The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 29, 1987- Page 9
A rts Update
One of the true greats of
American music, Clarence
It's one hell of a night to start "Gatemouth" Brown, holds
the weekend. "Motown's greatest court at Rick's. A pre-rock legend,
show and dance band," Domino, Brown has a career which spans five
plays at the Blind Pig, 208 South decades. Incorporating elements of
First St., tonight and tomorrow. If jazz, cajuncountry, and blues,
your just in the mood to do some
heavy drinkin' and want to listen to
some good rock and roll, this is the
place to be...The island sounds of
the Trinidad-Tripoli Steel
Band echo through Rick's, 911
Church St....The Chenille
Sisters throw their First Annual
"Real Memorial Day Concert."
This amazing trio can be seen at the
Ark, 637 1/2 S. Main. And if you
don't catch them tonight at 7:30
and 10, hey, you can see them
tomorrow, too...You mean you
haven't seen a movie which is
produced and directed by local
filmmakers including a cast a crew
all from Ann Arbor? Well, now's
your chance. The Stranger
Stranger is playing at MLB 4 at
7:00. It's free, too.
S A T U R D A Y Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown
Brown would be a superstar if
people were more concerned with
quality music rather than narrow
definitions. As a bonus, last time
he was in town, his six year old
daughter sang a tune. He's still
going strong, making Rick's the
place to be if you want to check out
some serious tunes...If your a little
bored with Ann Arbor, make sure
you see Masculine-Feminine.
Goddard's wacko movie about
everything and nothing shows
tonight at MLB 4, 7:30 and 9:30.
Though I've never seen him in
action, Marty Burke is supposed
to be a pretty funny and talented
guy. This Irish singer, who's
playing tonight at the Ark at 7,
combines songs from Ireland, Brit-
ain, New England and other places
in his repertoire.
M 0 N S A Y
Power Monday at the Blind Pig
returns in full swing with Salem
66, that crazy Boston Band. See
them, they're really kind of
cool...Eyemediae, 214 N. Forth,
presents a night of Latino
Poetry. There will be reading by
Ana Cardona, Jose Garza, Lollita
Hernandez Gray, Rosa Maria Mu-
noz, Trino Sanchez and others. It
promises to be a great event and
starts at 8...Ipso Facto, a highly
political and above average reggae
band from Minneapolis play Rick's
tonight which is sort of a tuneup
...a banner night for reggae
lovers. We get plenty of good
island sounds from Ohio, but
tonight is a rare local appearance
by two of Jamaica's top reggae
bands. The I-Tals, backed by
The Roots Radics, the island's
most in demand rythm section, are
at Rick's tonight. They're good and
they're the real thing too-
...."Absolutely the best Chicano
documentary ever seen" is playing
tonight at Eyemediae. It's called
Chulas Fronteras and it
explores the family life, spirit and
struggle of the Chicano people.
Afterwards there will be a gallery
talk by Jose Garza and Kathe
Kowalski whose exhibit is current-
ly being shown at Eyemediae.
What do Elliot Gould and
Humphrey Bogart have in
common? Well, they both play
Phillip Marlowe in this great
double feature. Robert Altman's
The Long Goodbye and Howard
Hawks' The Big Sleep, playing
at the Mich. starting at 7:30.
The Fly, last year's summer
blockbuster is coming to town
tonight. It stars Jeff Goldblum as a
scientist who makes a bad mistake
in a teleportation experiment. It
shows at the Mich. at 7:30 and
-Seth Flicker
The Calendar
of The University of Michigan
The calendar combines meeting, lecture workshop and con-
ference announcements with other events happening each week
on campus. It is based on The University Record calendar, and
is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations
recognized by the Michigan Student Assembly. Items must be
submitted in writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publication.
Address all information to: Julie A. Brown, publications
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*
denoles events to which admission is charged.
Gay Liberation-Lesbian-Gay Male Community Open House, 8:30 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division. 665-0606, 763-4186.
*Med Ctr--Mott Golf Classic, 7:30 am & 1:30 pm, Radrick Farms, 763-
Comp CtrlMicrocomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Intro to MTS," 9 am-noon;
"MS-DOS Advanced Skills," 1-3 pm, & "Microsoft Word" Pt I
(Macintosh), 1-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Course, "Intro to Computing
Resources on Campus," 10:30 am-12:30 pm, 4212 SEB. Regis: 747-
Pediatrics--Conf, R Langer, "Biomaterials: New Perspectives on Their
Use in Controlled Drug Formulation andBiotechnological Advances," 4
pm, 2566 CC Little. 936-2850
*Eclipse Jazz--Perf, The Lunar Glee Club, 8 pm, the Ark. 763-0046.
Med Ctr--Mastectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, 2nd Level,
Univ Hosp. 763-9953.
Plant Oper--Class, "Weight Watchers at Work," 3:30 pm, Model Conf
Rm, 326E Hoover. 764-2484.
*Outdoor Rec Prog--Bicycle Repair Clinic (brake & cables), 8 pm,
NCRB. 764-3967.
