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May 23, 1986 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1986-05-23

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 23, 1986 - Page 5
High speed train considered
By DOUGLAS WOLFE dream right now," said Ann Arbor The future of Amtrack, which has
A proposed high speed train linking Mayor Ed Pierce, who did not attend had financial problems for several
Detroit and Chicago would require the meeting. "It is a massive under- years, remains unclear. According to
railway construction in Arm Arbor, taking and I do not think our society is Fitzpatrick, Amtrack may be willing
according to the chairman of a state willing to pay for it." to abolish its Detroit/Chicago line.
legislative committee studying Half the project's initial $1 billion "The line is not profitable from
the idea. investment would be funded by the them," he said.
governments of Michigan, Indiana, Debbie Marcinian, an Amtrack
Rep. Richard Fitzpatrick (D-Battle and Illinois. The states would form a spokesperson, confirmed that the
Creek) said existing tracks in Ann commission to finance their shares company loses money on the route.
Arbor cannot accommodatea 125 mile through bond sales. "However, we have not taken an of-
per hour train because they follow the The other half would be paid by the ficial position on the high speed train
tracks of the Huron River. The sharp Advanced Rail Consortium (ARC), project," she added.
turns, he said, would pose safety which consists of four private sector Students, who have often com-
problems. corporations, including Bechtel Inc. plained about Amtrack service,
ARC would then operate the line seemed to support the high-speed
"THE TRAIN would run most of its without government subsidies. train proposal.
route on tracks now owned by Am- THE TRAIN, modeled after high Kiran Singh, a business school
track and Conrail," Fitzpatrick said. speed trains in Britain, would shorten junior, rode an Amtrack train from
"But new tracks are needed between a trip from Detroit to Chicago from Chicago to Ann Arbor Sunday night.
Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor." 5% hours to 2 hours and 50 minutes. The train arrived one hour late.
Fitzpatrick chairs the House Ad The high speed train would cost about "I could go for a high speed train,"
Hoc C mit teehon High SpedRail $45, as opposed to the $49 Amtrack he said. "I could have walked faster
HcComite nihped , now charges. than this one."

committee held a hearing in the
Fleming Administration Building
Monday to gain input from local
residents. Ann Arbor may be a stop
along the route.
Although no University students
spoke at the hearing, many travel
between the two cities on Amtrak,
which currently runs two trains each
day. Of the 365,909 passengers who
travelled between Detroit and
Chicago in 1985, approximately 10,245
were students, according to Clifford
Black, Amtrak's public affairs
manager in Washington.
THE HIGH SPEED train, however,
is far from being built. "It is a pipe

A woman passes in front of the soon-to-be-opened Tubby's Sub Shop on E.

Students serve as advisors

(ContinuedfromnPage 2)
should be a center for creativity
and innovation, criticism and
challenge, debate and dissent. The
vigorous assertion of dissatisfac-
tion and demands for change, and
efforts to influence b'oth the inter-
nal policy of the University and its
posture and role in the larger
society, are indicative of an in-
tellectual vitality that should be
welcomed and fostered. The
decision-making processes of the
University should not be a closed
system, but one constantly recep-
tive to ideas and viewpoints from
every sector of the University
In apparent response, the Board
of Regents would in February of
1970 form the University Council
to propose rules for student con-
duct, and give MSA as well as the
faculty's Senate Assembly, power
to veto any changes in the rules.
In June of the same year, the
regents also passed bylaw 7.05
which said, "Student participation
in University decision-making is
important to the quality of student
life at the University and shall be
The regents made no formal
guidelines for this participation,
however, leavin- its implemepn7

ting largely to the discretion of the
University's vice president fOr st-
udent services.
Since then, the University has
considered the proper role of
students in decision-making
mainly to be on advisory commit-
tees. Because there is no formal
University policy on appointing
students to committees, student
leaders have complained that ad-
ministrators who disagree with
MSA's point of view can stack a
committee against students.
As an example, Josephson poin-
ts to a University committee for-
med last fall to review the Univer-
sity's policies on classified resear-
ch. The policies have been con-
troversial since their implemen-
tation in 1973 because the prohibit
classified research that could be
used to "endanger human life."
Some students and University
researchers have argued that
research funded by the Depar-
tment of Defense - a prime sour-
ce of federal research contracts -
violate these guidelines.
Students opposed to military
research on campus were concer-
ned when the review was ordered
and angered when President
Shapiro appointed a student from
the engineering-college'to serve on

the review committee. MSA
protested, claiming that their con-
stitution gives them sole
perogative in appointing students
to University committees.
Shapiro, however, argued that
engineering students would be
directly affected by the results of
the review, and other ad-
ministrators said the University
does not recognize the MSA Con-
stitution. The Regents by-laws,
which govern the University, give
MSA power to appoint students to
several specified committees such
as the University Council, but do
not mention ad-hoc committees
like the guideline review board.
Another example, according to
Faigel, is a committee set up by
Henry Johnson, vice president for
student services, to examine the
University's policies on rape.
"There were no students on the
committee," Faigel said. "They
let us (MSA's women's issues
committee) write up an alter-
native proposal to the executive
officers , and they incorportated it
into their report. But that was only
because we had a strong working
relationship with Johnson on other
issues. They never consulted us in
See STUDENTS, Page 11

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