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August 07, 1987 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-08-07

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The Michigan Daily, Friday, August 7, 1987- Page 11
University boosts
county economy
By TAYLOR LINCOLN the influx of people during the art
Besides serving as one of Ameri- fair and for summer camps. Despite
ca's most well known colleges, the the relative absence of students,
University also plays an important close to 600,000 people visit Ann
role in the local and regional econo- Arbor during the summer months.
my, University officials said. Last year, consumers spent over
Full and part-time employees of $25 million during the art fairs
the University accounted for nearly alone, and this year, art fairs officials
15 percent of Washtenaw County's expect the total to exceed $37 mil-
1986 employment. The 1986 Uni- lion. The four-day event attracts
versity payroll totaled $481 million close to 500,000 people annually.
- roughly 21 percent of the coun- The University also affects the
ty's total private sector payroll. local economy by paying for public
University students, however, services and by attracting building
make up 13 percent of the county's projects. In 1985-86 the University
population, which may downplay paid nearly $4.5 million for public
the actual impact on the economy. services, such as the Night Owl.
But Keith Molin of the Universi- Currently $137 million worth of
ty's Office of Communications dis- building projects like the $52 mil-
agrees. "A number of people take for lion Chemistry building are under
granted that the University is here, construction. Before the end of 1987
failing to recognize the economic the University is expected to spend
impact that it has on the communi- $42.7 million on renovation pro-
ty. We play a very vital role in the jests
county." "These figures clearly show that
Students who are not employed the University is a positive force in
also help the economy because they the overall economic development of
make up a large portion of the con- the region," concluded Peter Pelleri-
sumer market. Excluding the costs to, University senior state and com-
of room and ,board, tuition and munity relations officer.
books, last year students spent an
estimated $39 to $42 million on area
businesses. CLASSIFIED ADS
Molin added that the relative ab-
sence of students during the summer
months affects the economy, though CALL 764-0557
the impact is partially alleviated by

Summer Spray Daily Photo by SCOTT TUCY
Former Ann Arbor resident Andy Blackman gets relief from the scorching heat in a
sprinkler at Elbel Field. Now a sophmore at Hofstra University on Long Island, Blackman
is in town for the summer,

Drivers fight weather, customs
conditions prevented it from reaching through, according to Berggren. The $22,200 truck was financed believes that Juigalpa should be
Juigalpa sooner. After trying eight other points, through private donations because treated as a separate entity.
"It's the rainy season which the truckers gained entrance to Mexi- Gerald Jernigan, the mayor of Ann "The relationship to any Central
makes traveling tough," said Anne co in Brownsville, Texas (more than Arbor, vetoed official city backing American city is different than a
Berggren, one of the truckers' wives, 150 miles from Laredo) the follow- for the task force. hospitality relationship," said Cole-
who also mentioned that much of the ing Monday around noon, said "We (the Republican caucus) don't man who feels that "acts of compas-
driving was through narrow and Berrgren. have any trouble with the garbage sion and peacefulness," such as the
mountainous roads. But passing customs in the Cen- truck. We had trouble with the goals garbage truck gift, are needed for
The longest delay, however, oc- tral American countries was not as of the task force," said Jernigan who "people who live in a country that's
curred at their first customs stop at difficult. has said the task force had become very war-torn, primarily because of
Laredo, Texas on Friday, July 24. "Everyone cooperated beautifully," too political. the funds that are provided by the U.
The truckers spent three days trying said Kurt Berggren last Tuesday Jernigan added that the city coun- S. Government to the contras."
to cross the Mexican border because night. "We got spontaneous and sin- cil is working to incorporate Juigalpa
there were not customs officials cere cooperation from the immigra- into its hospitality committee, but (The Associated Press contributed
around during the weekend qualified tion authorities in Guatemala and Ann Marie Coleman (D-First Ward) Thsso.)
to let the "non-standard vehicle" Honduras." to this story.)

(Continuedfrom Page v
Several students responding to the
sign have claimed, "If you're ever
missing your bike, you should check
over there." Another woman added
that she knew someone who used to
steal bikes from the Diag and sell
them to the shop for $10-$25.
But according to Naomi Loy,
whenever someone sells a bike to
the shop, "we call the serial number
in to the Ann Arbor police. If it's
I been reported as stolen, (the police)
are over here in a matter of seconds,"
she said.
Ace6iding to P&reti, people'are

deny faulty service Michigan Daily
calling in offering to help in any After threatening to take the mat- 763-0376
way they can. ter to a lawyer and the Better Busi-
"e ness Bureau, Peretz claimed that co-
"They charged my roommate for a -weWlimLy odhmta
new ireinnr tbe, ut avehim owner, William Loy, told him that
new tire inner tube, but gave him he could "take his lawyer and Better
his old one back patched. Still, they Business Bureau and go to hell."
claimed they never patch tires. I
went in to talk to the owner and was Naomi Loy recalled her husband
really nice, but (the owner) was talking about the incident. "I can NHOW acce;
strong and nasty," he said. understand why my husband became
"We just want to make people upset. I can tell you very definitely * Daysc
aware - if it's necessary (to take we do not patch tubes; it takes the * Week
this to small claims court), that's mechanic much longer to patch it, * Call or
what we'll do," said Prashant it's much easier to put a new one
wadyt, weetz1 do.a sh n ha 1220 S. Unlversity
Pendya, Pexetz' svommate "+v:safa+,a sse4? ,

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