Summer Weekly Edition
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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 10-S
Copyright 1986
TheMichigan Dily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, July 25, 1986
Sixteen Pages
R-um "_
Tuition for in-state students was
raised 4.3 percent by the Board of
Regents last Friday, while out-of-
state students will pay 8 percent more
next fall.
As expected, the regents approvedii t., s
the University Administration's
budget proposal with their 6-2 vote, By MARTIN FRANK
and they once again acceded to Gov. In a report made public this week, the ad hoc committee
James Blanchard's demands for a reviewing the University's classified research guidelines
cap on in-state tuition. recommended a virtual ban on classified research.
Blanchard has requested a cap for The committee's proposals, which were reported by the
the past three years, ostensibly to . Daily last week, also called for eliminating a key provision of
make public education more affor- the current guidelines - a clause that forbids research that
dable, though many observers con- - may harm human beings.
sider it a political attempt to boost his COMMITTEE members said the clause is too ambiguous
re-election campaign. For leverage, and difficult to enforce. Several campus opponents of
he has threatened to veto the Univer- military research disagreed, fearing the clause's elimination
sity's state appropriation, which will produce more non-classified military research.
makes up aound one-half of its Ambiguous wording in the current guidelines, adopted in
operating budget. 1972, was a primary issue the committee was asked to con-
THIS YEAR'S cap of 4.3 percent sider when it was appointed by University President Harold
was the state's estimated rate of in- Shapiro last fall.
flation when Blanchard proposed his In his charge to the committee, Shapiro also asked the
budget last January. panel to study the one year deadline for publishing classified
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- - research, contained in the current rules and alleged
bor) offered a challenge to Blanchard problems with enforcing the guidelines.
by proposing a 4.4 percent in-state Osily Photo by CHRIS TWIGG
tuition increase, but none of the Dorothy Leeser (left) and Joyce Sparks (right), from Charlotte, Michigan, take a load off IN ITS report, the committee recommended that the
regents supported him. Baker spoke their feet on a hammock made by Florida craftsman Victor Edgis during the Art Fair on University adopt guidelines which:
at length about the University's need Wednesday. prohibit keeping the existence of a sponsoring agency or
to be autonomous from the state and research document secret
predicted a rift in the board if state in- " " * require that the contents of a research contract or grant
terference continues. rt a n wa n be made public
In protest, Baker voted against the ' forbid any research where the results are
4.3 percent increase. He was joined by w "unreasonably" kept from public knowledge.
Regent Neal Neilsen (R-Brighton), so m e n rtt rrri fo allow researchers to use classified documents in their
See REGENTS, Page 15 projects, but forbid them to generate classified research.
" allow the sponsor to review the documents generated, but
' By MARY CHRIS JAKLEVIC not to classify them after completion. The sponsor has six
m a y gave one of the attending officers a copy of a months to complete the review.
Another successful Ann Arbor art fair is off fair guide which had Soto's picture cop o on of the twelve member committee signed the
and running this week. But a University cover. Then he left, with the hope of finding a report. Pharmaceutics Prof. Gordon Amidon, Pathology
crackdown against performers on the Diag place off of University property to perform Prof, Rees Ridgley and Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen submit-
has enraged many fair-goers and street en- his act. ted a minority opinion calling the majority report too restric-
tertainers. Word of Soto's removal spread quickly to tive since its recommended guidelines would apply to all
Several Diag performers have been told by other Diag performers. research.
o ver hiaf University security and city police officers to "I'M WAITING for them (the officers). I
take their acts elsewhere during the fair. know that they will come here for me," said "(THE MAJORITY report's) restrictions would ... vastly
Jugglers, musicians. magicians. and mimes Michel Innocent a singer and guitarist from enlarge the scone of the resrtrictive rl inhihitic itll-
V s A , 11U 1,Q1, 1 Q t4G11, Ci1 111G
on the Diag have been an art fair tradition.
banners WILL SOTO, a popular tightrope walker
and juggler from Key West, Florida, was
By PETER OERNER kicked off the lawn in front of Angell Hall at 6
In a sudden reversal, University p.m. yesterday by three Ann Arbor police of-
administrators apparently decided ficers.
this week not to limit the number of "It sucks, man," said one observer, as Soto
banners on the Diag. packed up his props to leave.
University Planner Fred Mayer had "That's putting it lightly," said Soto, who
said last week that starting Sept. 1, has entertained on the Diag at the last six art
not more than ten banners would be fairs.
allowed to hang in the previously SOTO, who is known for his bright leotard,
unlimited area in front of the Fish- shaggy hair, and witty manner, said he has
bowl. never before been prevented from perfor-
ST. U ENT , Pg ming on the Diag.
Sec S TU EN T, Page 12 To show his disdain for the crackdown, Soto
Paris who was performing near the West
Engineering building.
University Director of Safety Leo Heatley
said the University has always had a policy of
not allowing solicitors, including street per-
formers, on the Diag. But, he said officials
are making a bigger effort to enforce the
HEATLEY said his department's phones
"ring off the hook" with complaints from
professors conducting classes in Angell Hall.
"You have to realize that classes still go on
during the art fair," he said.
The University does issue permits to
See 'U' BAN. Pace 4
pC1a 6C L1 IJJCVLIU1CiILV1Ule, 1110Lng n~e eC-
tual inquiry not only when it is classified for reasons of
national security, but also when the researcher and the spon-
sor would agree to refrain from publishing results longer
than one year," the minority report said.
It also said the majority report failed to balance freedom
with openness, being too concerned with the latter.
MAKING ALL research open to the public, the minority
report said, costs researchers the freedom to do research of
their own choice.
"Accepting the openness as a major value in guiding our
conduct, however, does not oblidge us to make of it a stan-
dard so overpowering as to justify the prohibition of research
that does not in every way manifest it," the report said.
See REPORT, Page 3