Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 9, 1986
(Continuedfrom Page)
two is, on the whole, not as
engrossing as side one, with the
exception of "Fell" and the
hilariously George Thorogood-
esque instrumental "Route 67."
None of the tracks are poorly craf-
ted, though. Rather, they have
fallen victim to Easter's per-
sistent problem of lyric in-
decisiveness. His lyrics are often
made up of lovely, but disjoint
fragments, rather like his musical
style but less successfully ar-
All in all, Big Plans is a much
more musically complex and
mature disc-but thankfully
remains true to Let's Active
credos of craftsmanship and unaf-
fectedness. Somebody wrote the
word "bodacious" on the inner
groove of side two. The mystery
writer's editorial comment sums
it up nicely. Big Plans is bodacious
in its atypical approach. But it's
also very nice, very refreshing to
hear a record so lacking in self-
indulgence and so imminently
-Julie Jurrjens
Campus Cinema
Laura (Otto Preminger, 1944) 7
p.m., MLB 3.
Sit Down '36 - Performance
Network, 8:00 p.m., 408 W.
The Lion, the Witch, and the
Wardrobe- Young; People's
Theater, 7:00 p.m., Frieze
Bars & Clubs
Patty Richards with the Jeff
Kressler Trio - Bird of Paradise
Jazz Club,9p.m. -1:30a.m.
Fred Hawthorne - "I.
Discovery of commo nin group
metallocarboranes. II ThermalO0-
H bond activation using novel
iridocycles." Chemistry, 3 p.m.
1200 Chemistry Bldg,
Brenda Morgan - "An in-
troduction to Ythe Being and
teachings of Michael Ilehu, an
Enlightened Being living in Ann
Arbor," 7:30 p.m., Friends
Meeting House, 1420 Hill.
Archery Club - 8 p.m.,
Past lives/reincarnation
workshop and lecture - 7:30 p.m.,
School of metaphysics, 95 Oak-
wood apt. 1, Ypsilanti.
Gay Liberation - Coffee night,
8-11 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Inst. Cont Legal Educ-2-day
conf, 37th Annual Advocacy Inst,
"The Assault Case: Suing the
Facility Open to the Public."
Korean Christian Fellowship -
Bible study mtg, 9 pm, Campus
Great Plains - Naked at
the Buy, Sell and
Trade (Homestead)
So what can I tell you about
Great Plains? See how this works.
Do you know the Monty Python
fish-slapping dance sketch? This
guy jigs around happily and then
delivers the dish to his partner
cheek high.
O.K.? Now, picture Great Plains
lead singer/lyricist Ron House in
the role (he's a beefy guy with a
gentle face to aid in the visuals),
add some bellowing and lots of
writhing and.. . well, you get the
picture. Ron accentuates his
somewhat skewed tenor with a
desperate, almost pained delivery
soaked in raw emotion. Add the
farfisa fury of keyboardist Mark
Wyatt, and a churning rhythm
section, and you get a sound with
elements of hardcore and blues, one
that evokes Love, The Violent
Femmes, and The Doors while
remaining strikingly original.
The songs? Th
ten familiar enot
in, just as the so
you, carrying yo
you've never be(
Name the Do
becomes the cent
you know what
time House sings,
not named too h
to become a cor
humane society
groove of "Fer
where a simple o
ds everything to
the desert. Then, i
Orphan," it is Ho
is dancing, mat(
the bastard child.
I'm sure they w
but Great Plains
torch, racing dow
stacy and reckless
and roll has ah
voice; trying all t
pace with Chuck B
e images are of- Violets'are dull
ugh to draw you
Ong caresps
u to somesplace By Kurt Serbus Streep and De Niro to throw in a
en. In "Time to little spark. If Kline and Spacek
g," a symbol Violets Are Blue is one of those had been able to generate
ral figure before rare cinematic anomalies, a something - anything - between
hit you. By the theatrical release that is actually them, Violets Are Blue may have
Only hope he's lower in quality than most made- been, if not engaging, then at least
ate, you're ready for-TV movies. It's really kind of watchable. However, Kline comes
mmando for the amazing that this thing ever got off like an extra from a George
. Or the slow made, as the script is a complete Romero flicks, and Spacek just
tile Crescent," zero-nothing happens of any con- looks like her heart isn't in it.
il worker discar- sequence whatsoever. Director Jack Fisk tries to fill in
tapdance across The shoestring plot concerns the blanks by using cheap romantic
n "Chuck Berry's Gussie (Sissy Spacek), a world- devices like well-timed thunder-
use himself who renowned photographer who storms and "meaningful" double
ching steps with comes back to her home town for a entendres, but these don't help at
rest and runs into her old flame all. What he should have done is
Henry (Kevin Kline). Things get given more screen time to Bonnie
going again between them, and Bedalia, who, as Henry's wife
ould shrug it off, eventually they're forced to face Ruth, manages to create the only
is carrying the facts and make the usual choices. charater in the movie genuine
n the edge of ec- Before they do, however, we're enough to care about.
sness where rock treated to about 90 minutes of
ways found its violins, wild ponies, and little else. It's nice that someone out there is
he while to keep The main problem here - still interested in telling a sweet,
erry's Orphan. besides the dialogue, the storyline, simple love story. It would be even
editing, and-cinematography - is nicer is they had backed up that
-Jeff Stanzler chemistry. At least 1983's equally interest with some talent and
lethargic Falling In Love had commitment.
