Summer Weekly Edition Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom >l. XCVI - No. 13-S U'erases avorite pot for raffitti By NAOMI WAX mpus graffitti artists will have one, )s place to paint thia fgill. he Water Tower behind the Plant erations building on Hoover Street, usty black structure that had sup- ted a water tank, was taken down s week by a University-hired con- ctor. HE ROUND tank at the top of the er had been a popular graffitti spot fraternities, members of the chigan marching band, and other dents for "longer than anyone und can remember," said Ken udry, a manager at the Plant Iding. The tower has been standing ce about 1920. Kids would climb up the structure paint graffitti. It was dangerous," Dick Wanamaker, Plant Super- or. "They weren't always nice ut what they wrote. And they used drip paint on our vans parked eath the tower." One time we painted over it and y were up there the next week nting graffitti. It was a sore spot," namaker said. ue to more efficient city water ins, the water tower hadn't been for two years. "It was time to e it down,"'Beaudry said. "It was t an attractive nuisance." Copyright1986 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, August 15, 1986 Twelve Pages Workers may reject contract By EUGENE PAK Many University service and main- tenance workers are dissatisfied with a tenative new contract they are scheduled to vote on this afternoon. Union and University negotiators reached the agreement last Friday, but many workers said they will vote against it. Some workers accused union leaders of neglecting their in- terests. ABOUT 2,200 University workers, including those in food and health ser- vices, have been working under a temporary contract since June 30. Negotiations have continued since May with local 1583 of the American. Federation of State, County, and. Municipal Employees (AFSCME). "I think it stinks. It's a raw deal," said a union member working at University Hospital. "I'll turn it down wholeheartedly," agreed another University worker, who also wished to remain anonymous. THE KEY stumbling block it. negotiations has been University demands that employees begin paying health insurance for their families. Under the old contract, the University paid up to $153 a month in Blue Cross and Blue Shield for Workers, plsu any additional costs for workers' dependants. Workers with families would have to pay $42 a month for full family coverage under the proposed con- tract. According to many workers, this would eat up much of a 4.7 per- cent wage increase. "As far as the raise goes, we didn't get anything because health insuran- ce costs will take much out of it," said a South Quad cafeteria worker. She said most South Quad workers will probably vote against the new con- tract. "THE ONES that have families are the ones who are going to lose," said one hospital worker, "For a full-sized family, they're only getting six extra bucks a month." Without the health payments, he said, he would get $48 more per month. But Union President Dwight Newman said the additional health in- surance cost will not affect all mem- bers. Although Newman said exact See WORKERS, Page5 Yardwork Edward Dangler paints the "MICHIGAN" in Michigan Stadium's end zone. Working with him are Tim Hurley (foreground) and Pat Richard. Eeds promote former Michigan standout By DAVE ARETHA xteen months ago, Barry Larkin playing baseball for Michigan inst Ball State and Sienna Heights. N he's playing against, the best ns in the world. xteen years ago, a six-year-old kin was learning to root for his tetown Cincinnati Reds, a team t boasted such stars as Dave Con- cion, Tony Perez, and Pete Rose. vthe former Michigan shortstop s for Cincinnati - and Concep- , Perez, and Rose are his team- es. [E'S VERY nervous, very ex- d," said Shirley Larkin of her son. think 'awestruck'- is a better :ription." arkin drove in-a run against the Francisco Giants in his first or league ,at-bat Wednesday,, a day after the Reds promoted him from the minor leagues. Larkin brought in a man from third with apin- ch-hit groundout. "Barry would say he always wanted to play for his hometown team," said his mother. "He wanted to be a shor- tstop for the Reds. He wanted to (play in Cincinnati) for himself, but more so for his mama." LARKIN STARRED at Cincinnati Moeller High School before signing with Michigan in 1982. Besides leading the Wolverines to the College World Series in 1983 and 1984,, Larkin was named Big Ten MVP in'84 and'85. Larkin has always been known as a shortstop "who could do it -all" - field, throw, hit for average, and hit for power. It was his all-around ability that caused the Reds to make him the number-four selection in the first round of the 1985 amateur draft. may want him to eventually be a Usually it takes players at least two second baseman, since they have or three years in the minors before another young shortstop whiz, rookie they get called up. But some good Kurt Stilwell. But ironically, it was statistics at Denver (Cincinnati's the weak hitting of Stilwell, as well as Triple-A affiliate), and a weak infield an injury to shortstop Concepcion, at Cincinnati, led to his quick that led to Larkin's promotion. promotion. Larkin is expected to fill in for LARKIN WAS recently named the Stilwell and second baseman Ron American Association's "Player of Oester for the rest of the year. the Week," after boosting his batting Larkin would have started Wed- average to .329. He had also hit 10 nesday, but his plane from Denver home runs and driven in 51 runs arrived several hours late. before being called up. "(PLAYER/MANAGER) Pete Rose Denver manager Jack Lind said said he had planned to start Barry," Larkin's defense has steadily im- said Mrs. Larkin. "But since the proved, too. game started at 7:30 and he didn't get "He's increased his range, he's got there until 7:00, he had to be scrat- a strong arm...he's shown that he can ched." do it," Lind said. Larkin did not start yesterday's. LARKIN PLAYED both shortstop game, but he's scheduled to start and second base at Denver. The Reds See LARKIN, Page 12 - Larkmn a big leaguer