OPINION Page 6 Friday, May 29, 1987 The Michigan Daily r we mdyian til 97 Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XCVI - No. AS Unsigned editorials represent the majority views of the Daily's Editorial Board. Cartoons and signed editorials do not necessarily reflect the Daily's opinion. Acquiring immunity A long and Weine-ing road RECENTLY, MEMBERS OF the Ann Arbor City Council proposed a new city ordinance to ban discrimination against city employees who are victims of the disease AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Although the proposal was not passed this time, its intent deals with a problem we will all hear much more about in the future. AIDS is a most frightening disease. It is 100 percent fatal, having no known cure, and researchers are only beginning to discover possible treatments, as distinct from cures, for the disease. While victims of AIDS have traditionally been members of "high-risk" groups such as homosexual men, hemophiliacs, and intravenous drug users, the disease has now spread into the population at large. There are over 30,000 cases of AIDS in the United States, and it is estimated that 1.5 million Americans are now infected with the AIDS virus, yet show no symptoms of the disease due to its lengthy incubation period - some - times as long as five years. Because AIDS was first diag - nosed in homosexual men, it was thought to be a "gay" disease. Many who feel an aversion to homosexuality even espoused the notion that getting AIDS was a question of morality. Such ideas fostered a lax attitude about the disease among both the government and general population, with regards to the potential public health threat posed by AIDS. It took years for the government in Washington to address the issue and to appropriate needed funds for research and treatment development. And even today, much of the population remains ignorant of the seriousness of the disease, and the method of its transmission. However, AIDS is now seen as a general health problem - a true public threat, capable of infecting and killing large portions of the population. And with the increased knowledge of the disease has come increased fear. Many ideas have been bandied about regarding the most effective means to cope with the epidemic. Total sexual ab - stinence before marriage, mandatory testing for the AIDS virus, and quarantining those infected with the virus are among the options that have been discussed. None of these measure takes into consideration the rights and plight of the victims. While there are roughly only 300 cases of AIDS in the state of Michigan, Ann Arbor is home to a cosmopolitan population eight months out of the year, and many school-time residents come from states with a much higher incidence of AIDS cases. Although indiffer - ence to the disease seems inordi - nately high among University students, there have been two docu - mented cases of AIDS among members of the University community. Furthermore, while there are no statistics to document the number of city employees in "at risk" groups, it is common knowledge that sexual liasons occur among full-time city residents, among University community residents, and among members of these two groups. Therefore, barring a radical change in the sexual practices of the general population, it would seem to be only a matter of time before Ann Arbor experiences a growing number of reported AIDS cases. A city ordinance which protects the rights of victims of AIDS is an appropriate measure, and it is well to enact such a law prior to a real outbreak of the disease within the city. Job discrimination, based upon contraction of the disease would only double the burden upon the victim, and limit access to needed medical insurance. While there is no cure as of yet, there are several drugs capable of treating the disease and preventing its progression in the body of an infected individual. Since these treatments will be largely financed via medical insurance, access to insurance is a necessity if AIDS victims are to have any hope. The city council should adopt a measure to insure that its municipal workers who contract AIDS are not further inflicted by job dismissal. Such a measure will protect the rights of victims, and recognize that AIDS is a medical problem which, as long as it does not hinder the performance of duty, has no place in determining fitness for employment. IN THE MARCH Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) elections, two issues were salient: which party would win and whether or not PIRGIM would be funded through MSA. The only party which vocally supported the PIRGIM funding, Students First, won the elections by a wide margin. PIRGIM garnered even greater support with 69 percent of student voters mandating funding through MSA. With this in mind, recent maneuvering in MSA concerning PIRGIM defies easy compre - hension. After students had voiced such substantial support for funding PIRGIM, MSA president Ken Weine and other newly-elected "pro- PIRGIM" officers decided to present PIRGIM funding to the regents as separate from MSA funding. To present the regents with the option of funding PIRGIM separately would surely have killed any chances foreapproval. Weine, who has been in contact with admin - istrators, was well aware that the regents would not