatens,
Special to the Daily
LANSING - The state legislature may cut the
University's funding next year if it fails to reduce out-
of-state enrollment, two state senators threatened
The cuts will come if the University does not
comply to a proposed law that would force state
colleges and universities to give priority to "qualified
Michigan students," over out-of-staters, state Senator
Joe Conroy (D-Flint) said. Conroy proposed the law
- which was specifically aimed at the University -
as an amendment to the overall higher education
appropriations budget yesterday.

to cut'U' funds
Conroy said, "I think there should be a penalty
provision if there's not compliance." He said any cuts
would probably come next year.
State Senator William Sederburg said the
University's out-of-state enrollment policy will be
challenged during House/Senate conference
committees in two weeks because many legislators
feel the University is getting sufficient funds from
out-of-state tuition, donot warrant all state funding.
The Legislature would like to see the University
limit its out-of-state enrollment to around 20 percent,
Sederburg said. Out-of-state enrollment at the
University is currently 36 percent.

coercion" from the administration
to develop a code - a set of rules
intended to govern student behavior
outside the classroom.
Since 1984, the nine-member
panel of students, faculty members,
and administrators has met weekly
in an attempt to formulate a code.
But since then, the council has
been a battleground between the
students and its administrative and
faculty members. Although Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro has
indicated that he and other
administrator's have lost all confi-
dence in the council's progress, he
declined to comment on the
possible breakup of the council and
if it would prompt the adminis-
See DISPUTES, Page 2
resort to
wait list
for frosh
The University has granted
admission to all wait listed in-state
students and many wait listed out-
of-state students for this year's
incoming class, despite a 10 percent
increase in applications over last
The bad publicity the Univer-
sity received after the racial inci-
dents in March may have prompted
many students to choose other
schools, according to Associate
Director of Undergraduate Admis-
sions Mike Donohue.
"There were not as many paid
deposits as we expected," he said.
"At (the end of March) we were
See FROSH, Page 2

Protest continues in S. Korea

Special to the Daily
With the Seoul Summer Olympics
one year away, students in South
Korea's most prestigious university
are threatening its success as well
as the government's stability by
protesting the police killing of a
fellow student and the country's
unjust presidential elections.
Students have been boycotting
classes since it was discovered that
Seoul police suffocated Park
Chong-Chol while questioning him
about political activities of other
President Chun Doo Hwan - as
a commitment to enhance human
} rights protection - has arrested
several police officers and dismissed
the prime minister, three cabinet

ministers, the national police chief,
and the head of the state intelligence
agency for the alleged killing and
The new prime minister, Lee
Han-Key has warned the govern-
ment's political opposition not to
exploit the incident and cause social
According to Han Kim, a 20-
year-old Seoul National University
junior majoring in economics, the
roots of the current problem go
back to the 1970s.
While President Chun has stated
his intention to step down next
February when his seven year term
expires, his ruling Democratic
Justice party has not agreed on the
terms of transition to the next
government. Kim said Chun's
ascendency to the top was illegal

and undemocratic. "We students
want to show the real aspect of
Park Chong-Chol's death, the real
aspect of the Chun autocratic
The opposition party, which
recently splintered, has long
demanded direct presidential elec-
tions and constitutional reform.
Also according to Kim, another
major reason for the student strike
is to support "democratization."
South Korea has boomed
economically for the past decade,
thwarting the opposition party's
attempts to gain similar support
anti-Marcos forces had in the
Philippines last year.
This modernization is especially
apparent at Seoul National
See S.KOREAN, Page 5

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
Flags fly in the wind at
Domino's Farms world
Headquarters near Ann
Arbor. The flags represent all
the countries - now including
Honduras - where Domino's
Pizza delivers. See Story,

a V

Michigan may host super collider

Michigan may rank within the
top five proposed states to become
the site of the world's largest
superconducting super collider, the
President of the Michigan Energy
and Resource Research Association
John Mogk told the Michigan
Technology Council yesterday.
The $4.4 billion super collider is
a device that can accelerate atomic
particles close to the speed of light
creating a temporary output of
energy exceeding the output of all
the earth's power plants.
Although a final decision will
not be made until December, of -
ficials think Michigan would be an
ideal site because of the state

legislature's strong support for the
project. "We have the full support
of all the political muscle this state
can muster," Mogk said. If located
in Michigan, the collider would be
built either in Monroe or Lenawee
counties or between Ann Arbor and
In March, Governor James
Blanchard announced his commit -
ment to the project sponsored by
the U.S. Department of Energy.
The collider would create over
2,500 permanent jobs and "place
the state in the forefront of inter -
national scientific research," Mogk
The University would also
benefit from the collider. University

Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
said, "This would place the Univer -
sity right at the cutting edge of
physics research."
At the heart of the super collider
will be 50 foot-long super
conducting magnets which will
propel protons around the oval at
nearly the speed of light, allowing
the particles to collide at six points
along the ring. These collisions
create conditions similar to the
formation of the universe and lead
to new types of atomic particles "to
see the heart of matter," said
University Physics Department
Chair Lawrence Jones.
Jones added there are no military
or commercial objectives.

Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
John Mogk, president of the Michigan Energy and Resource Research
Association (MERRA) speaks yesterday in the ballroom of the Ann Arbor
Inn about Michigan's race for the Superconducting Super Collider.

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