Friday, May 9, 1986
Page 15
The Michigan Daily
Batsmen a win away from East title
By SCOTT G. MILLER plays," said Michigan baseball word foreign to the Wolverines. "The injuries force me into a title. The Wolverines are 11
coach Bud Middaugh. "I am not a This week the squad won six of make-shift lineup for weekday one-run ball games. "that
"I think any coach wants to win strong believer that you gain eight contests, raising its record games and as a result we don't there is a story in itself,"
every game he plays and wants very much by losing." to 40-10. The team took three out have the same continuity from mented Middaugh. "It is
his team to win every game it In fact, losing seems to be a of four against Michigan State, game to game, though we are season.
swept a home doubleheader showing versatility,' said Mid- What makes the record
1 against Wayne State, and split an daugh. "The timing sequence has more impressive is that Mic
W o m en netters. w hipped away doubleheader at Eastern not been there. But I thought is winning without two of its
THE VICTORIES over the chemistry out there against Sophomore Jim Agemy is ol
afin ish last Spartns clinched a playoff spot Wayne State. the season with arm troubl
atin the ay 16-11 Big Ten playoffs. "They talked. Guys were in the was 10-0 his freshman year.
Michigan needs to win only one proper place, and they hustled. ace Scott Kamieniecki has
game this weekend from Ohio That is what you need to be in a in and out of the rotation bec
By PAUL DODD "We had a great weekend, State to win the Big Ten Eastern position to win a championship." of shoulder problems.
It was a fitting end to a dis- beating Eastern (Michigan) and Division title. The Buckeyes will WINNING close contests also A youth movement domi
appointing season for the wo- Notre Dame, 5-4, then we won at be at Ray Fisher Stadium puts a team in position to win a the pitching staff. Fresh
men's tennis team last weekend, Ohio State and then the injuries tomorrow and Sunday for Chris Lutz and Jim Abbott
as the Wolverines were shut out came,' lamented Ritt. "People doubleheaders starting at 1 p.m. cracked the starting rota
by Michigan Stste, 9-0, at the Big were just starting to believe in "I can't remember when we Lutz is 6-0 while Abbott is 5-2.
Ten Championships in Chain- ftBkskeios.te have been in the position we are two blend well with senior
paign, Illinois. The loss clinched Lynne Wise's foot kicked off the in or if we have been in this Disher (5-2), junior D
last place in the conference for rush to "rehab. That was position going into the last con- Karasinski (5-0), and sophor
Michigan. followed by Basle's hamstring ference weekend of the season Mike Ignasiak (7-2).
A week earlier, things were and Tricia Horn's back (both in- before," said Middagh. s Blending in young players
looking up after a 5-4 win over jured against Central Michigan). With many players having as Abbott, Lutz, St. Peter,
Iowa in the regular season and Tricia and Tina were never nagging injuries, others received Durham, and others is a
home finale. The victory was a the same (after their injuries)," a chance to play last week and Durh athes is
bit tainted. however, as the said Ritt Erin Ashare also delivered. Shortstop Jeff Kiel, daugh, remains consisten
decisive match was at number- missed two meets with an injured who was ineligible for the matter what the lineup.
three doubles, where -t h ack muscle. Michigan State series, saw his "I am not a philosophical g
Hawkeyes defaulted Despite the last-place finish, first action of the week Tuesday am a hardcore guy," sai
Ritt avoided labeling the season a against the Tartars and showed coach with a .755 winning pei
With the meet still well in failure, noting that great in- no signs of rustiness. tage. "I just think you go ou
doubt, Leslie Mackey and senior dividual progress was made. ANOTHER player that came play and play hard, and t
co-captai Monica Borcherst "We did well in some areas, but off the bench to contribute was work out well.
pulled out gutsy, come-from- we will need our players to be second baseman Jim Durham. "You don't ask for breaks.
behind wins. Mackey was trailing stronger next year. It's time for a The infield shuffling also moved don't cry when things a
1-4 in the second set before bat- change and there's only one way freshman Bill St. Peter from Middaugh going your way. You just g
tling back to force a tiebreaker, to go." shortstop to third base. not asking for breaks there and go after it."
where she completed her 7-5, 7-6 - - -
(7-1) triumph over Pennie
Co-captain Paula Reichert also
closed out her outstanding career
at home with relatively easy 6-
1, 6-4 drubbing of Iowa ace We'rei th bu nsso ma ngy r
Michelle Conlon. After the Big
Ten meet concluded, Reichert
was rewarded for her solid play usiness travel easier.
with her third consecutive berth
on the All-Big Ten team.
torH aY ri Borktosthe v ic- AAA Corporate Travel Service. As one of U of M's James Bishop
as Ohio State downed the designated preferred travel agencies, we re specially Bishop & Assoc., Inc.
Wolverines, 6-3. Back on prepared to arrange your next business trip. Han-
February 8, Michigan posted its tling everything from flights and accommoda-
first (and only, before Iowa) Big tions to car rentals and American Express Trav- Likes aisle seat,
Ten win in Columbus over the elers Cheques. non-Smokig.
then-hurting Buckeyes. We make it our business to kniw your fivorite
An ailing Tina Basle returned hotels, airlines...even which seat makes you most
to the doubles lineup for comfortable. Then we keep that informanon on Needs special
Michigan's first match at the Big recird to mike sure yiicr future biiokings 'ire -airline meal.
Ten meet, teaming with Leslie made-to-order.ailn me.
Mackey to defeat Iowa's Kelly What's more, we protect you with S 100,000 worth of
Fackel and Pat Leary, 6-2, 6-4. Travel Accident Insurance. Plus a 2i-hour toll-free Requests hotel
The Hawkeyes, however, hotline for en route travel assistance.
remembered their loss in Ann So before your next meeting,sem . with indoor pool.
reebeeoar, or convention; pick up{
Arbor five days earlier and _
managed a5-4 win. the phone and call AAAs
From there on out it was University Reservations at Prefers mid-size
downhill for Michigan, as Purdue 665-6003 or 665-6418. rental car.
thumped the Wolverines, 5-1, and trave your vurries
MSU avoided the league cellar at our doorstep.
with their 9-0 whitewashing.
LOOKING back on her team's
10-18 record (2-13 in league play),
coach Bitsy Ritt didn't have to
look far to see where the
problems began.
-2 in
ut for
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guy. I
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