Human Senses," Rudoit Steiner
Institute, 8 p.m., 1923 Geddes Ave.
Applied, practical mental law -
School of Metaphysics, 7:30 p.m.,
95 Oakwood, apt. 1, Ypsilanti.
International Students
Fellowship - Mtg, 7pm.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice,
6 pm.
Free hypertension testing -
Ypsilanti Savings Bank, 10 a.m. to
3p.m., 301W. Michigal, Ypsilanti:
Free hypertension testing -
Manufacturers Bank, 10 a.m. to 3
p.m., 2795 Carpenter, Pittsfield
Women's Golf - 3-day Big Ten
championship, U-M course.
Microcomputer Education Cen-
ter - Workshops, Lotus 1-2-3. Pt.
I, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 3001 SEB,
Intro to Microcomputers, 1 p.m.,
4003 SEB.
Campus Cinema
The Awful Truth (Leo McCarey,
1937). 7:30p.m., MLB4.
Holiday (Cukor, 1938), 9:15
p.m., MLB 4.
The Lion, the ' Witch and the
Wardrobe - Young People's
Theater, 2:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m.,
Frieze Building.
Sit Down '36 - Performance
Network, 8:00 p.m., 408 W.
Bars and Clubs
Patty Richards with the
Kressler Trio - Bird of Paradise
Jazz Club,9 - 1:30.
UM sailing club - open sailing
at theclub,9a.m. to2p.m.
Museum of Art - Annual
meeting of Friends, 10 a.m.,
Museum of Art.
Sit Down '36 - Performance
Network, 2:00 p.m., 408 W.
His House Christian Fellowship
- Meal and Bible study, 6 p.m.,
925 Ann.
UM sailing club - open sailing
at the club, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
g Campus Cinema
The World of Man Ray -
Eyemediae, 8:00 p.m., 214 N.
Fourth Ave.
Bars & Clubs
Saline Big Band - The Ark, 8:00
Bobby Inman - "Challenges
and confrontations to the end of
the century,"
Cognitive Science and Machine
Laboratory, 4:15 p.m., Hale
World Hunger Educational Ac-
tion Comm-Org mtg for Oxfam
America Tools for Peace & Justice
in Cent Amer & E Caribbean, 7
pm, Mich Union. All welcome.
Furthermore U Furthermore
Microcomputer Educ Med Ctr-Lunch/Lec, Margaret
Ctr-Wkshps: MS-DOS Hard Disk M Burke, "Women's Complete
Skills, 8:30-10:30 a.m., 3001 SEB; Health Care: The Nurse-Midwife's
IBM-PC & PC-Comjparible Role," 12:10 pm, lunch, 11:30 am,
Microcomputer System Selection, Ann Arbor Inn, Huron & 4th Ave.
10:30 am-12:30 pm; Using Window Microcomputer Educ
with your IBM-PC or Compatible, Ctr-Wkshps: dBASE III PLUS,
1-3 pm; Choosing a Microcom- Pt I, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Microsoft
puter, 1-3 p,. 4003 SEB. For info, Word for IBM PC-Compatible
call 764-5356. Microcomputers, Pt. I, 1-5 p.m.,
HRD - Wkshp, Retirement SEB; Macintosh System Selec-
Seminar for Faculty, 1:30-4:30 p,. tion, 1-5 pm, 4003SEB.
Faculty Women's Club - Lun- Free hypertension
ch/listen, Marilyn Mason Brown, testing-NBD Ann Arbor, 10 a.m.
"Michigans Klingendes Wunder," to 3 p.m., 3500 Plymouth.
Fisk-Silbermann Organ: The New Michigan Poetry - poetry
Mechanical-Action 'Bach' Organ Microcomputers, Pt. I, 1-5 p.m., 3001
at Sch of Music." Lunch 11:30 am, N. Fourth Ave.
N Campus Commons, recital/lec.
12:30-2 pm, Blanche Anderson WEDNESDAY
Moore Hall, Sch Music. U Bars & Clubs
Cont Med Educ-5-day conf, Open Mike Night - The Ark,
14th Annual Spring Update: Ad- 8:00 p.m.
vances in Internal Medicine, U Meetings
TowsleyCtr. Archery Club - 8 p.m.,
Free hypertension. testing - Coliseum.
Comerica Bank, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
1235 S. Fifth. UFurthermore
Free hypertension testing - Physiology - Sem, John
Michigan National Bank, 10 a.m. Faulkner, "Power Output of Fast
to 3 p.rm., 2930 S. State. & Slow Fibers of Human Skeletal
Muscle," 4 p.m., 7745 Med Sci II.
TUESDAY Microcomputer Educ
Ctr-Wkshps: Intro to Microcom-
Campus Cinema puters, 8:30-10:30 am, 4003 SEB:
Picnic at Hanging Rock (Weir, Learning to Use the Macintosh, 9:30
1975),7:30 and 9:30, MLB Aud. 4. am-12:30 pm, 3001SEB.
Bars & Clubs TUSA
* Bar & Cubs Campus Cinema
Scott Cussu Trio - 8:00 p.m., eatpes Cod a
The Ark. Breathless (Godard, 1959, 7:30
p.m., MLB4.
Speakers A Man and A Woman (Lelouch,
Richard Benjamin - "Booked 1966), 9:15 p.m., MLB 4.
for Lunch," Ann Arbor Public
Library, 12:10 p.m., Main library Bars & Clubs
reading room. Skeleton Crew - The Ark, 8:00
Ernst Katz - "The Twelve p.m.