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July 17, 1987 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly Summer Weekly, 1987-07-17

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Regents OK

Vol. XCVI - No. 9S

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, July 17, 1987J
Regents to vote on
tuition hike today

The University's Board of Re-
gents yesterday approved a Central
Campus Planning Study which will
initiate changes in the University's
appearance well into the 21st centu-
The study, an update of a project
initiated in 1963, pinpoints 24 cam-
pus locations which can be improved
both structurally and aesthetically in
the next few decades.
According to Carl Johnson of
Johnson, Johnson & Roy, a
consulting firm hired to develop the
plans, "Our concern is to continue
the sensitivity in architecture and
quality landscaping on campus."
The open-ended plan, which may
be changed or expanded by the board,
does not specify construction pro-
jects or landscaping but emphasizes
continuity within the campus. As
the need arises for facilities in the
future, University administrators can
select one of the sites and submit a
proposal to develop the area.
"It's particularly important any
time we have a construction project

The University's Board of Re-
gents will vote today on whether to
approve a tuition hike for next year
which could reach 10 percent. Uni-
versity officials feel the increase will
compensate for an unexpectedly low
state budget allocation.
Although the University received
the highest portion of state funds -
$239.9 million - it received only a
5.6 percent increase in funding,
which fell below the 6.0 percent in-

crease the University expected. It
was also the smallest budget increase
among Michigan public schools.
At last month's regents meeting,
Provost and Vice President for Aca-
demic Affairs James Duderstadt es-
timated the tuition increase at eight
percent. But Duderstadt said yester-
day that there is a "strong possibili-
ty" that the tuition hike will be
steeper because of the low state
See TUITION, Page 11

... restricts student funding

Fee hike? U
Health Service
requests increase

r plan
to associate it with the central plan
to maintain the continuity of cam-
pus," said Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff.
In 1963, the original plan targeted
five campus districts adjacent to the
Diag. In each of four successfully
developed districts, parking lots were
removed and roads werehblocked off
o construct plazas with fountains
and artwork, such as the Regents
Each district now houses one
large parking structure from which
visitors can walk to central campus.
The plan, entitled "pedestrianiza-
tion," emphasizes walking to all
areas of campus and downplays the
use of internal roads, such as N.
Ingalls or Monro Street.
The board praised the 24-year
facelift and overwhelmingly encour-
aged future development including
more plazas, overhead walkways be-
tween buildings, and possibly more
undergraduate housing.
"It's an excellent way to give an
identity to parts of campus," John-
See PLANS, Page 2
follo ws
Special to the Daily
Lt. Colonel Oliver North began tes-
tifying before the Iran-contra select
committees almost two weeks ago,
the nation's capitol has become ob-
sessed with the affair. In the subway,
the streets, Congressional offices,
and bars, everyone is talking about
how "Ollie's" testimony will affect
the hearings.
University students spending the
summer as Congressional interns are
no different. They have seen Oliver
North become virtually a national
hero from an up-close perspective.
LSA senior Jason Korn who is
working for Congressional Rep.
Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts),
maintains that he is more involved
than other Americans with the hear-
ings because of his proximity to
"In Middle America, when the TV
goes off, the hearings go off. Here
the hearings stay with us all day.
Even at the bar people talk about
Ollie North and what went wrong,"
he said.
For LSA junior Jill Borin - an
See 'U', Page 11

Students will pay $67 per term
for the use of the University Health
Service next year if the University's
Board of Regents votes today to ap-
prove a 5.9 percent increase - the
third highest in the last seven years.
UHS Director Caesar Briefer said
that "a proposed merit program to
raise University salaries by 5 per-
cent" as well as improvements in
UHS staffing necessitate the in-
The improvements include a new
requirement that all new clinical
staffers have board certification -
what Briefer called "basically an at-
tempt to meet the increasing de-
mands and competition in which we,
as health care service, find our-
Board certified physicians can
claim higher salaries than others,
Briefer said.
Last year 17,000 students ac-
counted for 60,000 UHS clinic vis-
its, although all students had to pay
a $63.25 fee per term.
While most regents would not
speculate about today's vote, Regent
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) opposed
the increase, which would require
students to pay an additional $3.75 a

term. He said health service is "a
service that could be provided at
lower cost for students."
By paying a health service fee as
part of their tuition each term, stu-
dents are entitled to unlimited health
care at UHS for no additional fee,
Briefer said, except for some sight
correction procedures, scaled fees for
psychiatry, and prescriptions.
Ever since the state legislature
stopped earmarking funds for health
services at state universities seven
years ago, students have "prepaid"
the UHS cost. "(The state legisla-
ture) saw that the services provided
at various universities was so differ-
ent that there was no way to achieve
compatibility in handing out funds,"
said Richard Kennedy, vice president
for government relations.
The increase in prepaid funds
would account for most, but not all,
of UHS' total 1987-88 budget in-
crease of 7.8 percent. The 1.9 per-
cent difference will be made up with
UHS profits from those health ser-
vices that require extra fees, said
Vice President for Student Services
Henry Johnson, who submitted the
budget report.
"The fee is based on whether or
See INCREASE, Page 5

Art tare viyrmr yav IiU-
Ypsilanti resident Chris Black, the production manager at Adriennes T-
shirts, makes shirts for next week's Art Fair. The annual four-day event,
which starts on Wednesday, expects to attract over 400,000 people. See
story, Page 3.

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