Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1987
New tax bill wouldmake
local institute exempt
By ELIZABETH ATKINS The bill, which still must pass are local dollars," she said. "Some-
and EDWARD KLEINE the House, would exempt the one is going to have to pay those
Special to the Daily Industrial Technology Institute taxes, either the homeowners or the
LANSING - A bill to give (ITI), and three other research insti- businesses."
property tax exemption to state- tutes in the state from property Pollack proposed an amendment
funded research institutions - taxes. Each institution receives to the bill two weeeks ago which
including one in Ann Arbor - more than one million dollars per would have required all the research
passed the state Senate yesterday by year from the state in research institutes to work out an agreement
a 36-1 margin. Sen. Lana Pollack grants, providing "payment or services" to
(D-Ann Arbor) voted against the This exemption will cost the local governments.
bill, contesting it infringes upon city about $750,000 a year, Pollack "ITI needs special tax treatment.
the rights of the city's local said. "It's the state giving away I think it should be taxable, but not
government. local revenues. Property tax dollars wholly taxable," Pollack said
ITI representatives were unavail-
able for comment.
According to Ann Arbor City
COUPON Attorney Bruce Laidlaw, the city
1050 first placed ITI on its tax roll
. .., in1985. ITI paid taxes until
OFF November 1986, and then refused to
Adult Evening pay. Since the bill would not go
Admsson "WORKING GIR LS" See POLLACK, Page 11
Doily Photo byJOHN MUNSON
The Industrial Technology Institute building at 290 Hubbard on North
Campus would be exempt from paying $750,000 annually in property
taxes as a result of a bill passed yesterday in the Senate. The bill applies
to all research institutes which receive over one million dollars in state
Ior 2 Tckets
"PRICK UP YOUR EARS" U project uses wav
By MELISSA RAMSDELL a University alternative energy
Residents of northwestern research Droiect conducted by the
e energy
Michigan looking towards Manitou
Island this summer may think they
see the Lochness Monster in the
waters of Lake Michigan when
what they will actually see is a 20-
by-30 foot wave energy absorber -
Naval Architecture and Marine
Engineering department at the
University's College of
THE DEVICE, now in the
final stages of construction, weighs
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Vol. XCVI-No. 5S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Fridays during
the spring and summer terms. Subscription rates: May through
August-$5 in Ann Arbor; $7 outside the city.
over 40 tons and consists of two
flaps sticking four feet out of the
water which are attached to an
electrical generator. The motion of
the waves pushing and pulling the
flaps will drive the generator and
create electricity.
With three foot waves, the
$95,000 apparatus will produce
enough electricity to power four
homes, according to Guy Meadows,
a member of the research team and
engineering professor.
If the project is successful, the
team plans to build a full scale
wave energy absorber for testing in
ocean conditions. "We have very
high hopes this will succeed,"
Meadows said.
THE U.S. Department of
Energy; VA Phelps, an Ann Arbor
ocean engineering design corpo-
ration; and the Q. Corporation, an
ocean energy firm, supplied granti
for the project totaling approx-
imately $200,000 for the seven-year
life of the project.
The project began as a Ph.D.
dissertation on extracting energy
from wave motion. When the work
showed promising results, the
research entered its second stage.
Researchers constructed a smallet
scale model and ran a successful
series of tests in the 360-foot wave
generation tank located in the Ship
Hydrodynamics Lab in West
Engineering. With the success of
the smaller model, the present
prototype device went under
BECAUSE the United States
currently has a good deal of low-
cost natural energy sources, Mea-
dows said the wave energy absorbe
would only be practical for areas
which currently pay high costs foi
conventional power.
LulLschools. Bu wnysettle?
Kaplan prep courseshelp
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Classes forming now
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