Summer Weekly Edition
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI- No.1 -S Cpyrght1986 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, August 1, 1986 Sixteen Pages
The Universit
thodontics has
years by a c
department ch
credentials, a
members, and
sity impropriet3
Documents o
show that t
pressured the
tistry to grant
Conflicts tear 'U' dept.
RISH CHAND chairman, Peter Vig, after he failed University alumnus. Vig is currently out of the country AFTER AN appeal by Robert
ty's Department of Or- the organization's specialty Vig, who has still not passed the and could not be reached for com- Doerr, associate dean of the Univer-
been torn for several examination. examination, has been described as ment. He became orthodontics sity's School of Dentistry, however,
onflict involving the "It really is an embarrassment to competent by several colleagues. chairman on August 1, 1983 after ser- the board rescinded this vote and
airman's professional the University, an embarrassment to They defend both his intellectual ving as a faculty member at the allowed Vig to take the test. Vig
n exodus of faculty the alumni, and an embarrassment to capacity and his teaching ability. University of North Carolina's or- failed, receiving a score of 73 percent
allegations of Univer- the orthodontic profession in the state Yet his arrival at the University in thodontics department. - two points short of passing.
Y. when the chairman of the orthodon- 1983 triggered the departure of eight In September of 1984, the state Aris Hoplamazian, a senior mem-
btained by the Daily tics department can't pass the very orthodontics faculty members, Board of Dentistry initially voted to ber of the state board, described
University officials specialty certification exam which he several of whom criticized the depar- deny Vig eligibility to take its Doerr's address as "impassioned."
state Board of Den- is training other people to pass," said tment's increasing emphasis on exapination until they received more "Regardless of what Dr. Doerr
t certification to the one Michigan orthodontist who is a research over teaching. information about his credentials. See ORTHO, Page 14
Democrats' debate
focuses on Purseli
By ROB EARLE Baker's supporters seemed to dominate the audience of
Defeating incumbent Congressman Carl Pursell (D- about 60, frequently erupted into applause after he
Mich.) is the Democratic party's main goal in this spoke. Many of Grime's statements were met with
Tuesday's Second Congressional District primary, the snickers.
party's candidates agreed Wednesday. After opening statements, the candidates responded to
"We can beat him - this time, this year," said Don questions submitted by the other. Topics included U.S.
Grimes, a local economist who is running for Pursell's policy in Central America, the role of the federal gover-
seat. Grimes spoke at a debate with his opponent, Dean nment, South Africa, and the national trade deficit.
Baker, in the Ann Arbor City Council chambers. BOTH CANDIDATES criticized Pursell's vote to send
Baker, an economics doctoral candidate and longtime aid to the Contra insurgents in Nicaragua and his support
student activist, admitted unseating Pursell with a for military programs at the expense of social programs.
traditional political campaign will be difficult. But Baker Despite their similar views, however, the candidates dif-
said he, "has no intention of running a traditional cam- fered in approach.
paign." He emphasized his grassroots constituency com- When asked to identify the two most pressing needs of
posed of local peace and activist groups. See STUDENT, Page 4
NCAA rule takes efect;
makes recruits ineligible
OSEROWSKY and CHRISTY RIEDEL Director Don Canham, who helped But some officials, from Michigan
" First of a series write the new rules, believes they will and other universities, remain skep-
University officials are divided over continue to affect potential recruits. tical. They say the new rules
whether stricter National Collegiate "I think the proposition is going to discriminate against minority
Athletic Association (NCAA) rules for prevent a lot of athletes from getting student-athletes, and fail to monitor
student-athletes will affect in school and competing right away their performance in college, en-
Michigan's athletic program. Yet the without any question," Canham said suring that they graduate.
new academic requirements have in an interview last spring. "They'll
already jolted the University's Big either have to go back to high school University basketball coach Bill
Ten champion basketball team, or get their'marks up, or get their test Frieder has said Proposition 48 will
Daily Photo by CHRIS TWIGG leaving star recruits Terry Mills and scores up. They'll have to go to a have little influence on his choice of
Rumeal Robinson sitting on the ben- junior college in most cases." recruits.
ch. CANHAM AND other University of-
geY ncy Proposition 48 - which officially ficials hope the new rules will causea "CERTAINLY we're going to look
takes effect today - will require in- shift in priorities among high school at everything when we recruit
cy phone, located on the Diag, is one of the first of 56 such coming freshmen to score at least 700 athletes. According to Canham, the players," Frieder said earlier this
stalled around campus. The phones are a $180,000 initiative on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) requirements, especially the core summer. "But if you've got a kid like
the University to improve campus safety. They are hooked and earn a 2.0 grade point average in course rule, will force high schools to Terry Mills 20 minutes from your
computer to the Department of Public Safety, and they 11 required "core" courses, including demand academic performance from campus - and if you want to compete
in whenever the receiver is knocked off the base math and English. athletes. for the Big Ten and national cham-
MILLS AND ROBINSON were As a result, he predicted, more pionship - then you better get him to
declared ineligible for 196-87 because, athletes will graduate fro high
of low SAT scores. University Athletic school prepared to succeed in college. See ATHLETES, Page 15
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