OPINION Page 6 Friday, July 17, 1987 The Michigan Daily 4 97 Years of Editorial Freedom No. 9S Unsigned editorials represent the majority views of the Daily's Editorial Board. Cartoons and signed editorials do not necessarily reflect the Daily's opinion. Standard fare or quality care? Out of focus FOR A COUNTRY that can follow incredibly intricate and complicated soap operas, for any length of time, it is astonishing that six days of testimony by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North has thrown most of us askew from the purposes of these hearings. Thanks to the power of televi- sion, Oliver North has become an overnight folk hero - with little substance and a lot of rhetoric. North is an impressive, articulate speaker and a convincing witness; but the purpose of these hearings is to recover the shredded memories of those who concocted the Iran- Contra disaster, not to determine North's patriotism. Cries of "Olliemania" have completely drowned the facts that have emerged in his testimony. Oliver North has confessed to outright lying to the Congress, the State Department, the CIA, the Iranians, and to several of his associates in this operation. He has also accused the Congress - the elected and legitimate body of the American people - of being dis- loyal, unpatriotic, irresponsible, and has blatantly stated his plans not to disclose a single word to Congress." That general policy of defiance has been endorsed by Attorney General Edwin Meese III, some sectors of the public and, im- plicitly, President Reagan. It is a position that simply cannot be accepted if we are to remain a democratic society. Oliver North regards himself as a law unto himself. Sectors of the United States public seem to endorse his actions based o n identification with the man. They are allowing his personality and conviction to color their opinion on the issue of funding the Contras. A poll conducted by NBC indicates that support for the Contras has risen subsequent to North's testimony. The formation of public opinion in regard to important issues as this should not be influenced by television theatrics. For eight years, the American people have denounced aid to criminals and thugs who call them- selves the "Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters." It is ridiculous for the administration to justify diversion of funds to the Contras by saying that it was within the legal constraints of the Boland Amendment. It is not the job of the administration to look for loop- holes in laws passed by Congress. Reagan described the Iranian government as the "strangest collection of misfits, looney tunes and squalid criminals." Well, he dealt with them. Reagan advocated an arms embargo to Iran yet he Sshipped arms to them. Reagan condemned terrorism, "refusing to deal with terrorists," and then paid ransom for hostages. So, having lied and contradicted himself so many times, how can one believe him when he denies knowledge of diversion of profits to Contras - his pet project? Besides, William Casey, Reagan's close friend and former director of CIA knew it. Admiral John Pointdexter, his NSC advisor knew it, and so did his predecessor Robert McFarlane. Even if Reagan did not grant explicit aproval, he is still culpable. If Reagan did not know what was going on under his nose, he then needs to be held responsible for incompetence and criminal negligence. The hearings themselves need to be significantly modified if anything is to be achieved from them. They have degenerated into a circus between top lawyers who are out to make an immense reputation for themselves, in addition to outrageous fees in the region of $250 per hour. The Senators and Representatives are having a field day with the hearings since it provides a forum to give free speeches to large audiences. If constructive policy changes are to be arrived at, Congress must restrict questioning of future witnesses to the bare minimum and eliminate unending speeches by committee members. If this is done properly, the hearings will demonstrate why those who lie, deceive, forge, and shred are not national heroes. THE UNIVERSITY RESIDENT doctors have been negotiating for new contracts for six months. They are requesting a guaranteed two days off per month and to serve no more than one 36 hour shift every third evening. Currently, estimates on the number of hours they work per week range from 84 to 120. Resident doctors are physicians-in-training at the hos- pitals. They work longer hours, treat most of the patients at the University Hospital and are paid significantly less than other staff members. When contract talks began the administration refused to discuss hours as a negotiable item. The residents argued that their mental faculties are impaired when they have not slept in over thirty hours and that health care would improve substantially if hours were not as extensive. The administration re- torted that they are unaware that sleep deprivation has resulted in a decline in the quality of patient care. A decline in patient care is not the issue. Patient care is currently not as good as it could be. Residents cannot use