PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Friday, August 7, 1987 Page 7 Wreaking ruin in the rainforests By Lisa Jordan Would you trade an acre of forest for a year's supply of canned beef? How about for a year's supply of hamburger from your favorite burger joint? Pet food... a year's supply of pet food... is it a deal? Every day United States consumers determine the value of the most critical portion of our ecosystem, the rainforests. Currently, we have placed the value somewhere within the realm of a pound of very bad hamburg. Rainforests all over the world are slashed and burned at the rate of 50 acres per minute. That is the equivalent of annually razing Virginia. Rainforests are natural air conditioners, incubators and laboratories. Life forms in the forests are so numerous that we have not had the time to record even half of them. Rainforests provide us with the necessary drugs and chemicals to cure anything from the flu to cancer. Rainforests absorb carbon dioxide and provide us with oxygen. Without them life as we know it will change for the worst. At the present rate of deforestation, rainforests will be extinct within 75 years. What is happening to the rainforests? Who is destroying them and why? I will answer these questions strictly in context to the Central American rainforests as this is the area where we have the greatest impact. The literature that is available on this subject places responsibility for deforestation on multiple parties. The peasants of Central America are often blamed, the governments of said area take the heat almost as often and sometimes American companies are accused. The chain of destruction is fairly easy to follow. The first stage of deforestation occurs when logging companies, seeking hardwoods such as mahogany and cedar, browse through the forests with their bulldozers. They take what they want and leave behind roads and other inlets to the deep forests,which make way for the second stage of destruction. Down the roads march homeless peasants searching for arable land. Some of these peasants are hired hands who clear land in order to plant pasture grasses. Some are independent agents who clear the land and then sell it to ranchers for $40 an acre. However, in most areas, the peasants clear the forests in order to grow subsistence and cash crops. The peasants are called "colonizers" and technically they are "improving" the land. It is the colonizers who practice the slash and burn techniques. They then plant beans, corn, cotton, etc. There are more hidden factors than not in this portion of the story. For example, the banks which provide the loan's for "improving" the land are international organizations, such as, the World Bank and the Inter- American Development Bank. The equipment to "improve" the land is purchased by generous government loans. Loans for "improving" lands for pasture are easy to come by. But, loans for growing food are not. 93% of the arable land in Central America is owned by 7% of the population. Almost all of this land is used to grow cash crops for export, leaving very little land for growing food. Food and arable land is hard to come by for 93% of the population. Therefore, in many cases, it is hunger that drives the colonizers into the forests. It is estimated that 2/3rds of the alteration is caused by peasants. The third stage occurs after the third or fourth year of colonization when the land changes hands to individuals or companies who produce export agricultural products. Those colonizers who planted crops almost always end up selling their land after a few years because the soil is nutrient-poor and cannot sustain crops for any more than three years. By the fourth year of producing crops the land becomes useless for anything but grasses. This is where large ranch owners come in and offer to buy up the "useless" land. They then use the land for grazing. The primary export product from these lands is beef. 90% of the beef produced in Central America is exported to the United States. That's 330 million pounds annually. This meat is not 100% USDA pure grain-fed beef. It does not end up on supermarket shelves as steaks, roasts or even hamburg. It is used in dog food, cat food, canned beef and fast food restaurants. Furthermore, the levels of toxins in this meat is often way above the legal levels. DDT and other pesticides are not illegal in Central America. During stage two, pesticides are sprayed abundantly and then, in stage three, cattle graze on the land. Beef that is presented at the border has to be tested. The amount that has been turned back at the border has doubled in the last few years. Cattle graze on this land for 7 to 10 years. By the tenth year, torrential rains and intensive grazing has washed away or destroyed any nutrients that survived stage two. As a result, what once sustained, literally, millions of life forms becomes wasteland within 15 years. And this decrescendo only continues to get worse when the wasteland begins the process of desertification. This process is repeated over and over again. Experts say that without United States support in the form of agricultural technology, pesticides, drugs that keep hoof and mouth disease away, etc. the cattle industry would not be profitable for Central Americans. This translates into, without US help the rainforests would not be transferred into pasture lands. Our ecosystem would remain intact. Without the U.S. market for cheap beef products the whole process would not occur in the first place. We can do