Summer Weekly Edition b 1i Mtdjjau I&atlu Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCVI - No. 7-S Cocpyright 1986 Th MihgnDaily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, June 20, 1986 Sixteen Pages PIRG may not regain SYF spot Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER University Public Health students Ron Shore (right) and Deborah Refsonopicket in the rain yesterday in front of the Washtenaw County Courthouse. They were protesting the Washtenaw County prosecutor's decision not to prosecute a man arrested for trying to destroy the shanty. Students protest lack ofaction on shanty vandal By PHILIP LEVY and he doubted, unless securityattacks The battle to keep the anti-apar- receives a tip, that anyone would be A perpetrator of a previous attack theid shanty intact on the Diag con- was caught by campus security, but tinued this week amid another attack For more South Africa officials said yesterday they were for- on the structure and information that coverage, See Page 4. ced to drop charges because the Free previous attackers were not South Africa Coordinating Committee' prosecuted for lack of evidence. caught. (FSACC) could not estimate the According to Robert Pifer, assistant BUILT TO symbolize the struggle of dollar value of the damage. FSACC director of campus safety and South African blacks who live in members constructed the shanty. security, the shanty was flattened similar shanties under the apartheid Under state law, said Jerome Far- sometime after dark on Wednesday. system of racial segregation, the Diag Pifer reported no leads on the attack shanty has suffered about 10 similar See PROTESTERS, Page 4 By REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN The Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) may lose any possibility of obtaining student funds ifa proposal by Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) is ap- proved by the Board of Regents this fall. The proposal, which was presented to the regents at their meeting yesterday, would rescind a regental policy that allows University funding for any student group that obtains majority support from students and regents. The plan, tabled until September, would threaten PIRGIM's existence. "IT'S NOT our history to bring upon big decisions concerning students in the summertime," Baker said. PIRGIM, a student-run group that works mainly on campus and statewide environmental issues, has conducted what organizers called a "massive" petition drive since February to rally student support for placing the group on the Student Verification Forms. Group leaders say they have accumulated 16,874 signatures. Placement on the SVF would allow PIRGIM to request a two dollar con- tribution from each student. Students would retain the option of not con- tributing. The group appeared on the SVF from 1972 until 1985, using around $13,000 in student funds each year. IN FEBRUARY of 1985, the regents voted 6-1 to end PIRGIM's funding contract with the University, citing low studentsupport for its services. Since the regents' decision, PIRGIM has continued most of its services through contributions from citizens, foundations, and the Michigan Divestiture Research fund. "We've gotten grants from the public service work that we do," said Andy Buschbaum, PIRGIM's program director. But according to Judy Hyslop, PIRGIM's vice chair and an LSA senior, PIRGIM can't continue without more funding. "If we don't get more funds, it's inevitable that this campus chapter will phase out," she said. PIRGIM LEADERS further ex- plained that the group needs student funds to hire staff members skilled in drafting legislation relating to the en- vironment, toxicwastes, and other issues. According to PIRGIM staff member Steve Johnson, permanent staff members would also provide continuity. He said PIRGIM is trying to become a "professional organization." See Regent, Page 13 Extensive Walkmen use may fast forward hearing loss By HARISH CHAND "While 10 decibels is not a lot," said Patricia Jackson, from Walkman-type cassette players. "It is uncommon but it Walkmen, or portable cassette players, have become a clinical audiologist for University Communicative Disorders occurs," Winfield said. part of everyday life on campus. But a report by officials at a Clinic, "when you are talking about hearing loss, anything is ALAN SCHLOSSER, vice-president of communications for local health center suggests people should think twice about significent." the Electronics Industries Association, agreed that people cranking their favorite jams for extended periods of time, or Jackson added that repeated exposure to loud sound will who turn their volume up to maximum level "are asking for they may face the risk of hearing loss. cause permanent hearing loss. The greater the intensity of trouble." Both temporary and permanent hearing losses have been sound, she said, the shorter amount of time necessary to He added that most people would not be able to stand the caused by Walkmen, according to Jody Spaulding, director of cause damage. intensity for any period of time. audiology services at Catherine McAuley Health Center, A SPOKESMAN for the Sony Corporation, which pioneered Despite these warnings, some students continue to turn up which issued the warning. the product, said no hearing damage will occur from the volume. Students bring Walkmen while going to class, listen while listening to a Walkman-if people use good judgement. Nolan Feintuch, a Residential College junior, explained lying in the sun, or use them on many other occasions like It is difficult to determine what a "reasonable level" of that he likes to listen to the Rolling Stones on his Walkman as easing the monotony of jogging. volume may be, according to Fred Walstron, because a lot loudly as possible. THE CENTER cited a University of Iowa study of 16 depends on an individual's taste and ear sensitivity. "I usually crank it up to 10," he said, referring to the volunteers, who listened to a Walkmen at their preferred Robert Winfield, assistant director of clinical services at loudest setting possible. "Sometimes I can't hear people maximum volume level for three hours. Six subjects showed University Health Services, confirmed that patients have yelling at me. It's nice at times when I don't feel like talking a temporary hearing loss of 10 decibels. complained of decreasing hearing and ringing in their ears to people.'?