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June 06, 1986 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1986-06-06

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 6, 1986 - Page 13
Bill will Tenure denial
boost aid
fr nangers faculty
forstu d e n ts G t cinued from Page1) rejected by central administration."
Sto recruit quality faculty members. He refused to say whether he had op-
ROSENZWEIG'S tenure recom- posed Rosenzweig's recommen-
with wire reports mendation was rejected by the ad- dation.
ministration in April. The law school
A bill overwhelmingly approved by faculty then voted to resubmit the ap- SOME LAW School faculty mem-
the U.S. Senate this week would in- t plication. Again it was rejected. bers believe Sandalow's involvement
crease financial aid to needy students, Professors who earn tenure cannot had an influence on Frye's decision to
but would make it more difficult for be removed from their positions, ex deny Rosenzweig tenure.
students from middle-income families cept in cases of extreme misconduct. "I would be astounded if Frye came
to receive aid. It insures their academic freedom to to the conclusion on his own," said
The bill also reaffirmed the Higher research topics that may be con- one. "Frye is between a rock and a
Education Ac of 1965, which created troversial. hard place - either he was influenced
such need ased student aid "Questions were raised over both by the dean, or he went off half-
programs as Pell Grants, Guaranteed the amount and significance of cocked."
Student' Lo is, National Direct (Rosenzweig's) scholarship," said "It's an unwritten rule that the
Student Lo ns, and work-study former University Vice President for dean should argue oin favor of the
programs. Academic Affairs Billy Frye, the faculty recommendation," said
The programs covered under the man who rejected Rosenzweig's another source. who declined to be
act are due to expire in September tenure recommendation. identified.
unless they are reauthorized by ROSENZWEIG published one book
Congress. The Senate and the House, review and had two articles accepted OTHER FACULTY members,
which passed a similar bill last year, for future publication during his however, doubt that Sandalow in
will meet in a conference committee seven years at the University. fluenced Frye. "It's not a question of
this summer to iron out their differen- Frye would not comment on integrity or fairness," said one.
ces Daily Photo by ANDI SCH REIBER Frhehrpbiainwsteo "Reasonable people come to different
LSA junior Angie Kraus, WHYT's "Rocking Angel," is the station's whether publicat denied Rosenzweig's conclusions. I think they made a
youngest on-air staff member. "Nobody handed me this job," Kraus said. tenure %d")rosenzweig) had a very mistake, but not one out of spite or
ONE DIFFERENCE between the "I did it myself. And that feels good." good teaching evaluation," he said, malace."
House and the Senate is money but declined to say if the teaching was Nonetheless, some professors were
Although fundn forn teprogrLSamm r njyS - ==-= e= =
proces nxt eariedui the oue t om S A ju n io r e n 0 f 5 up to Law School standards. outraged that the administration
willes not eaecide untlte buetm- But one Law School faculty mem- second-guessed their decision while
mended $800 million more for finan- ber, who asked to remain anonymous, giving no reason for the rejection.
cia m aid than the Senate. -g D e tro it D J -said faculty recommendations had "The faculty was aware of the
Another difference centers on one of I strongly supported Rosenzweig's questions and had dealth with them
several provisions the Senate at- teaching ability. "His teaching for many hours," said one. 3/4"I don't
tached to its bill. The new Senate (CntinuediromPaget) evaluations were fantastically high," see how someone can have the
would cut off aid to students who have comments by friends. "We told her when she was talking the professor said. "More important arrogance to say just by reading the
less than a "C" average after their Though she never took a University too fast and when she messed up," than (student) evaluations is tha two thirds of the faculty even though
sophomore year. course in braodcasting or news said National Resources junior members of the faculty who sat in his a the s."
This provision aroused opposition writing, Kraus pursued her career Christy Rose, one of Kraus's dor- class were impressed. One member called the ad-
from the University's lobbyist on goal by volunteering to work at the mmates. "It made her nervous to "If he's not an excellent teacher I ministration e co" anthe
don' kno whois."face of the Law School." Another
Capitol Hill, Thomas Butts. "It shows Campus Broadcasting Network. For hear about her mistakes, but she wan- called it "a vote of no confidence."