support PIRGIM funding as a separate item. Weine was willing to throw PIRGIM to the wolves out of fear that MSA's own funding could be cut if the assembly was to associate itself with the somewhat contro - versial private lobbying group. Weine defended his position on the basis that it was important to secure funding for local groups like the Ann Arbor Tenants Union and Student Legal Services, rather than take a risk by supporting PIRGIM, a nationally-affiliating organization. Weine's logic sounds disturbingly similar to that of those who have identified themselves as anti- PIRGIM funding. Indeed, dis- counting Weine's protestations to the contrary, it is difficult to discern between pur rtedly " ro-PIRGIM" Weine an dPIRGIM 's avowed enemies. Fortunately, the assembly overturned the decision to present PIRGIM funding separately by a narrow margin of 8 to 7, with Weine abstaining. Weine's vote probably would have resulted in PIRGIM being presented separately but Weine refrained from casting the deciding vote, wary of creating controversy. Weine explained that he "wanted the assembly to decide the issue." Evidently, Weine does not fully appreciate that he is part of the assembly and charged with making controversial decisions. Although the assembly's final decision dictates that PIRGIM's funding will be incorporated within that of MSA, the resolve and credibility of Weine and the assembly has been brought into serious question. If assembly members intended to fulfill the clearly expressed mandate of their constituents, a move to effectively quash PIRGIM should not have even been considered. The constant equivocation, initial turnaround, and ultimate silence of Weine is the most reprehensible aspect of the entire debacle. "Since I've gotten in the driver's seat, my perspective has changed...I must now consider the institutional interests of MSA," Weine has said of his post-election position changes. Secluded in the "driver's seat, Weine appears to have forgotten that the student body loaned him the keys, partially because of his avowed pro-PIRGIM stance. MSA has no institutional interests separate from those of the student body. The sated will of the student body is to fund PIRGIM through an increase in the MSA funds; it is the duty of MSA to carry out that will. st stupid' actions of the regents seem an attempt to intimidate and silence would-be critics. There are now indications that, having made their message heard, the regents will grant Professor Fusfeld his emeritus status. Yet this does not negate that the regents have engaged in rank abuse of power in their pursuit of a personal vendetta. This exploitation of power not only transgresses the duties of the regental office, but violates the principles of free exchange and criticism espoused by the University. The regents, who are supposed to occupy a role of leadership in the University community, have forsaken their responsibilities and undermined the values upon which that community is founded. Far from exonerating themselves from the charge that they "are not evil people; they're just stupid," the regents have given profound testimony to the veracity of such an evaluation. Indeed, recent events have shown that, if the judgement was faulty, it was in its generous estimate of regental moral character. 'Regents not evil, ju THE UNIVERSITY BOARD of Regents have so far denied Professor Daniel R. Fusfeld his deserved title of Professor Emeritus of Economics. In doing so, the regents have exhibited pettiness and malevolence. In 1979, Fusfeld ask - ed the regents to divest Univesity- owned stock of companies operat - ing in South Africa. In light of regental obstinance, Fusfeld quoted a freind to the effect that "the regents are not evil people; they're just stupid." In response, Regent Roach motioned to table Fusfeld's emeritus status. Roach said, "I was offended by it [the comment made in 1979]. There was nothing we could do at the time, but we talked about it, and we decided if we ever got the chance..." The review of Professor Fusfeld's emeritus status provided the regents with a chance to get even. Professor Fusfeld, respected in the field of economics, has served well his students and the Univeristity for the last twenty seven years. He has earned all the honor that goes with emeritus status. According to the by-laws of the University, "Emeritus professors shall be regarded as members of the University instructional staff who have retired..." Fusfeld may be the first professor to be denied emeritus status. The true meaning of withholding job benefits because of Fusfeld's statement is deeper than evening a score. Fusfeld was not acting in his capacity as a faculty member. He was petitioning the regents to aid Blacks in South Africa. The regents wish to punish Fusfeld for a political statement, conveniently forgeting that freedom of speech is guaranteed under the First Amendment. Moreover, the regents have chosen to impose pun - ishment for non-academic actions on the part of faculty members. To allow the regents to use this form of "dishonorable discharge" as retribution against faculty critics would set a dangerous precedence. The castigation of Professor Fusfeld would senda clear message to other faculty members that vocal criticism, at least of the regents, is not welcomed in the academy. The