something about it. The solutions are relatively simple. Beef imports from Central America could be added to the list of restricted items, thereby cutting off the market for beef. Less drastic measures are available also. Loans could be redirected to encourage intensive agricultural methods, as opposed to extensive, wasteful practices. Agricultural technological methods that are ecologically sound could be employed. Forestlands that have already been destroyed could be replenished with nutrients and then left to recuperate. Unfortunately, there is no way to replace the forestlands. They were thousands of millennia old. It is impossible to reconstruct what we have already destroyed. It is not impossible to stop the senseless destruction that will eventually effect all of us. Now, what will you trade? Jordan is Opinion Co-editor. LETTERS: To the Daily: (A letter to Senator Jack Kemp) A situation has arisen here in Michigan which requires your personal attention. We are nominees and elected officials for county and state office and are only a small number of 1200 colleagues who are being dis- enfranchised by your campaign. It has been recently brought to our attention that the leadership of your campaign here in Michigan is at- tempting to lock the party officials and nominees, like ourselves, out of the presidential selection process. While that is being done in your name it is inconceivable that it is being done with your knowledge and approval. Prior to the April meeting of the Republican State Committee, rep- resentatives of the presidential campaigns met, along with State * Party Chairman Spencer Abraham, to finalize rules for the 1988 con- ventions, Agreement was reached on all but oate critical issue-who is eligible to participate at the county conventions. This was the only issue remaining. As Mr. Abraham reported at the meeting of the State Committee, it remained open to resolve one question-how to verify which delegates have been seated to fill vacancies on a perm- anent basis. The rules were adopted with the understanding that this one unresolved issue would be nego- tiated by the next meeting of the State Committee. When the negotiators reconvened, your campaign leadership said that the only delegates eligible to par- ticipate are those elected last- Au- gust and those appointed to fill va- cancies permanently. Clearly, you must recognize the incongruity of your campaign's position that the only group of individuals who will not participate in the presidential selection process are the Republican Party officials and nominees. The position of your campaign threatens the very fabric of the Michigan Republican Party. The people who have been the backbone of the party and who have carried the banner ,of. Republicanism are now being systematically excluded from participating in the process. Our concern is not presidential politics. Our concern is the future of the Republican Party in Mich- igan. As nominees and elected of- ficials itsis our goal to build a strong party from the Courthouse to Congress. It is inconceivable that a seeker of the Presidential nomination would play a role in weakening our party. Therefore, we ask you to recognize the absurdity of this position and override your state leadership. We ask for a timely response and anxiously await your actions. - Paul L. Maloney Berrien County Prosecutor et al July 17 To the Daily: Now that WE, citizens of the United States, have irreverently for the two hundred twelfth time got the Eighteenth Century British Tyrants off of our backs have WE the coprgge to get the Twentieth Century Industrial Tyrants off of our backs? During the past two hundred years, ownership of and control over the wealth of the Nation has become concentrated into the hands of a few Rich and Super-Rich as James Madison, coauthor of the Constitution, predicted would occur. We, the Working Majority of Society, must recognize that it has been our knowledge and our skills which have created the wealth which the Rich and the Super-Rich have expropriated from us. Therefore, WE, the Productive Majority of Society, have the right and the duty to organize, as a class, to take and to hold that which has been taken away from us. The Constitution of the United States enables us to exercise that right. UNITED WE STAND-DIVIDED WE FALL. We must get rid of the internal strife between us which has been generated by Job-Trust unions. We must organize as a class to get back that which the Rich and the Super-Rich have stolen from us. Our knowledge and our skills which the exploited class has used to its advantage can be used by us to administer the processes of production and distribution more effectively and more safely to produce and to distribute an abundance of material and cultural goods of which w e have previously been deprived by our exploiters. The Declaration of Independence from British Tyranny also declared that "whenever form of Government (or people) become destructive of Life, Liberty and Happiness, itsis the right of the People, itsis their duty, to alter or to abolish it and to constitute new Government laying its foundation and organizing its powers in such form as to the People shall be most likely to effect their safety and their happiness". Widespread distribution and enjoyments of the benefits of the Industrial Revolution by all members of society requires social ownership and control of the instruments and processes of production and distribution-the establishment of the Industrial Republic of Labor. - Ralph Muncy July 8