smlack of confidence by the Senate that two terms, she read newscasts on ted us to tell her about them anyway. ANOTHER FACULTY member
the nation's universities are doing a WCBN-FM and worked as a disc And she got a lot better." agreed, though he questioned Rosen- THE IMPLICATIONS of the
good job. But I don't imagine that the jockey on WJJX-AM. During that By the end of fall term, Angie felt ' Rosenzweig case are unclear. Some
requirement...will be a problem for ur time, Kraus's cousin dubbed her "The she had improved enough to take a Rosenzweig'sa production of two. faculty members are overtly angry at
students," he said. Rocking Angel,' an on-air nickname shot at Detroit, America's seventh- tides and book review r r t ar- the administration and at Dean San-
she still uses. largest radio market. She applied to seven a b stvdar represents in dalow. Let others believe "publicity
THE SENATE BILL would also bar The following fall, 1985, after a three stations, two of which called seven years a stndard that Michigan about the situation is likely to be more
students whose families make more summer internship at a St. Louis back. But WHYT hired her as their thac fordi Hr hi i normore harmful than the situation itself."
thans30,00 per ya fomk reg station, Kraus decided to turn only female DJ, paying her $10 per dinar teachin and contribution to Some suggest that the case has
than $30,000 per year from receiving professionall grants. Those eligible, She walked into the of- hour the life of the Law School are outsatan- d t ity re ut
fdrlgas.T seegbefice of Ann Arbor's WIQB, and asked Angie's enthusiasm and deter- dinb and its ability to recruit now faculty.
however, would get more because the dig by any measr."tsdmgdhm Smdow.I
Seaer, would raisemthe beecGrant'sabout a job. But the program director mination quickly impressed WHYT Despite t support for Rosen-"It's damaged him (Samdalow). It
maximum from $2,100 to $2,400. was not impressed. staff members, including "The Elec- zweig Law School Dean Terrance damaged out reputation nationally
"I wanted to be a DJ," Kraus said, trifying Mojo." The veteran disc Sandalow apparently opposed the because it's all over the country -
"and they offered me a job doing jockey said Kraus showed great tenure recommendations, agering other law schools know about it.
Students would also be able to phone research. So I gave them my confidence, despite her youth. some of Rosenzweig's supporters Th s m predcte thah
borrow more under the GSL program. audience tape and left." "She just got in here and started Frye said Sandalow expressed his the Law School will no longer be able
A student could borrow up to $3,000 a The tape, a compilation of Kraus' jamming," Mojo said. "She came in opposition to the faculty's recom- to guarantee that a professor needs
year for two years, then up to $4,d work at WJJX, instantly swayed the like she already knew the ropes." mendaion, but only after Frye had only the approval of his colleagues to
year for the next three years. Studen program director. The next day, he Angie cannot recall committing any "tentatively" made up his mind to gain tenure.
ts can now borrow $2,500 a year. hired the Rocking Angel. to work major on-air goofs since she arrived reject the recommendation. "I suppose it would be easier to
Friday nights from midnight to6 a.m. at WHYT. "At first I was nervous, "I had reached my decision before recruit without this happening. But I
hiertesttes on heir loays, at $4 per hour. and you could hear it in my voice," he told me that,' Frye said. "I had don't know the degree of the differen-
higher iterest rates on their loans. Kraus received a positive response she said. "But I loosened up pretty come to a tentative conclusion. I ce," said one member of the Law
GSL interest rates would increase
from I to 10 percent and Guaranteed from listeners. During her shift, the fast. And the technical stuff is really never make an irrevocable decision,, School's personnel committee. "I
Student Loans form 5to 7 percent. phones constantly rang, she said. easy. Sometimes the hardest part of SANDALOW voiced his opinion only could imagine it would make
"The calls were not requests for my show is just staying awake over- after "I told him unequivocally where (recruits) uneasy, but that colleagues
Butts said that while he disagrees songs," they were always guys night." Istood,"Frye said. judge them makes them uneasy
wilt several provisions in p Senate saying, 'You sound so sexy. Who are As tiring as she finds the overnight Frye said the tenure review process also.
bill3 to 1 b show legislative asge you?' It was great! It made me shift, 'Angie never gets lonely. The includes outside evaluations from ANOTHER faculty member said
mitment to need based financial aid realize that people were really station's 15 request lines ring all professors at peer law schools. He that while in the past, "tenure denials
for students. listening to me." night. "A lot of people stay up to listen added, "one can discern the critical at elite institutions - except Yale -
"We are very pleased and grateful. Kraus's listeners included a group after Mojo's show is over. And some elements in a work of scholarship." were highly unusual," such schools as
O rveryitis eouraging thatt. of friends at Mosher-Jordan where people listen while they work. I get a Sandalow said, "Since my 20 years
Overall, it is encouraging that the she lived. They often critiqued lot of calls from gas station attendan- here, no other recommendation (by Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley have
Senate has passed this bill, Butts Angie's show. ts," she said. tenured school faculty) has been denied tenure in recent years.

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