PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Friday, July 17, 1987 Page 7 Bork is right choice for Supreme Court By David Katz In their recent editorial ("Cork Bork"), the-Daily's editorial staff did an excellent job of summarizing all the arguments in favor o f rejecting Judge Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination which we have seen in the electronic and print media in the past week. Because it is highly unlikely that many of the Daily's readers will have the opportunity to read the arguments in favor of not rejecting Judge Bork's nomination in either the Daily or in most of the nation's major tabloids, I shall attempt to do so on the Daily's Perspectives page. Instead of attempting to label Judge Bork with such popular cliches as a "strict constructionist" or a "conservative ideologue" or an "original intentor," I will briefly summarize his judicial philosophy based on judicial opinions and journal articles he has written. Judge Bork believes that legislators and not judges should make laws. This premise is by no means extremist. In fact, it sounds like democracy. The idea that questions of social policy should be decided by the Congress, the state legis- latures, and the electorate instead of by the decree of eight men and one woman speaks to the question of how a case should be decided instead of what the outcome of a case should be. When applying this reasoning to an issue such as abortion, Bork would most likely rule that abortions fall into the category of those things which should be decided by the state legislatures. Bork does not believe that the right to privacy or to have an abortion is contained in the Constitution. However, Bork would also reject the premise that the right to have an abortion in uncon- stitutional because he could not find such a right (to life) in the Constitution. He expressed his feelings on this issue quite eloquently when he said that, "I am not now arguing that any of the privacy cases were wrongly decided. My point is simply that the level of abstraction chosen makes a generalized right of privacy unpre- dictable in its application." On the issue of affirmative act- ion, Judge Bork has consistently maintained that this policy conflicts with the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which bars all types of discrimination. However, the corollary to this belief is that he would uphold such a policy if the Congress would exercise its legis- lative power by amending the Civil Rights Act and thereby eliminating the conflict. Those that disagree with Bork's judicial philosophy contend that the Constitution must protect the rights of the minority from the tyranny of the majority and that the Constitution is a "living" docu- ment. Both of these assertions are correct. The Constitution is a "living" document because it is amendable. The framers provided a way for the legislative branch, acting as the representatives of the electorate, to change the Consti- tution as the times changed. In the past, the amendment process has been used as a defensive measure against conservative judicial activ- ism of the Court. Judge Bork is a firm believer in protecting the rights of the minority, but those rights must be specified in the Constitution (i. e. free speech, a fair trial, etc.). If a right is not specified in the Constitution, then it is the responsibility of the people, through their legislatures, not five out of nine justices, to add that list of rights protected in the Constitution, and it is the respon- sibility of the Court to protect those newly-added rights. Regarding the confirmation process, I agree with the Daily that the 1968 filibuster against Abe Fortas' nomination was wrong and that Fortas would have made a fine Chief Justice. But two wrongs do not make a right, and a filibuster against Bork's nomination would be just as unjustified. Finally, I would like to address Judge Bork's role in the Saturday Night Massacre when he fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. While the Daily correctly stated that this should be used as a criterion when confirming Judge Bork's nomination, they neglected to mention that the members of the Senate were aware of this event when, in 1982, they confirmed the nomination of Bork to the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals by an overwhelming majority. Some may argue that, because of the gravity of a Supreme Court nomination, the Senate should reexamine Judge Bork in a new light. Unfortunately, this argument does not hold water. The, majority of the cases involving constitutional questions are not heard by the Supreme Court. Therefore, the final decision in most cases will be given by an appellate court, and Judge Bork will be able to rule on many cases in which his decision will be final. The Senate was well aware of this fact when they confirmed him. I would hope that those senators who voted to confirm Bork in 1982 will approach his current nomination with the same consistency that they hope the post-Powell Court will use when it hears cases on which previous Courts have already ruled. Katz is Publisher of the Michigan Review. Black