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August 08, 1986 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1986-08-08

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Friday. August 8, 1986

Page 6

The Michigan Daily

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Vol. XCVI, No. 12-S
96 Years of Editorial Freedom
Unsigned editorials represent the majority views of the Daily's Editorial Board
Cartoons and signed editorials do not necessarily reflect the Daily's opinion.
Dental discord

Unfair athletic admissions

of conflict in the University's
Department of Orthodontics, raise
disturbing questions about University
policy. The conflict involves Depar-
tment chairman Peter Vig and his
failure to pass the state Board of
Denistry's speciality examination.
"Initially Vig was denied eligibility to
take the exam. After an appeal by an
associate dean of the School of Den-
tistry, Vig was allowed to take the
test, but failed by two points.
After Vig's failure the University
General Counsel, Roderick Daane,
requested a rescoring of the exam.
The unorthodox request was granted,
but the rescore remained below
passing. It is not the role of the
University to attempt to influence an
autonomous state certification board.
Dr. Vig has been described as com-
petent by several colleagues and has

served on the orthodontics faculty at
the University of North Carolina.
There are indications he is more in-
terested in research than teaching.
Vig may be a competent ad-
ministrator and a respected resear-
cher, but the fact remains that his
students will become practicing or-
thodontists. If the chairman of their
department is not deemed qualified
by the state Board of Dentistry, and
the University attempts to use its in-
fluence on his behalf, an unhealthy
and unethical example is being set.
Something is seriously wrong when
the head of the Orthodontic Depar-
tment can not pass the very exam his
students are expected to pass.
If the University values Vig's
research talents it should give him a
research position. The first respon-
sibility of the University and its
department heads is to the students.

To the Daily:
The NCAA's Proposition 48 has at least one
positive outcome for the University of
Michigan; it illuminates the double standard in
student admissions. I had hoped that this
University was indeed an "academic in-
stitution," but actions speak louder than words
As a state tax payer and graduate of the
University Iam ashamed. I was naive. I thought
that things were different at this University.
I speak of our two very talented freshman
basketball recruits who have sub 2.5 GPAs and
sub 700 SAT scores. Why is it that other in-state
students need GPAs greater than 3.3 and SATs
over 1100? If Michigan is an academic in-
stitution, than this is indeed a double standard.
How do you explain this situation? It seems
clear to me that star athletes, who can
generate income and publicity for the Univer-
sity's sports programs, get preferential treat-
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ment. I would like to see the names of the
students -in the University's remedial
programs. What are the percentages from the
general student population vs. the percentage
of "student" athletes.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching these
athletes. They are very talented and have
worked hard to get as far as they. But do they
belong at Michigan, a school with high stan-
dards and an academic reputation? Thousands
of more qualified students work just as hard
hitting the books as these guys hit the boards,
but they get turned down by the University.
That would make sense if Michigan was
professional sports training school, but you
guys in the administration keep telling us thai
this is a "distinguished and eminent'
academic institution. It's a double standard
It's real and it stinks. Bruce whaley,
July 16
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People power

DEAN BAKER'S nomination
L.s the Democratic candidate in
the Second Congressional District is
an example of what grassroots cam-
paigning can accomplish.
Though Baker, a graduate student
activist, was outspent by his opponent
in the primary, Don Grimes, by a
margin of 8 to 1 and was a heavy un-
derdog, he was able to bring together
a dedicated corps of volunteers
campaign workers stayed out until 5
AM the night before the election
leaving campaign information all
over the district. This kind of "people
power" was crucial to Baker's vic-
tory and shows that powerful special
interests and big money don't have to
control politics.
It will be even more difficult
Baker to unseat incumbent
Republican Carl Pursell in the up-
coming November election, however.
A campaign to unseat an entrenched
congressman in a Republican
dominated district requires the same
committment demonstrated by the

Baker forces in the primary but on an
even larger scale. In the primary
both candidates did an excellent job of
showing that Carl Pursell is not
responsive to the needs of his district.
Baker particularly made clear the
immorality of Pursell's support of the
Contras. This message was received
by the District's Democratic primary
voters, now it needs to be sent to the
District at large.
- To do this, those who want to see
Pursell defeated, both in the Grimes
and Baker campaigns should work
together. A coalition of groups
disatisfied with Pursell would con-
stitute a substantial political force.
Without such a coalition, however, it
seems unlikely that Pursell can be
Baker's unexpected success was an
inspiring example of democracy in
action. His success shows that people
in the second district are concerned
with the issues. An issues oriented,
people powered campaign in the fall
may be just what is needed to unseat

We encourage our readers to use this space
to discuss and respond to issues of their con-
cern. Whether those topics cover University,
Ann Arbor community, state, national, or in-
ternational issues in a straightforward or un-
conventional manner, we feel such a dialogue
is a crucialfunction of the Daily.

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