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August 08, 1986 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1986-08-08

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 8, 1986 -Page 11
'U' study links health habits to years of education
By MIKE JAGNER socioeconomic status. Eddington said health is a result of tiality of the answers ensured the ac- The Fitness Research Center,
Better health habits vary with a The study follows similar surveys how people live their lives. Resear- curacy of the results. The companies located in the Central Campus
person's level of education, according conducted by private companies of chers told respondents the good and surveyed were not informed which Recreation Building, is staffed by
to a University survey. their own employees. bad aspects of their health habits, he employees filled out forms. eight full-time workers and 20
The study, conducted by the THE CORPORATE health surveys said.
University's Fitness Research Ceo- attempted to determine workers' Although the survey was not based The 36-page questionaire, called
ter, showed that health awareness health and the cost of health care. on a random sample, Eddingon said "The Health Risk Appraisal," was The center frequently conducts other
among 90,000 workers nationwide in- Companies were concerned about the large sample produced valid based on a similar survey conducted health surveys and physiological
creased with education worker productivity and lowering ab- results. by the U.S. Center for Disease Con- tests.
ACCORDING to Dee Eddington, the sences. He said he believes the confiden- trol.
center's director, the survey studied
the frequency of regular exercise,
re ur dcest ach ectsa ouse bill would let faculty continue work a ter70
regular breast and rectal
examinatio. Safedivirwasalsoa fa (ContinuedfromPagel) the mandatory retirement age can be plementation for 12 years, according Similar bills have failed before,
ded to guarantee faculty the a blessing for professors who are no to Thomas Butts, the University's Butts said, though he thought this bill
The study also found that people freedom to conduct research without longer productive. Washington lobbyist. This would might have a better chance in an elec-
with good health habits are likely to the threat of being fired. Tenured Higher education lobbying groups allow universities time to change tion year. Butts said the University is
live longer, and the the likelihood of faculty cannot be fired, except in rare have been pushing for an amendment their policies, but such an amen- not taking an active lobbying stance
disease is linked with life style and cases of extreme misconduct. Thus, to the bill which would delay its im- dment appears unlikely. on the issue.


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RTMENT: Forest and Hill, furnished, 1-800-FOR-TRUTH (1-800-367-8788). 24F0815 Excellent comminsion. lexible hours. References office for The Michigan Daily - your Ctdent
shalcony,769-6478. 00C0015 _____ ____________ requested. Cult Patricia Garcia, 769.3175, for ap- newspaper. Work study indisidoal required. Call
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ED APARTMENT. 3 bedrooms, 14 CONFIDENTIAL & COPYWRITER. The Schneider Group, a multi- DO YOU HAVE PIMPLES? Earn $75-volunteers
k to campus. $435 (utilities included) INEXPENSIVE faceted design firm with projects nationwide with moderately severe acne (15 blackheads and/
87C0815 GYNECOLOGICAL CARE needs a freelance copywriter capable of working or 10 pimples or more). Ages 12-25 needed for
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d car. Now and/or fall, good deal. 94- PLA N N ED motional and advertising collateral material. over 12.week period. Call U-M Departmentof Der-
49C08M jSend resume and 3 non-returnable samples to: matology 936-4071 M-F 9-4 for appointment.
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Available In Our Bookshop.-4OF0815 non-smoker. 996-3934,769-5495. 97HOS15
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A -STUDEN T SERV IC ES ply;inprson Burger King, 530 E. Liberty (at TYPING -all types. Qualityguaranteed work at
L1 f Vls.. Maynard). 01HO815 reasonable rates. Central campus 7 days. 608-
SECRETARY needed for the rest of the summer
and during school. Flexible hours available. Call WONDER WRITER. Professional resume, word
GMAT 662-3149. 96H0815 processing, and writing services. Economical
It'st too late to hegin your preparation for the rates.697-8600. 71J0815
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2 Bedroom Furnished Efor wonderful one year old pickup & Delivery. Quick service. 426-5217.
Apartments in our home, near U-M campus Tues., Wed.,
H ELP W A N TED Thurs., on public school yearly schedule. Addi-
Tiffany Apartments tional hours avail. up to 30 hrs./wk., 662-4300.
Colony Apartments STUDENTS NEEDED (Grads & Undergrads). GOING PLACES
Madison Apartments OFFICE ASSISTANT. Need mature reliable per- Person to person ... That's how we are reaching
son with own car to work daily M-F afternoons for out to thousands of Michigan Alumni for their
4-6 hours. Permanent part-time position. Duties: support by telephone. If you are mature, reli-
NLY A FEW LEFT Photocopying (50%), errands and other office able and can talk about the University and its MALE SCOTTISH student (20), driver's license,
FOR FALL related duties. South of Brksrwood. Call Peggy at needs, we can train you to be an effective caller. seeks student with car to share driving to west
973-7111. 00Ho815 Help Michigan to reach. out person to person. coast or touring. Call Graeme, 995-9595 office
WAITRESS - Banquet Servers for golf course. Your mind; resume, and pocketbook will be hours. 88K0815
og Office. 736 Packard WARE- B uet Sve fool our richer for the experience. Stop by 3rd floor, 611
Part-lime tbrough Octoher. Choose your own Church St.,orcall 73-7420. 53H0815
days. Fox Hills C.C. between Ann Arbor and Church__., __a _____-72 _____ H__
2194 Hours 95 Plymouth. 453-7272. 93H0815 WORK, LEARN and HAVE FUN! The Michigan
Daily, your student newspaper, needs a work
study individual tohandle our library. Call Nancy M USICA L
by Greg Huber at 764-05W * * ncH0815
""""* * * * * * * A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY - Tell friends about
N EAZ A21 L I AMERICAN N A N N Y our music club, get FREE records/tapes and
..$ SPo yN o-1 t%\/11 ---( 464 N l F+ -. make money doing it. For complete information,
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E S THE PERFECT SUMMER JOB Ann Arbor, MI 48107. 85N0815
New York City Area Families
Salary, Room, Board, WANTED
& Car Provided
Airfare & Fee Paid By Employer
y Call Loving, financially secure couple anxiousto adopt
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answer our prayers. Call collect anytime, 557-
.1 58H0816 5433. 64P0815

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