their skills in the most effective manner when they are struggling against excessive fa- tigue. The administration accused the resident staff of using this issue as "a bargaining tactic." A grand jury investigation in New York City proved that depriving resident doctors of sleep has led to the death of a patient in at least one instance. Hospital administrators argued that it is a long standing tradition for residents to work long hours. They consider the intense program to be necessary in order to instill discipline in young doctors. Disci- pline and tradition are standing in the way of optimal quality care. If given the choice, patients would prefer the latter. Resident doctors could effec- tively debilitate the hospital by striking, but they have consistently rejected this tactic. They do not want to jeopardize health care for the community. The administrators are exploiting this concern in an attempt to establish a dominant position at the bargaining table. The resident's demands are not unreasonable. They ask only for those things that will allow them to utilize their training in the most optimal way. The issue of grueling hours is not exclusive to the University Hospital. It is a national problem. The University could set precedent for the rest of the country and prove that they are committed to improving health care. This method of improving care would not cost nearly as much as some of the other measures the University imple- mented. It is standard University fare to 4 force its employees to desperate measures before it will love on contract negotiations. The Graduate Employee Organization can attest to a very similar response from the University during contract nego- tiations last spring. The University dragged its feet until GEO called in a state mediator. The resident doctors have also been forced to call for a state mediator. There is no end 4 in sight to the negotiations. Mean- while resident doctors are struggling to keep their eyes open while simultaneously attempting to diagnose emergency situations. The king is dead 4 LOOKING FROM A distance can sometimes provide one with a clearer perspective. A foreigner speaking in Detroit recently termed the Iran-Contra affair "a military coup." U.S. citizens are not used to thinking of their country's politics in terms of military coups, but such analysis is, under present conditions, appropriate. The official story is that an Admiral and a Lt. Colonel took over and directed a vital sector of U.S. foreign policy. From the defenses offered subsequent to this coup, it seems like the insurgents were attempting to reestablish monarchy in the United States. Apologists for diversion of funds to the Contras, notably Senator Henry Hyde and Col. North himself, have attempted to shift blame for the illegalities onto the Congress. They claim that Congress is at fault for passing the Boland amendment in the first place and "interfering" in foreign policy. These monarchists contend that foreign policy is the domain of the executive branch, or president, and that the Boland amendment, which cut-off funds to the Contras, was an unconstitutional infringement upon such executive privilege. Such an interpretation of the Constitution is totally without basis. The congressional branch has always been invested with power over foreign policy decisions, including the ultimate foreign policy decision - to declare war. As any high school student can tell you, the government of the United States was designed to guard against the domination of one branch over the others, as was found in the British monarchy. Accordingly, the "Founding Fathers" divided the two major sources of power, "the sword and the purse strings," between the executive and legislative branches. The executive branch has the most control over the military sword but the Congress can refuse to let loose the financial purse strings need to fund foreign adventurism. Recent public and clandestine maneuvering has been an attempt by the sword to cut the purse strings. Those who wish to disassemble the system of checks and balances, even if their aims are undemocratic, must pursue their goals within the current democratic channels. If the executive branch felt the Boland amendment was an uncon~stutional usurpation of power, it should have challenged the law through the courts. When the executive branch felt the Gramm-Rudman bill was unconstitutional, it unsuccessfully challenged the legislation in such a 4 way. Yet, the monarchists chose to conspire and deceive, negating the law's significance through admini- strative fiat. Fanatically committed to policies which lacked both popular and constitutional support, the monarchists resorted to a "military coup" to achieve their desired ends. In amisguided quest to impose their distorted concept of 4 democracy on Nicaragua, the monarchists subverted democracy in the United States. Those who cannot accept and function within our democratic government should resign from it. Can you draw? Do you want to depict political or cultural criticism? The Daily is looking for people with cartoons, collages and other graphic works. Call 747-2814. 4