Page 10 -The Michigan Daily, Friday, July 17, 1987
'Ats Update
Zydeco wunderkinds Terrance
Simien and the Mallet Play-
boys return to town tonight at 10
at the Blind Pig, 208 S. First. They
tore up the dance floor at their Ann
Arbor debut last March an d
commanded a standing ovation as
the unannounced opening act for
Los Lobos in April. The young
-Simien is 21- band plays with
refreshing enthusiasm and energy
and if you've never heard zydeco
you're in for a treat. It's a joyous
Louisiana blend of cajun, rock,
blues, and country with a funky
beat and guitar/accordian leads.
Laissez le bontemps rouller! ...The
Ann Arbor Summer festival draws
to a close with New York's circle
Repertory Company's production of
Sam Shepard's Fool for Love.
Performances are tonigbht and
tomorrow night at 8 pm at the
Power Center. Circle Rep is one of
the nation's mowt honorede and re-
spected theatrical troupes and Fool
for Love one of the most lauded
modern dramas. Figure it out for
yourselfs...Rock and roll roots king
Steve Nardella and his trio are at
Rick's, 911 Church,
tonight...Woody Allen's fantastic
Hannah and Her Sisters
tonight at 7 and 11:20 at the
Michigan Theatre. You've heard all
about this one...
$ :..1 :5.':T':::
Detroit reggae band K in g
David is at the Pig tonight,
completing their "tropical
weekend"...The highly acclaimed
Room With a View plays
tonight at 7 and 9:20 at the Mich. I
didn't think I'd like this
Masterpiece Theatre movie either
but it is a very pleasant surprise.
With beautiful cinematography of
Florence and the English
countryside...Tonight is the last
night of free Top of the Park enter-
tainment at the Power Center. At 7,
there is live classical music by the
Ann Arbor Chamber Winds,
followed by A Chorus Line at
around 10. Hey, it's free!...Also,
Fool for Love again tonight.
Dr. Zhivago, the epic film
about life in Russia before and
during the revolution plays tonight
at the Mich. at 6. My sister's
named after the female lead of this
film and if my mother thought that
highly of it....The Fringe
Dwellers, an Australian film
about an aboroginal family moving
from a shanty town to a new
housing development begins a one
week run at the Mich. It shows at
9:20 tonight and 7:30 the rest of
the week. Director Bruce Beresford's
better known works include Breaker
Morant , Crimes of the Heart, and
Tender Mercies
Tonight's a red letter night for
music in town. Austin Texas'
Zeitgeist returns to the Pig,
reggae band First Light strikes
Ricks, and Detroit underground
phenom Scott Campbell plays
the Heidelberg, 215 N. Main....
Zeitgeist was very big about 18
months ago, destined to become the
Next Big Thing, before dis-
appearing for a year. They're back,
on Capital Records and with a new
album due out soon. Opening act is
San Francisco's reknowned The
Cat Heads....First Light has been
widely popular in town for years
and features five former members of
I-Tal. They lay down the groove in
a neo-funk sort of
way....Campbell, called "the
cutting edge of Motor city music"
by the Toronto Star, is making his
first local appearance in four years.
Anyhow, it's exciting to see a new
musical venue possibely developing
in town. Let's support it...The
Yellow Submarine, everyone's
favorite psychadelic cartoon, plays
tonight at 9:30 at the Mich.
George Betdard and the
Kingpins bowl over the Pig
tonight. Guitar whiz Bedard leads
the band through blues and
rockabilly classics and
originals....First Light again at
Rick's...Beatles flicks continue at
the Mich. with A Hard Day's
Night at 9;30..This is the new
version with a remixed soundtrack
and added opening sequence....Also,
and this is a big one, The Art
Fair begins today.
Matt "Guitar" Murphy
opens a two night stand at Rick's
tonight. He's played with many,
from Chuck Berry to Paul
Schaeffer, but is most famous as
the Blues Brothers' lead guitarist.
Murphy mixes blues, r&b, and
jazz...Map of the World,
many's favorite local band, is at the
Pig tonight...If you missed First
Light the first two times, you can
catch them today at 1 pm at the
Prism stage. The Lunar Glee
Club, hit the Union stage at 7 pm.
I , Iin
o The University of Michigan
The calendar combines meeting, lecture workshop and con-
ference announcements with other eventshappening each week Universe (Game," 2, 3:15 pm, corner Geddes-
on campus. It is based on The University Record calendar, and Washtenaw. 764-0478.
is open to all University sponsored groups and organizations Disabled Student Sves--Sign Lang Club, "Signs of
recognized by the Michigan Student Assemb/y. Items must be the Times," 2-4 pm, Mich Rm, Mich Union. Beg-
submitted in writing by 5 p.tit. the Tuesday before publication. advanced welcome. 763-3000.-
Address all information to: Julie A. Brown, publications Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214
assistant, University Record, 412 Matnard St. Asterisk (*) Packard Rd. 761-6520.
denotes events to which admission is charged. Lurd of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 10 am,
__________________________________________ 801 S Forest, 668-7622.
*Student Woodshop--Beg woodworking class, 1-4 pm,
FRIDAY SAB. 763-4025.