Comp CtrlMicrocomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Lotus 1-2-3" Pt It, 8:30
am-12:30 pm, "Microsoft Word" Pt DO(IBM PC-Compatibles), 1-3 pm,
3001 SEB. Courses: "Intro to Computing," 10:30 am-12:30 pm, &
"Basic Concepts of Database Management Systems," 1-3 pm, 4212
SEB. Course, "MTS File Editor" Pt I, 7-9 pm, 4003 SEB. Regis:
Pediatrics--Grand Rounds, R Langer, "Immobilized Enzyme Reactors: A
New Approach to the Treatent of Disease," 8:15 am, Rm F1608,
Mtt Children's Hop. 936-2850
*Celebration '87--Perf, Aliens & Scoundrels, 8 pm, Mendelsohn
Theatre. 764-3982, 663-2379.
MichGay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe, 763-
uM-CARE--Prog, "Preparing Your Cld for a New Brother or Sister," 7
pm, 2200 Gren Rd. Regis: 763-7385.
Outdoor Rec Prog--Pm-trip mtg (for June 13 rock climbing trip), 7-10
pm, NCRB. 763-4560.
Psychiatry--Conf, "Psycholbiology of Early Infant Stimulation," 10:30
am--noon, Aud Rm P3231, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Hosp.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Prog, "All Things Reconsidered," 6:30 pm. 763-
*Celebration '87--Perf, Aliens & Scoundrels, 8 pm, Mendelsohn
Theatre. 764-3982, 663-2379.
*Cont Med Ed--Conf, "Current Topics in Blood Banking: 14th Annual
Symposium," 7:50 am-3:45 pm Fri, Towsley Ctr. 763-1400.
U-M-DBN--Benefit dinner, "Supper at the Mansion," 6:30 pm, Henry
Ford Esute-Fair Lane. 593-5556.
*Extension Svc--Conf, "Excellence in the Office: Career Development,"
2:45-5 pm, Mich League. 764-5304.
*Mich League--Amer Heritage Night, Pennsylvania Dutch, 4:30-7:30
pm, The League Buffet.
*Med Ctr--Conf (3-day), "Sexuality & the Menstrual Cycle: Clinical &
Sociocultural Implications," Mich Union. 747-0352.Lumpectomy
Disc Gp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, 2nd Level, Univ Hosp. 763-
Med Ctr--Lumpectomy Disc Grp, noon-1:15 pm, Rm 2A235, 2nd Level,
Univ Hosp. 763-9953, 936-4300.
*Outdoor Rec Prog--Sem (series of day outings), "Natural History
Course of Surrounding Areas of Ann Arbor," 7-9 pm. Regis: 764-
*Turner Geriatric Sves--Prog, B Duff, "Views & Impressions of
China," & "Living Better With Your Hearing Loss," 10am-noon, 1010
Wall. 764-2556.
Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Intro to MTS, 9 am-noon;
"Macintosh Basic Skills," 9 am-noon; "dBASE III Plus" Pt I, 1-5 pm,
& "Excel" Pt I, 1-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Courses: "Basic Concepts of
Desktop Publishing," 1-3 pm, 4212 SEB, & "MTS File Editor" Pt B,
7-9 pm, 4003 SEB. Regis: 747-2424
*Celebration '87--Perf, Aliens & Scoundrels, 8 pm, Mendelsohn
Theatre. 764-3982,663-2379.
Career Ping & Plant--Lec, "Interviewing," 3:10-4:30 pm, 3200 SAB,
Comp Ctr/Mlcrocomp Ed Ctr--Courses: "Microsoft Word
Lecture/Demonstration (Macintosh)," 9-10 am; "Basic Concepts of
Spreadsheeting," 10:30 am-12:30 pm, & "Intro to Computing," 1-3
pm, 4212 SEB. Courses: "MS-DOS Basic Skills (IBM)," 9 am-noon;
"Computer Conferencing for MTS Users," 1-3 pm, and "VersaTerm
Termial Emulation Program," 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB. Regis: 747-2424.
*AAFC--Crocodile Dundee, 7:30 & 9:30, Nat Sci.
*Celebration '87--Perf, Aliens & Scoundrels, 2 & 8 pm, Mendelsohn
Theatre. 764-3982,663-2379.
*Exhibit Mus--Family Show, Sky Rambles, 10:30 & 11:30 am, &
Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm, Planetarium, 1109
Geddes. 764-0478. Adventure workshop (4-7 yrs), "Digging into
Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life," 10:30 am-noon, 1109 Geddes. 764-
Stu Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, Sess I, 9-11 am, SAB,
Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation Serv., 5-7 pm., 1214 Packard, 761-
*Exhibit Mus--Family Show, Sky Rambles, 10:30 & 11:30 am, &
Feature Show, The Universe Game, 2 & 3:15 pm, Planetarium, 1109
Geddes. 764-0478.
M-CARE--Family Fun Day, noon-6 pm, Maybury Park. 349-0203.
*Outdoor Rec Prog--Hands-on Clinic, "Basic Canoe Strokes &
Techniques," 1-4 pm, Argo Pond. Regis: 764-3967.
Stu Woodshp--Safety class for new shop users, Sess II, 11 am-1 pm,
SAB. 763-4025.
Comp Ctr/Microcomp Ed Ctr--Computing Ctr Tour, 2-4 pm, 1075
Beal Ave. Regis: 764-2121.