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May 29, 1987 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-05-29

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 29, 1987
Goldberg secon
By DARREN JASEY Goldberg's 31-match winning unseeded (not in top 32) player to
Michigan sophomore Dan streak was broken in the win the crown since Michigan's
Goldberg captivated the college championship, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4, Mike Leach in 1982.
tennis world last week when he against South African Andrew THE AVON, Conn., native
advanced to the championship Burrow of the University of was the No. 2 singles player behind
match of the 64-player NCAA Miami, Fla. Ed Nagel on coach Brian Eisner's
singles tournament at Athens, Ga. Goldberg was trying to become Michigan team, and was ranked
The only American of the four the first player since Jimmy 63rd in the nation prior to the
semi-finalists, Goldberg advanced to Connors in 1971 to win the singles tournament. Burrow, a senior, was
the final by beating French-born event while not being the No. 1 ranked seventh.
Olivier Lorin of Oklahoma, 6-4, 2- singles player on his team. He "To go through a straight week
6, 6-1 nearly missed becoming the first like that and play some of the best

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dn NCAAs
players back to back to back to He added that players who play
back was very difficult," Goldberg close to the net were at a
said. "I now feel really confident disadvantage against his style of
that I can win one of these play on the slower court. Burrow,
tournaments." like Goldberg, also played
Eisner said, "I said all along that excellently along the baseline.
I had the best one-two punch in the With both players using their
country and I think (Goldberg's similar styles, the final was said to
success) proves it." be the most exciting in years. It
As amazing as his was the first since 1981 to go three
accomplishment was, Goldberg still sets.
regrets not joining Leach and Barry Burrow, Miami's first champion
McKay (1957) as past singles since 1965, and Goldberg were
champions from Michigan. named All-Americans. Goldberg
"I didn't know what to expect was also named to the Collegiate
when the tournament began," Junior Davis Cup Team, which
Goldberg said. "But .I started makes it possible for him to qualify
winning and I was really tasting for the U.S. Open.
things. Getting into the finals and Goldberg competed earlier in the
having a chance to win made it week with his teammates in the
more disappointing." team tournament, in which
THE COARSE courts at the Michigan defeated Kentucky before
University of Georgia's Henry Feild bowing out to top-ranked USC. It
Stadium worked to Goldberg's was Michigan's most successful
advantage as he advanced through tournament showing in seven years.
the early rounds against heavily Goldberg and Eisner agree that
favored opposition. Many of the Michigan's success was not a case
nation's top-rated players fell in the of the underdog performing a
early rounds, including Nagel in the miracle, but rather an
first. underestimation of Midwestern
Goldberg's first match, against tennis by the experts. Both hope
Tennessee's Byron Talbot, was the performance at Athens will up
perhaps his toughest. The scores the Big Ten's value as a
were 6-7 (3-7 tiebreaker) , 7-5, 7-6 competitive tennis conference.
(7-3 tiebreaker). "I don't think the Big Ten gets
"The courts played reasonably enough credit," said Goldberg.
slow, primarily to my strength of "When doing the rankings they
playing for the baseline," said don't really look at the Big Ten
Goldberg. critically."
,I didn't know what to
expect when the
tournament began. But I
started winning and I was
really tasting things.
Getting into the finals and
having a chance to win
made it more .
- Dan Goldberg




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