Friday, May 30, 1986
Page 14
The Michigan Daily
Regional loss ends 'Ms
By SCOTT G. MILLER Close started the rally with a had since I have been coaching," said v
The final chapter in Michigan's two-out single. Hal Morris then Michigan coach Bud Middaugh. "I ti
story-book season was as dramatic reached base on an error, and Steve hope I can have some clubs down the b
as other episodes, but unfortunately it Finken walked. road that are as determined and as c
didn't produce a trip to the College The game became a one-on-one proud as this club was." C
World Series. confrontation between freshman Bill Leading 4-0 after seven and a half h
Last Saturday, the Wolverines St. Peter and Titan Garry Clark. The innings, Middaugh's squad looked w
seemed ready to author another 6-5 relief pitcher won as St. Peter determined to avoid late-inning -
phenomenal comeback. Trailing Oral grounded to shortstop Rod Stillwell theatrics to stay alive in the double- '
Roberts 5-4, the squad loaded the who forced Finkenat second, slamming elimination tournament. However',
bases in the top of the ninth inning. the cover on Michigan's season story. Oral Roberts showed it too was
Michigan has a 13-2 record in one-run THE WOLVERINES' loss, com- capable of a fantastic finish. a
games. bined with a 7-1 defeat on Friday to THE TITANS chased relief pit-
"I THOUGHT we would have a eventual tournament champion In- chers Dave Karasinski and Greg
chance at a miracle finish the way diana State, eliminated the nation's Everson from the mound while tying
things have gone this year," said Big sixth-ranked team from the NCAA the contest. Everson was a victim of
Ten Player-of-the-Year Casey Close. Mideast Regional at Ray Fisher nonsupport. Second baseman Finken
"But you try to go to the well one too Stadium. leta sure third out go through his legs
many times, and you come up short." "You saw as gutsy a club as I have and also failed to cover the bag on
'gutsy' season
isibly upset Everson. Abbott walked tage of. "I have a warm feeling for
the first batter he faced to load the this club," said Middaugh. "I am
ases. With a two-ball, two-strike going to cherish the experiences this
ount on the next batter, Adam club has given me this year. Of the 19
asillas, Abbott hit the batter with a years I have coached, this has been
igh and inside pitch to force in the one of my favorite clubs because they
inning run. did so many things with so much ad-
I hope I can have some "There aren't too many teams in
clubs down the road that the country that could play as well as
this team played with the number-one
are as determined and and -two pitchers out of he lineup. It
is proud as this club is like losing two qu terbacks in
a. football. They overcam that."
Michigan finished 47 2 without the
-Bud Middaugh services of pitchers Ji Agemy and
Scott Kamieniecki, who >oth had arm
problems. The two cor bined for an
THROUGHOUT the game 18-0 record last season Agemy ap-
Michigan had chances to put it out of peared in only two ctests, and
each. But like the preceding day's Kamieniecki appeared in ive.
same against the Sycamores, the Without these two key performers,
Wolverines failed to capitalize on the Wolverines won their fifth Big Ten
umerous opportunities. The team title in seven years. This year's
tranded 19 base runners on the Mideast Regional was Middaugh's
weekend. sixth appearance in the NCAA playof-
Despite the disappointing finish, the fs in his seven years at Michigan. It
986 Wolverine squad will be remem- was also the earliest NCAA exist for a
ered for the situations it took advan- Middaugh squad.
a stolen base attempt, which allowed
catcher Darrin Campbell's throw to
go into center field.
"You have to accept errors and
mistakes. They are just part of the
ball game," said Middaugh. "I have
seen big leaguers miss ground balls
too. I have seen dropped fly balls in
the World Series. It can happen."
Freshman Jim Abbott replaced a
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Daily Photo by PETE ROSS
Michigan third baseman Bill St. Peter and the Wolverines couldn't fend off Oral Roberts Saturday, losing Ri.
The Titans rallied for all their runs in the eighth inning to eliminate the Wolverines from the Mideast Regional
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