man gets harrassed; white man Goetz off By Mark Williams The idea that America is a color- blind society is heard more and more these days. From the declar- ations of the federal government to certain academic journals and writings, this notion is promoted. It is a good notion - one that puts the most faith in the humaneness of people. It is an idealistic notion that embodies much of what could be called the American cried. It is also an unrealistic notion, for it ignores the realities of everyday life for a significant portion of U.S. citizens. Two recent incidents demonstrate this point. The aquittal of Bernard Goetz demonstrates that given certain cir- cumstances, even open of confess- ions to crimes can be overlooked. Video tapes of Goetz made while he was in police custody, showed Goetz confessing to the shooting of four youths on a New York subway car. The confession was frank, and brutally honest. Sobbing and crying, Goetz told the police that yes, the boys had asked him for money, and yes, he had been very afraid. He confessed that he shot the teens, but he went on to say that his object was not only to hurt them, but to kill them. With the weight of this confession, logic would dictate that least assault with intent to commit Goetz would perhaps be convicted murder. of attempted murder, or at the least, of assault with intent to commit The recent ordeal of University murder. Yet a jury returned a verdict professor Aldon Morris also belies of not guilty. Why? Was it that the notion that in a color- the youths represented such a clear blind society. Morris, a nationally- and present danger to his life that acclaimed scholar and professor of shooting them was a justifiable act? sociology, was recently stopped by Or did the fact that the four teens Ann Arbor police while driving Goetz had shot were Black, while away from a meeting he attended at he, the would-be victim was white, the Institute for Social Research sway the jury? (ISR). According to the Ann Arbor Police, Morris was stopped because This last point is disturbing and he fit one of the descriptions of a does not fit into the pattern of a man who had allegedly just robbed color-blind society, yet it warrants a local bank - there was another serious consideration. Let's suppose description given to which he bore that the tables were turned. Let's no resemblence. Morris, who was just suppose that a Bernard Jones, on his way to his daughter's not Goetz, had been accosted by school, identified himself to the four white teenagers who asked him police as a University professor for five dollars. Now just suppose coming from ISR, and showed the that Bernard Jones (who had been police the contents of a bag in his attacked by presumably white front seat which contained not muggers sometime in the past) money, but rather his daughter's opened fire upon the youths, dancing shoes. He then returned to shooting all four of them. As Jones the police station with the officers empties his gun into the stunned and told them that his colleagues at teens, he even walks over to an the Institute could verify his. already wounded youth and shoots whereabouts during the time of the him again. Had this scenario alleged robbery. Later, he was actually taken place, and Bernard released. Jones had openly confessed this crime to the police and revealed his After securing an attorney, desire to kill the boys, it is highly Morris returned to the Police unlikely that he would have gotten station and instead of receiving an off scot-free. Indeed, one can im- expected apology, was told by the agine a jury returning a verdict of at - authorities that he was s till considered to be a suspect. The police had made no effort to verify his story, and in addition, told him that he could only clear himself by submitting to a police lineup. In case you haven't guessed it, Professor Aldon Morris is Black. His experience highlights the fact that color does matter. Consider the following: although there were two differing descriptions of the alleged bank robber, although he was employed as a University professor, although his story could easily have been verified, Morris was still a suspect. Again, were the tables reversed, it is highly improbable that a white male who fit only one descritpion of a robber would still have been considered a suspect evea after it was known that he was a Univeristy professor, even after a search of his car turned up no evidence of a roberry, even after the police were asked to verify his whereabouts with other University scholars. Although the police deny it, the fact that Aldon Morris is Black did play a part in his treatment. Racism runs so deep that it is a part of mainstream thought and culture, playing itself out in our system of justice. We have not arrived at a colorblind society, despite the dreams and hopes of the oppressed, or the political sophistries of those in power. Williams is an Opinion Page staff writer. The Daily welcomes letters from its readers. Bringing in letters on personal computer disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. 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