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July 11, 1986 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1986-07-11

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Page 12 Friday, July 11, 1986 The Michigan Daily
Watters on the road to Major Leagues
F o . .let oh-for-four or even or-for-24 get hundred points from his sophomore to gets there he will do well and have
you down into a hole. I'm still ad- junior year. It is not surprising that long major league career."
justing to the difference. McKernan predicts a strong Major
"Before this year began I knew only League future for him with time. Daily sports writer Dave Areth
sgabone guy on the team. You don't have "He'll make it eventually. Once he filed a report for this story.
1 1' the comraderie. You don't eat, sleep
and play ball together. You just play
By EMILY BRIDGHAM forward. They knew I'd make ball."
He's just a step away from the top, mistakes when they put me here." THE MOVE to Albuquerque came
but that step isn't as small as it looks In addition to the position change, early in February for Watters, who was
for ex-Michigan baseball standout Watters is facing other changes as recovering from surgery. Waking up
Mike Watters. Playing in his new well. He just recently became one morning unable to straighten his
second base position, the former out- engaged to Michigan field hockey arm, Watters went in only to discover 'You can't take the
fielder is encountering some defen- player Debbie Devine, who is working that he had some bone fragments in games as seriously (as
sive difficulties in the adjustment, but out in Albuquerque this summer his elbow. He quickly recovered and
offensively he has one of the highest before she returns to Michigan to was glad to be able to participate in in college) . . . YOU
averages on the Albuquerque Dukes finish school. And the move to the last few weeks of spring training.. can't let oh-for-four or
(Triple-A affiliate of the Los Angeles Albuquerque itself came very "The Dodgers are the best," Wat-
Dodgers). quickly. ters said. "There is no comparison. even oh-for-24 get you
"He is doing more than adequate," "At this level you could go up Everything is first class. Spring down into a hole.'
Dukes' general manager Pat McKer- tomorrow," said Watters. "You can't training is unbelievable. We get . -Mike Watters
nan said. "It's very hard for a kid to quit at this point. It's exciting and treated so well. It's a lot of little stuff
come to Triple-A and try to be a frustrating. It sometimes makes it that makes things nice."
second baseman after being an out- hard because guys can get so Watters' improvement was
fielder." frustrated and irritable. dramatic in his career at Michigan, as
"HE HAS been very good offen- "But on the whole it is a lot less in- his batting average rose more than a
sively. He has been weak defensively tense (than college ball). They realize__
as a second baseman (making 26 guys are going to have slumps. You
errors). He was very weak in the just can't get uptight as you have to in
beginning, has improved tremen- school where the season is much shor-
dously in the middle, and is erratic ter." (conSmnued from Page said he preferred that Mills just spend situation is a hot issue on campus.
again. But he's a second baseman WATTERS IS finding the mental dif also expected soon. the year concentrating on his grades.
here remember." ficulties in the game to be the biggest : Mills, however, has another option Frieder's advice may be wise, since JOHN SAMNICK, a Michiga
Watters is presently batting around difference between college and pro. and still may not have to sit out all of there are two major drawbacks to the freshman and a Wolverine basketba
.315, which is close to what he batted "I don't think I can ever match the next season. He can avoid registering alternative plan. If Mills fails the SAT fan, said that school should com
at Michigan, and has held pretty near fun I had playing at Michigan," said for fall term, take the SATs again in requirement in November, the lost before basketball.
to this mark for the bulk of the season. Watters. "Until you're i the Major early November, and hope he passes year of eligibility would start in "I think it's really insane for peopl
"I can't complain," said Watters. Leagues you don't have major team before winter term begins. If he did January. Therefore he wouldn't be going to this school if they sco
"I'm happy with my progress in the goals. It is such an individual game at pass, he would regain his freshman allowed to play or practice with the like600 on their SATs," Samnick sai
field. My only problem is with myself this level." eligibility - just in time for Wolverines until January1988. "This is a school with a very g
and learning to play second." "You just cant take the games as Michigan's Big Ten schedule. Another drawback is publcity. Mills academic reputation. Maybe schola
"EARLY IN the season I didn't feel seriously. You need to be a lot more Mills told reporters earlier this
well. I've made some real big steps laid back, a lot less rah-rah. You can't week that he was considering that op- dealallve ogo through the SAT or- shipcould be used for players wit
wee tathewa cnsdein tatop dalal oer again. Thousands of better academic standing."
tion, but Michigan coach Bill Frieder people would again peer over his Richard Learner, another Michigs
shoulder to find out his scores. RcadLanr nte ihg
Even five montha before the basket- freshman, disagreed with Propositi
P A P R PiT ball season, Mills' and Robinson's 4. He said that grades, and to sm
extent basketall, are more impo
A R Etant than the SAT scores.
"I don't think the rule is too fair,
J A Z Z said Learner. "You can still gt
J A Z : A \ adequate grades but you might be
:SN R terrible test taker.
- 3Good condition 78's. Play g McDOnaldS "And it just totally kills the baske
MichiganrUnion 9 4ap eel-ball team," Learner continued. "He'
as discs or tape a post-up player and we need a pos
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Victor, Decca, Commo- side and they're dead."
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