AA Summer Festival--Circle Repertaor Co in Fool
for Love, 8 pm, Power Ctr. 763 -TKTS. Free(
entertainment: Top of the Park events incl Olivia JULY 20
Street Stompers, 7 m; films, Lunch Club (1987), The Gay Liberation--Lesbian-Gay Male Community Open
Girt Can't Help It (956). ilouse, 8:30 pm, Centerbury House, 218 N Oivision.
stroFest/Exhihit Mus/Aeros ace Engr--Lee, 3 665-0606.
Loudon, "Spaceweek Special: The Next 50 Years in WCBN (88.3 FM)--"The Exchange," 6 pm; "Spirits in
Space," 7:30 pm, MLB3. 426-5396. the Material World," 6:30 pm.
tegents--Mtg, 9 am, Regents' Rm, Fleming Bldg. Zen Buddhist Tem ple--Lec, L Gomez, "Buddhism,
VCBN (88.3 FM)--"Press Watch," 6,pm. Christianity and the West," Pt 1, 7:30 pm, 1214
sa Liberation--Coffee House, 8 pm, 802 Monroe St. Packard Rd. 761-6520.
63-4186. CEW--Brown bag lunch & disc, N Haniff, "Feminist
Perspectives from the Caribbean & Some
Comparisons with North America," noon-1:30 pm,
350 S Thayer. 763-7080.
ULY 18 * HRD--Sem, "Copyright," 9 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr.
Cinema Guild--City Lights; 7:30 pm, Modern Times , 764-7410.
9;05 pm, MLB4. Computing Ctr --Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS
Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Summer Basic Skills (IBM), 9 am-noon; Microsoft Word, Pt 2
Illusions," 11:30 am; "The Universe Game," 2 & 3:15 (IBM PC-Compatibles), 1-3 pm; Microsoft Word Style
pm, corner Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478. Sheets (IBM PC-Campatibles, 3-5 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB:
AA Summer Festival --Circle Repertaory Co in Fool Basic Concepts of Spreadsheeting, 10:30 am-12:30 pm,
for Love, 8 m, Power Ctr. 763-TKTS. Free Reg req. 747-2424.
entertainment: Top of the Park events incl Ann
Arbor Chamber Winds, 7 pm; film, A Chorus Line
(1985). 10 pm. TUESDAY
Inter-Coop Council--Sem, P Davis, "Membership
FULY 19 Crises in Consumer Co-ops," 7:30-9:30 pm, Bruce Co-
'Cinema Guild--King Kong, 7:30 & 9:30 pm, MLB4. opllouse, 1507 Washtenaw. 662-4414.
'Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, 'The *Jo Hunt Club--Support grp, "Practicing Your
Interviewing skills," noon-1:30 pm, 350 S Thayer.
U-M-Flint--Film, An Officer and A Gentleman, 7 pm,
Univ Ctr Kiva. Students, fac, staff-free; gen plub-$l.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Gay & Lesbian Radio Collective:
"Your Voice Is Our Voice," 6 pm, 763-3500, 995-0773.
*Student Woodshop--Dovetail Joints: Machine
Methods, 7-10 pm, SAD. 763-4025.
Zen Buddhist Te l pI--Lee, L Gomez, "Buddhism,
Christiantiy and the West," Pt 2, 7;30 pm, 1214
Packard Rd. 761-6520.
Computing Ctr--Courses; In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft
Word, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 2, 8:30
am-12:30 pm, Computer Conferencing for MTS Users,
1-3 pm; Programming in dBASE III Plus, Pt11, 1-5 pm.
In Rm 4003 SEB: Tell-A-Graf, Pt 1, 7-9 pm. Reg req.
uich Union--Perf, Amer IndianD ancers, noon; Paul
Ilarkints (marimba), 1 pm; Andy Bosller, 2 pm; Al
Peterson, 2:45; Dave Wild Tro n Sisters,
5:30 pm; Peter "Madcat" Ruth, pm, Mich Union
U-MI-Flint--See July 21.
Mich Gay Union--Soc disc grp, 9 pta, Guild House, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--"Wormen's Rites &Thythms," 6pm.
Zen Buddihist Temple--Lec, R tHayes, "An
Overview-Buddhism and Zen in the West," Pt 1, 7:30
pm, 1214 Packard Rd. 761-6520.
The Ed Alumni Soc--Disc, "Projected Teacher &
Administrator Shortages in the Michigan School
System,' noon, Whitney Aud, 1309 SEB.
Mich Union--Perf, Joe Pratt (elec Guitar), noon; Bart
Casad (uke & folk songs), 1 pm; The New Testaments,
2 pm; Andy Adamson trio, 3 pm; Les Bloom Group,
5:30 pm; Lunar Glee Club, 7 pm. Mich Union lawn.
*Mich League--Amer Heritage Night, New Orleans,
4:30-7;30 pm, The League Buffet.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--"Gray Matters,' 6 pm.
Zen Buddhist Temple--See July 22.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB; Excel Pt 2,
8:30 am-12:30 pm; dBASE III Plus, Pt 1, 8:30 am-12:30
pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Formatting a Rackham
issertation with TeX, 3-5 pm; Tell-a-Graf, Pt 2, 7-9
pm. In Rm 4212 SEB; Intro to Computing, 10:30 am -
12:30 pm. Reg req. 747-2424.
Ad Alumni Soe--Disc, 'Teaching Students to Learn to
learn," noon, Whitney Aud, SEB.