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May 09, 1986 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1986-05-09

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Non-Profit Org.
lbe Sir i grn 13aitg PAID
C h ixAnn Arbor, MI
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No. S1

C*pyright 1986
TheMichigan Da6ily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, May 9, 1986

Sixteen Pages

Bill would
miuin- vTA

Under a bill introduced by a the Un
state senator yesterday, Michigan provide
public universities would be by "und
required to test foreign-born an instit
faculty members for competency faculty.'
in English before allowing them to Duder
teach. neglects
Sen. Joe Conroy (D-Flint) said funding,
his bill is a response to students' be able
complaints that many foreign and few
teaching assistants do not speak greater
English well enough to teach only qu
classes. standpo
UNIVERSITY administrators a practi
and faculty raised several objec- state s
tions to the legislation. they're
University Vice President for it."
Academic Affairs James Duder-

id the bill would threaten
iversity's independence
d in the state constitution
ermining the autonomy of
ution to determine its own
stadt said the bill also
the issue of education
since universities would
to hire more professors
'er TAs if they received
state funding. "It's not
estionable from a legal
int; it's questionable from
cal standpoint ... If (the
enate) wants quality,
going to have to pay for
See BILL, Page 14

W om en Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
Two young Ann Arbor residents listen while Susan McGee, a member of the Ann Arbor Coalition Against
Rape, discusses "rape culture" at a rally before the Take Back the Night March. The march, which the
coalition organized, focused on the problem of rape in Ann Arbor. See story, page 12.
smooth warm, relaxing
By EUGENE PAK for classes, compared to 32,710 during Winter term.
Attending a large school like the University can According to Bob Waller, director of CHECK-
have its drawbacks: waiting in interminably long POINT, most courses offered this spring are lower-
lines at CRISP, braving sub-zero temperatures to level introductory courses, such as English 125 or
make that 8 o'clock lecture or scavenging through Chemistry 124. Upper level classes are also open, but
the crowded floors of the UGLI and Grad in search of some classes will offer reduced credit hours.
an elusive study desk. "In general, courses that tend to be four credits in
But students enrolled for Spring and Summer ter- the regular term will be three, and those that were
ms will be able to avoid the crowds and cold of cam- three credits will be two credits," Waller said.
pus life while still being able to take advantage of SOME AREAS such as the sciences, languages,
University classes and services. and math, however, will offer the same credit hours
and cover the same material as during Fall and Win-
ALTHOUGH THE numbers are not in for this ter terms.

Due to financial con- distributed free
straints, the Daily will throughout campus.
change to a weekly for- Within this new struc-
mat for the spring and ture, we hope to analyze
summer terms. The the week's events and
paper will be published examine their long-term
every Friday, and will be significance.


Spring term, last spring 10,526 students registered

See STUDENTS, Page 13

Prof calls 'U'reactor safe
By AMY GOLDSTEIN Lee said, for example, that Lee said Chernobyl is an "old
The University's Phoenix unlike the Soviet plant, the style" nuclear power plant and it
nuclear reactor on North Campus Phoenix plant focuses on research lacks a large-domed building,
is unlikely to suffer an accident and learning, and does not made of oceewl eea
similar to the one at the Soviet produce power or high levels of feet thick, and lined with several Shut down Doily Photo by PETE ROSS
Union's Chernobyl facility, accor- radiation. The Chernobyl plant, inches of stainless steel nn The Michigan Theater, closed for restoration over the summer, will
ding to John Lee, chairman of the designed to supply millions of con- radiation leakages. A containment reopen in September in a style reminiscent of the 1920's Vaudeville
Department of Nuclear sumers with electricity, creates a building stores the fuel core and is era. See page 11.
Engineering, large amount of radioactivity. See 'U', Page 14

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