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May 16, 1986 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1986-05-16

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Summer Weekly Edition
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 2-S

Copyright 1986
TheMichigan, Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Friday, May 16, 1986

Sixteen Pages

'U' official
tuition hike

LSA senior Gabrielle Cobbs walks her bicycle down S. Division Wednesday night. "It's not fair to make
women be confined after dark," she said.
Nite Owl may be improved
By MELISSA BIRKS from," said Henry Johnson, vice president for
Riders of the University's Nite Owl bus services students services and one of the officials who met
may find expanded services this fall, but only if with the committee.
more funding can be found. CURRENTLY, the Nite Owl service costs $40,000
In a meeting with the Campus Safety Committee, to run from September to May. To expand the ser-
three University officials said Wednesday they sup- vice through the spring and summer would cost
port expanding the bus route further off-campus. another $20,000 said Jack Weidenbach, director of
They also supported increasing the number of vans the University's business operations.
during peak hours, and continuing the service In addition, other expenses such as bus stop signs
through spring and summer terms. See COMMITTEE, Page 4
"We don't know where the money is comingSeCO MTEPg4

Special to the Daily
DEARBORN - In his first
report to the Board of Regents as
the University's second ranking
administrator, James Duderstadt
yesterday stressed the large gap
between state funding and the
University's needs. He said tuition
increases would again be
necessary to close the gap.
The new vice president for
academic affairs predicted the
University's share of this year's
state budget will fall far short of
the $35 million increase it
requested. Although state
legislators have not finalized their
budget, Duderstadt said the
University will probably wind up
with what amounts to a $13 million
MISSING FUNDS will have to
be made up from tuition increases,
internal reallocation, and new
sources of funding.
"We can't wait any longer for
public officials to restore the
University's funding, and will
have to turn to sources under our
control. We will ask the Board (of
Regents) to make some serious
decisions over the next few mon-
ths," Duderstadt said.

Duderstadt's message was
similar to the budget report given
by ex-vice president for academic
affairs Billy Frye at last month's,
regents meeing.
University President Harold
Shapiro introduced Duderstadt by
saying administrators would not
be able to give a clearer picture of
the financial situation until state
lawmakers finish their budget in
July. "There are no new develop-
ments," he said.
BUT SOME regents expressed
concern about the unpromising
statistics. Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor) said the report
contained "pretty grim num-
Duderstadt presented two
models that would generate the
$22 million more officials say they
need to bring the University back
up to par with its peer institutions.
To provide full restoration of
campus facilities, higher salaries,
a 15 percent across-the-board
tuition increase would be needed.
An 8 percent increase would fulfill
only basic needs.
DUDERSTADT said he doubted,
however, that tuition would be
raised that high. He would not
speculate on the size of the final

'U' council will confront tough

After releasing their long-
awaited ideas on how the Univer-
sity should deal with violent
crimes involving students, the
University Council now faces a
s standstill.
The Michigan Student Assembly
- an integral party in revising
the council's "emergency-
procedures" - will not give the
council its reaction until Septem-
ber. But perhaps more importan-
tly, the council must now deal with
non-violent crimes that helped
rouse student opposition to
previous drafts of the code of non-
academic conduct.
THE COUNCIL dealt with
violent crimes first because of the
opposition it expected to giving the


University jurisdiction over non-
life threatening situations.
"I think there is a fundamental
problem with such comprehensive
rules concerning non-academic
student behavior," said Eric
Schnaufer, a law student on the
council and co-founder of the "No
Code" movement on campus.
"The university has yet to show us
that there is a need for them."
Schnaufer said he would oppose
the emergency procedures if the
council recommends that 'the
University be able to act against
students for less serious crimes.
"If the emergency rules are just
one part of a comprehensive code
of student behavior, then they are
just the beginning of the end,"
Schnaufer said.

OPPONENTS have said the
code violates due process of law,
and threatens students's right to
But Dan Sharphorn, an ad-
ministrator advising the council
on legal affairs responded, "As far
as I have researched, every other
university in the country has some
rules governing student conduct.
As a matter of fact, the demands
of the administration are more
liberal than any I've seen."
Although Schnaufer sees no
need for any University rules of
conduct, Internal Medicine Prof.
Donald Rucknagel, co-chair of the
council said, "our continued
process is crucial."
Rucknagel was referring to
threats by University President'

Harold Shapiro that he would
overrule the council if it didn't
make continued progress towards
a comprehensive code. Shapiro
has said he may also by-pass
MSA's right to approve any code
of conduct, and ask the regents to
approve a form of the ad-
ministration's code proposal.
Regent's By-Law 7.02 grants MSA
this veto power.
mer MSA presidential candidate
Jen Faigel now on the council,
staunch opposition to rules for
non-violent crimes is expected.
Faigel pledged to oppose any code
when running for office.
But University administrators
See MSA, PAGE 14

. delays reaction

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