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May 29, 1987 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-05-29

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 29, 1987- Page 3
Michigan Peace March
to begin this weekend

The Michigan Peace March for Global Nuclear
Disarmament will kick off its 70-day march
tomorrow in Sault Ste. Marie. Moving down the
western side of the state, the march will cross the
state and stop in 17 cities, including Ann Arbor, for
one to two days.
Themain goals of the march are a test ban treaty,
a nuclear weapons freeze, an end to President
Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative - "Star Wars"
- and economic conversion to support human needs.
Locally, the Michigan Student Assembly,
Greenpeace, SANE, the Inter-Faith Council for Peace,
and several city and state government officials are
working to coordinate the march's stop in Ann Arbor

on July 31. "The whole idea of peace begins at home.
We must look globally but act locally," said Jackie
Victor, co-chair of MSA's Peace and Justice
Committee and one of the march organizers.
Organizers want the Michigan march to resemble
the spirit of the National Peace March, which
travelled across the country last year for nine months.
"Non-violent, well organized, direct action such as the
peace march forces people to sit back and think," said
Cynthia Weinzel, an Ann Arbor organizer and
canvasser for SANE.
Community members and students are encouraged
to join the march. "We desperately need people -
this is a tremendously important project," said Justin
Schwartz, a member of the Michigan Alliance for

City council approves budget

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
John Jones, director of University radiation control services, inspects a
55-gallon drum of radioactive waste yesterday on North Campus. Jones
is responsible for all radioactive waste including waste from radioactive
isotopes and x-ray machines.
'U' disposes of waste
By REBECCA COX materials and disposal of radioactive
Chernobyl and Three Mile wastes.
Island - two examples of what "Our staff spends a fair amount
many call the lack of adequate of time dealing with radioactive
safety guidelines for nuclear power waste," said John Jones, Director of
plants - have caused fear and Radiation Control Services. "We
apprehension even at this Univer - pick up radioactive waste at least
sity, which has had a nuclear reactor once or twice every working day."
of its own for the past thirty years. There are three classes of radio -
The Ford Nuclear Reactor on active waste - low, medium, and
North Campus has never reported a high. Low-level wastes are con -
serious accident, however. The sidered the least dangerous. Origi -
small reactor has been the site of nating from many different areas,
many protests in the past, but is these wastes come anywhere from
tightly regulated by the University, contaminated University lab materi -
state, and federal government. als, to the by-products of nuclear
There are 600 labs at the Uni - plants.
versity that utilize ionizing radia - At the University, the solid
tion as radio isotopes and x-ray ma - waste is collected and separated into
chines. Aside from strict federal and two major categories. The material
state guidelines, two University with a short half-life - half of the
committees and a special radiation time it takes a radioactive material
control service regulate the use of to become non-radioactive - is
ionizing radiation. stored at the Willow Run Airport.
The University's Radiation Con - More dangerous wastes from the
trol Services, located at the North University are placed in 55 gallon
University Building, is responsible drums, and shipped to a landfill in
for keeping record of radioactive the state of Washington.
Program targets young

The Ann Arbor City Council ap -
proved a bipartisan budget compro -
mise last week that shifts less than
one percent of the city's $45 mil -
lion general operating fund into
some special projects.
This new budget provides 0.3
percent more funds for special pro -
jects than last year's.
City Administrator Godfrey Col -
lins drafted the original budget,
which councilmembers approved
nearly unchanged. "I feel very satis -
fied," Collins said about the budget
With seven democrats and four
republicans on the council, includ -
ing a republican mayor with ex -
tensive veto power, DavidDeVarti
(D-Fourth Ward) thinks a compro -
mise was necessary to reach any a -
Highlights of the budget include
three new staff positions in the ci -
battle divides
(Continued fromPage>
agree that a separate fee request
would not be approved by the re -
gents and would ultimately kill the
environmental group.
"There is a significant amount of
opposition to PIRGIM out there,"
said PIRGIM attorney Andy Bux -
baum. "The regents know they will
get grief from student opponents to
PIRGIM if they pass a separate fee.
If PIRGIM goes within the MSA
budget, everybody knows it's there,
but the regents can take the stand:
'It's an MSA fee and MSA decides
where the money goes."'
Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Saline) said that he would not ap -
prove a separate fee proposal but
would probably support a "reason -
able" increase in the MSA fee.

ty's human services department and
additional allotments towards up-
grading public housing. The new
budget also provides $175,000 for
five new police officers.
Jerry Schleicher (R-Fourth Ward)
said he thinks the addition of more
police officers is one of the most
important achievements of the bud -
David DeVarti (D-Fourth Ward)
said he wanted to see more money
allocated to the Fire Department for
handling hazardous waste and for
enforcement in the human services
department. The department was al -
located $40,000.
The compromise also included
allocating $140,000 to the Ann Ar -
bor Housing Commission to repair
city public housing that violates
the city housing code. Earlier this
year, inspectors reported 90 percent
of city housing to be below code

Also, $35,000 has been shifted
within the Solid Waste Department
to fund a free pick-up program,
called "spring clean ups," for the
disposal of furniture and large,
heavy objects which regular garbage
removal service will not pick up.
City councilmember Jeff Epton
(D-Third Ward) said the money gi -
ven to the program is silly because
"most people do not throw their
furniture out every year." He said
the money could have been used for
something more important.
Other expenditures included in
the budget are $45,000 for a new
"long-range" city planner, $40,000
for human services, $30,000 for a
new Personnel Department employ -
ee who will monitor contractors for
compliance with the city's human
rights ordinance, $20,000 for a full-
time City Hall ombudsman, and
$15,000 for a part-time clerical em -
plovee for the Building Denartment.

(Continued from Page 1)
' program. "The way minority
populations are increasing in the
United States, 20 to 30 percent of
the population will be Black or
Hispanic by the end of the century,"
he said. "It is in our country's best
interest to go after the best and the
brightest and get them to come to
With the initiative, 62 Detroit
junior high school principals will
select two students to participate in
the program each year. If the
students sign a contract in which
they agree to strive to maintain a

3.0 grade average throughout their
high school career and score
appropriately on the ACT, they
will be guaranteed full tuition to
one of the states' universities.
The program targets the students
who have academic potential - as
well as a high risk of attrition. "We
choose not necessarily the smartest
kids, but the ones who have
potential to be successful and who
have environmental circumstances
that bring them down," Bagale said.
Though the program is not
exclusive to black students, 85
percent of the participants are Black.

Adult Evening
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Goodthru 6/4187

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