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August 15, 1986 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1986-08-15

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily- Friday, August 15, 1986 -

Little pi
made o
Daily news analysis
The University Council has made
virtually no progress on its version of
the code of nonacademic conduct this
summer, making it more likely that
the administration will implement its
much-opposed draft of the code this
Student leaders have opposed the
administration's proposed code,
saying it violates civil rights. They
have also defended the Michigan
Students Assembly's authority to ap-
prove any new rules governing
student behavior.
ACCORDING TO Virgina Nordby,
special assistant to University
President Harold Shapiro, the ad-
ministration will have to assess
whether the council will finish its task
in the near future. She did not say
whether this assessment has already
The council has been at work for
two years, and has drawn criticism
from University administration and
members of the Board of Regents for
its lack of progress. Student members
of the council have also been accused
of stalling.
While Nordby said the council's
ineffectiveness this summer will not
be the main justification for an ad-
ministration-imposed code, she ad-
ded, "the summer's just one more
IN AN interview in June, Shapiro
said, "They (the council) haven't
produced anything final, and it's
taken them a very long time." When
asked about a code imposed on a tem-
porary basis, he replied, "Anything is
Shapiro told student leaders last fall
that he may ignore MSA's veto power,
and propose the administration's
draft to the regents for approval.
Shapiro backed off on his threat in
January when the council appeared to
be making headway, and working "in
good faith." In April, the council
asked for input on its preliminary
recommendations on how the Univer-
sity should deal with violent crimes on
BUT THE council has made no
progress in refining these "emergen-
cy procedures" partly because of in-
ternal bickering within MSA has
prevented any response from the
assembly. Assembly members are
also reluctant to take a stand until the
full MSA returns in September. The
University's administration has also
not responded, choosing to wait until
MSA reacts, Nordby said.
Moreover, the council has also
failed in its main task this summer -
recommending how the University
should respond to nonviolent crimes
committed by students. These crimes
aroused much of the opposition to
previous drafts of the code. Some
students said the University should
not deal with inter-personal crimes,
such as theft, which they say, are in
the domain of the civil court.
The council's work was stalled
- mainly by poor Attendance, among

n eode
administrators and faculty commit-
tee members. The council, in fact,
never had full attendance this spring
and summer, although students on the
committee were rarely absent.
THE COUNCIL'S progress was also
slowed, however, when two new
students to the board forced a rehash
of philosophical and practical
questions on whya code is needed.
"I think there's been too much of an
assumption that there will have to be
a code," said Jennifer Faigel, an LSA
senior who was appointed to the coun-
cil in the spring.
"It's distressing to have to start all
over, but I believe that's what we're
going to have to do. With this change
in nla We' ain to tak kc while

~1T '~ hpp~ ?DaiOly Photo by CHRIS TwI.+

n peope, s gong ou ios ae us ai nil y
to focus on our issues, said council Prof. Pat Olesko's "Sculpture without Scruples" class floods the Diag with smiles recently. The human sculp-
Dco-chair, Internal, last MedicineProf.The ture was the class' final project, called "Sissy Phace."
council would meet only twice more
before giving up in mid-July because
of the sparse attendance. T u iN O u m e
ALSO, THE council's emergency By HARISH CHAND "I DON'T think enough work has of ground-based ICBMs (inter-
procedures will probably draw University experts on arms control been done on the technical side to get tinental ballistic missiles)
ciricism this fall from both students remain doubtful that the Reagan Ad- a treaty within the next half year," deterring a Soviet first strike. Cut
and adminstratorsn ministration can negotiate a treaty Jacobson said. today's enormous arms levels in
Some students and Jonathan Rose, with the Soviet Union, despite this Evangelista, Jacobson, and would not greatly increase nucl
a local lawyer following the code week's series of high-level talks in Political Science Prof. Raymond Tan- stability, he said.
debate, have criticised the emergency Moscow. ter, an arms control expert, cited the .REAGAN'S proposed Strat
procedures as unnecessary because of A group of senior American officials different structure of the U.S. and Defense Initiative, nicknamed "
the civil authoritiesto omet with Soviet officials Monday and Soviet defense systems as a major ob- Wars," has remained a stumb
commnth posisto s rexed 'Tuesday following a recent exchange stacle to an agreement. The block to negotiations. Reagan
comment, opposition is expected of arms control proposals by professors said, for example, that the
against a provision prohbiin other top U.S. officials have ref
Univesty actriion a prohibiting President Reagan and Soviet leader Soviets would by unlikely to give up any concessions on SDI, while
University action against students - Mikhail Gorbachev. their advantage in certain areas, like Soviets have insisted that the
volved in political protests. The ,"THE REAGAN administration's conventional weapons. The United ministration stop short of deplo
provision is merely symbolic because hostility towards arms control is the States will remain intransigent about the proposed space-based def
councilmembers did not feel any main barrier to an agreement," said "Star Wars" research, some predic- system.
violent crimes are a form of political Matthew Evangelist, a professor of ted.
Shapiro, however, has said he political science. Tanter, who has served on Reagan's Recent reports quoted
doesn't think any code adopted should Evangelistsncites Secretary of National Security Council, believes ministration officials as saying
desuhk p ialy c e s shcvl Defense Caspar Weinberger and that the United States has more to Reagan was prepared to d
exclude such political crimes as civil Assistant Secretary of Defense gain from "exploring the efficacy of deployment for up to seven yea
disobedience. Students have feared Richard Pearl as two administration strategic defense" than from arms Moscow agree to deployment a
that such a code could stifle political members who oppose arms reduc- reduction negotiations. Strategic that period. These reports d
dissent on campus. tions. Negotiations, he predicted, defense, he said, could add to nuclear mixed opinions from the unive
i could lead to either "no agreement or stability by reducing the vulnerability experts.
--Dailystaff writer Rebecca an agreement that won't accomplish
Blumenstein contributed to this uch."
story. Political Science Prof. Harold
Jacobson agrees that an arms control
agreement is unlikely in the near
future. Vol. XCVI -.No. 13-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Friday during th
spring and summer terms and Monday through Friday during the fa
and winter terms. Subscription rates: May through August-$5.00 in An
P A5.A, Arbor; $7.00 outside the city. September through April-$18.00 in An
M A g Arbor; $35:00 outside the city. One term-$10.00 in town; $20 outside th
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscri
to Los Angeles Times Syndicate and College Press Service.
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