The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 30, 1986 - Page 5
B -schools
suffer decline
in doctorates
"We can speculate that it is a result
By AMY GOLDSTEIN of two trends. There is a substantial
and JOE PIGOTT increase in Business School
enrollment, and there is an increase
The shortage of business doctorates in the amount an M.B.A. can make,
to fill teaching posts in the nation's which makes it more difficult to draw
business schools is also plaguing the students into the Ph.D. programs,"
University's School of Business Ad- Skadden said.
ministration. He added that the shortage of doc-
Three thousand teaching positions torates leads to a shortage of business
are vacant on college campuses school professors. This limits the
h nationwide this year with 3.6 teaching number of spaces for undergraduate
jobs available per doctorate students in the Business school
graduate, according to a report by the because there are not enough
American Assembly of Collegiate professors.
Schools of Business released earlier THE STUDENT-TEACHER ratio is
y F this month. 20-to-one in the business school, while
T. .MANY BUSINESS students are averaging15-to-one University-wide.
choosing to work in the private sector Although academia does not offer
because the time and cost of com- the same monetary amounts as the
Daily Photo by AND[ SCHRElBER pleting a doctoral dissertation are not private sector, professors can make
Transient as lucrative. A doctorate who enters up the difference through private con-
academia would not make as much as sultations and research positions, said
Dan Seigler, originally from East Alabama, makes a gift out of leather on the Diag recently. Seigler said he's a student with a Masters in Business Anne Richter, assistant director of the
travelled to all 50 states, except Alaska and Hawaii. Seigler said his home is "the state of confusion." Administration could make after University's Office of Career Plan-
working for a private company a few ning and Placement.
years. The Business school tries to "do
m a"You have to have it in your bones what we can salary-wise," Skadden
Fu wr p0 atrct in f mont that you want to be a teacher and said.
47researcher," said Marketing Prof. TBE AVERAGE aalary in private
(cotinued ram Page ) Besides these features, Fuller of- canoe here, and then be taken back by Tom Kinnear. industry for a graduating student with
sunbathers. fers the 'Politics of Lap Swimming'. van (to Argo)," said Jonathan Zim- Don Skadden, acting dean of the a bachelors in business administration
"I'm surprised there's not more Part of the pool has three lanes roped merman, an LSA senior and a worker School of Business Administration is about $20,000. A Masters in business
people here," admitted Charles Fran- off, each designated for fast, medium, at Gallup. An all-day outing costs and director of the doctorate administration would receive about
tz, the pool's supervisor. "But this and slow swimmers. "Just as in about $10. program, agrees that the lack of $27,000. Both are entry level salaries,
weekend is traditionally a picnic society there has to be some Gallup has other attractions. On doctorates stems from better oppor- which increase with seniority, accor-
weekend:," he added. organization where people are divided Saturday, people were scattered tunities found in the business world. ding to Richter.
Although opening day was "dead", into lanes according to their speed," throughout the park. Families ate hot HE SAID, however, there is no con- Business school professor's salaries
Frantz said the pool is usually packed said devoted swimmer Jason Lee, A dogs, salads, and fruits on top of the clusive evidence on why students are range from $32,000 to $48,000, accor-
wi"n 'irsity stnent n. mis s not ckam Gaduate u.ent.vinpaaavafrvamunhs ininpicPhnic-ta- ines. CNteanr
with University students. "this is not Rackham Graduate student. park's various picnic tables. Not far
a children's pool. 70 percent of the LEE, HOWEVER, doesn't come to from one family was a pack of three
people who come here are adults," he Fuller just to swim. "This is the only kids, standing near the river's edge
said. place appropriate to watch other holding fishing rods and hoping for a
ACCORDING TO students, Fuller people in their underwear," said Lee. catch. Two girls also pedaled by on a
has many attractive characteristics. Frantz also sees the pool in a different paddle boat. And, of course, lying on
It is the largest city-run pool in Ann light, "It's an alternative to the bar. top of blankets and towels were the
Arbor, measuring 50 meters across. It It's healthy. You can meet people partially-clothed worshippers of the
is also close to campus, located here; it's like going to the beach." sun.
behind the new University Hospital on But if lounging by the swimming Besides these activities, LSA senior
Fuller road. pool or taking in a few laps doesn't Dave Romantz said he likes Gallup
"Fuller pool is a hop, skip, and sound thrilling, there's always the "because they allow alcohol only
jump to get to," said Medical student "Arb", Gallup, and Argo parks. The beer and wine." Gallup is also the
and sunbather Lisa Tizlani. Equally park's main attraction is canoeing. largest park in Ann Arbor with 83
pleasing is the $1.25 admission fee. "You can rent a canoe at Argo park, acres.
Correction. . re..
Kurt Muenchow, president of the ' - -- - - - - - - -
Michigan Student Assembly, said last
week that the administration's efforts
to hire the assembly's administrative BAGEL/ FRAGEL
coordinator posed "a threat not worth '(French Fried Bagel)
fighting". The Daily incorrectly M'40
stated that Muenchow viewed the
issue as "a threat worth fighting". w
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