Greenpeace protests
By RYAN TUTAK as sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide - More C
"We're willing to put our lives on the will be emitted from the incinerator every incinera
line because people conducting business as hour. This figure represents a cancer risk 19 Bruc
usual are killing all of us - the Detroit inc- times higher than the DNR has ever per- method
inerator is a perfect example," said Bruce mitted in the past. banners
Young, canvassing director of the Ann Arbor But Bob Berg, executive assistant to people
branch of Greenpeace. Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, said, "Cole - instead
Last Tuesday three members of the non- man Young would never build anything in incinera
violent protest organization climbed cranes the center of Detroit that is dangerous to the "We
at the construction site of a trash incinerator health of the people." incinera
near the Wayne State University campus in Larry Chadzynski, chief of Center for Sederst
Detroit. They hung large banners which read: Environmental Sciences said, "I don't think Greenpe
"Ban the Burn" and "Greenpeace" to protest that (the incinerator) is going to be a the Det
the construction of the world's largest trash problem." Chadzynski believes the DNR fig- - a pr
incinerator scheduled for completion in May ures are insignificant. about 10
1989. TWO Greenpeace activists continued the "Eco
ACCORDING to the report released by incinerator protest Wednesday afternoon at this inc
the Michigan Department of Natural Resou- the Ambasssador Bridge. While camping out and has
rces, more than 2,600 pounds of organic on top of the bridge until morning, they Sederstr
compounds - many of which are toxic such hung a banner that read: "Mayor Young: "Tha
The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987- Page5
trash incinerator
ancer isn't the answer. Stop Detroit's
ce Young believes this "different"
of protest is effective. "Putting up
on cranes is a direct way to get
to think about what is happening
of just saying 'we don't want this
're going to continue protesting
ation until it stops," said Scott
rom, regional canvassing director of
eace. A second protest is planned at
roit Edison Plaza today at 4:00 p.m.
otest at City Hall yesterday drew
00 people yesterday.
nomically, it's a disaster to build
inerator. It will cost $460 million...
s a life span of 20 years," said
at thing is going to spew out
hundreds of pounds of dangerous chemicals
every single hour of every single day," said
Bruce Young about the incinerator. "It's a
risk to the life of everyone in the Detroit
G R E E N P E A C E will also inform
Washtenaw County residents that their
county has been selected as the land-fill site
that will store ash created by the incinerator,
Bruce Young said. "Incinerator ash is
hazardous waste...we need to get people in
Washtenaw County to say 'No. Not in my
backyard. But not in anyone else's either,"'
he said.
Members of Greenpeace believe the only
solution to the toxic waste problem is to
recycle plastic. "The problem is not what
you do with the waste. It's reducing the
amount of waste that we are creating...
which can be done by recycling."
only Breakfast
Tom Piedmont fishes for small-mouth bass in the Huron River north of Ann Arbor. However, he said he throws
the fish back in the river because he only fishes "for the sport of it."
Report calls city drinking water safe
By CATHY SHAP Rolf Deininger, an environmen - dhount of organics in drinking water
Although there have been many tal engineer at the School of Public and the Ann Arbor Treatment Plant
reports around the country concern - Health, conducted several studies on now adds ammonia to the treat -
ing contaminated drinking water, drinking water and reports that Ann ment. This prevents the reaction be -
Ann Arbor's drinking water is Arbor rates among the best. "There tween the chlorine and organics
clearer and safer than it has ever is no reason to assume any imme - which result in chloroforms.
been because of the changes made diate dangers in Ann Arbor drinking According to The National
by the Ann Arbor Water Treatment water," he said. Cancer Institute, chloroform is a
Plant, according to plant officials. Fme tr t carcinogen in test animals. Re -
rWLViy, cWa a euc
"People are people and some with chlorine to kill organics such
have different (taste) tolerances but as leaves and bacteria. However,
Ann Arbor drinking water meets all this process created organic com -
EPA and State requirements," said pounds, or chloroform.
sHarvey Mieske the treatment plant The Environmental Protection
supervisor. Agency has since regulated the a -
search on cancer mortality by
Deininger in 1981 linked 30 percent
of the 805,000 cancer cases to
carcinogens in drinking water.
Deininger explained the level of
organics in the water creates-
differences in taste.
Every weekend at
McDonald's® on Campus. Be-
June 13 and 14,1987.
Galleria to host shops, apartments,
On the roof of the Galleria will
be a public park for the communi -
ty. Kadushin said it would be
similar to Liberty Park Plaza on
ivision Street. As of now, there
are no plans to put a bar or cafe on
the plaza,
Student reaction to the Galleria
was mixed. Dan Levine, an LSA
Senior, said, "I think its a great
idea. If they put in some good
shops it should do well."
But others were more appre -
hensive. Beth Grossman, an LSA
Junior, thinks that commercialism
is ruining the South University
area. "The last thing that South
University needs is another mall
with franchises in it," Grossman
One dispute over the planned
complex was that it would create an
additional parking burden in the
area. The complex requires 25 on-
site parking spaces, but due to
"technical complications," they
could not be built on the premises.
* July 25 and 26, 1987 excluded
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