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May 08, 1987 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-05-08

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Page 16 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 8, 1987
'' draftees expected to contribute

With the exception of quarterback Jim Harbaugh,
the rest of the Michigan football players taken in the
NFL draft have been categorized by NFL front offices
as sleepers.
The Chicago Bears made Harbaugh the only first-
round selection from the Big Ten champions. Fullback
Bob Perryman, the next Wolverine player taken in the
draft, went to New England in the third round.
Defensive back Garland Rivers was the fourth-round
selection of the Detroit Lions and wide receiver Paul
Jokisch was taken in the fifth round by the San
Francisco 49ers. Running back Thomas Wilcher was
drafted by San Diego in the ninth round.
HARBAUGH, THE fourth quarterback selected
in the draft, was a surprise selection of the Bears.
"When the phone rang, my heart started pounding a
little faster," Harbaugh said. "When I found out it was
the Bears it pounded even faster. Mr. (Michael)
McCaskey told me to hold tight, that it was between
me and another player, then 30 seconds he called back.
In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd be drafted by
the Bears."
Chicago head coach Mike Ditka now has Harbaugh,
Doug Flutie, Mike Tomczak, and Steve Fuller to back
up starter Jim McMahon, if he is healthy. Ditka has
been forced into a position to defend Chicago's
quarterback glut.
"The Michigan system is not unlike ours," Ditka
said. "They might use a little more play action but it's
similar. This was a sound decision. Down the road
(Harbaugh is) going to be a good player.

OF THE MICHIGAN draftees, Rivers may have
the cleanest shot at starting in the pros. The 6-1, 181-
pound first-team All-Big Ten cornerback will likely be
shifted to strong safety for the defensively weak Lions.
"He's strong and fast, and has the intangibles you
want to have," said Lions head coach Darryl Rogers.
"He can read and react. Garland is a good football
According to Rivers the defensive switch should be
a smooth transition.
"I think strong safety is my natural position," he
said. "I like to come up and force the run but I feel I'm
quick enough to get back to cover the pass, as well. I
played strong safety in high school before I was
switched to corner at Michigan, so I think I can make
the adjustment without too much difficulty."
In Perryman, the Patriots say they have picked up
another bruising running back to go along with Tony
Collins, Craig James, and Mosi Tatupu.
"BOB COMBINES power with speed," said Dick
Steinberg, New England's director of player personnel.
"He's the type of big back that can move a pile if
there's no daylight."
In San Francisco Jokisch has been likened to the
great possesion-oriented receiver the team already has
- Dwight Clarke. Wide receiver coach Dennis Green
said he has both the height (6-8) and hands to be a very
effective receiver in the 49ers' system.
"Paul is a big receiver," the former Northwestern
coach said, "one that could play wideout or tight end.
With his size he is a big target. He has good speed and
quickness and is an outstanding athlete."

Doily Photo by SCC
Jim Harbaugh looks to do his scrambling for the Bears.

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