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June 01, 1985 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-06-01

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Saturday, June 1, 1985


Page 8
Angels bust Tigers
on eight hits, 6-3

The Michigan Daily

DETROIT (UPI) - Bob Boone
singled through the left side with two
out in the sixth inning to score Rup-
pert Jones from second base and help
the opportunistic, California Angels
snap a three-game losing streak with
a 6-3 victory over the Detroit Tigers
last night.
Jones walked to start the sixth and

easily made it to second on Jerry,
Narron's run-hit grounder to first.
Boone singled one out later to snap a
3-3 tie.
CALIFORNIA got only six hits off
Jack Morris, 6-5, but combined four of
them with two of four Detroit errors, a
wild pitch, four walks, a stolen base
and a sacrifice to score four times in
the middle three frames.
Pat Clements got the victory, his
fourth without a loss, for getting the
final out of the fifth after Larry Her-
ndon's RBI triple made it 3-3.
Donnie Moore got the final seven
outs of the game for Clements, who
walked two batters and struck out
Kirk Gibson before being relieved in
the seveth. It was Moore's 11th save.
STARTER Kirk McCaskill gave up
back-to-back home runs to Gibson and
Lance Parrish with two outs in the fir-
st. It was the seventh home run for
Morris took a no-hitter into the fifth
but gave up an unearned run in the
fourth when Gary Pettis was safe on
shortstop Tom Brookens' error, stole
second, went to third on a wild pitch
and scored on a force groundout by
Juan Beniquez.
A walk, a single to left by Bob Grich
that was the Angels' first hit of the
game and a sacrifice by Dick
Schofield set two runs in the fifth. Pet-
tis grounded to short for one run and
Rob Wilfong laid down a beauty of a
surprise bunt to third to get Grich




... seventh homerun not enough
Course Syllabus
PAD -101
Course Topic:
How to live comfortably and
affordably on a college
Offered Dates:
Full season with a few
openings for our
summer session.
Randy Pickut
Office Hours:
10:30-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
(Mr. Pickut is available for
tutoring by appt.)
Course Material:
The Tiffany: 736 Packard,
The Colony: 731 Packard,
The Madison:
316 E. Madison
Course Objectives:
You will learn in this course
through your extensive and
comprehensive first hand
lab work just how easy it
is to live close to campus
in comfortable and
affordable surroundings.
The offered material will
demonstrate to the student
the convenience of its
efficiency, 1 and 2 bedroom
Less than you'd expect.

Ass"catd P"ess
Despite receiving 17 stitches in his lower lip after getting hit in Thursday's game, Kirk Gibson crackeda
homerun to the upper deck in center field in the first inning of last night's game at Tiger Stadium. Gibson's
shot wasn't enough, however, as the Angel's downed Detroit, 6-3.


Ifahrttu(1rnte The MCtale ofwr- ec.. .
By Adam Martin k... it's unbeatable

Any way its sliced, there's nothing better than fingers. L.A., of course, claimed it beat itself, but
the NBA finals - especially when the Los that didn't detract from who was champion.
Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics contend for In 1984, Los Angeles may have been the "best"
the championship of the entire civilized world. team, but the Celtics were champions, and as
Piston fans can boast, "Detroit gave the Celtics Kevin McHale has so often reminded the media,
a better series than the Sixers," while Cleveland "Our (the Celtics) main goal is winning."
Cavalier fans could brag "the Cavs gave Boston a It's this determination, demonstrated from both
run for its money in just the first round of the clubs, that makes LA-Boston phenomenal. James
playoffs." Worthy's slams, Bird's parabola's and Magic's
Yeah, but by far the best matchup of the modern penetrations aren't the excellence-determinants
era is a Lakers-Celtics war. of the NBA finals; both teams' intensity and
Remember last year? The LA Express fired its determination are. And this isn't the intensity and
jets in game one on Boston's parquet floor (the one determination so often abused by sportswriters.
with criss-crossing floor boards that everybody This determination drips off the faces of the title-
hates except Celtic fans), had game two in its takers. It's untouched emotion.
luggage port but returned home to the land of Winning the NBA crown is impossible without
blond hair tied at one with Boston's bruisers. that extra push of emotion. Some say it comes
The Lakers captured game three of the best-of- from anticipation of a few additional dollars. But
seven series, and the not-so-knowledgeable word considering the overweight payroll of professional
around the Union said LA was too fast, too power- basketball, one team needs little incentive to
ful, too good for Boston. The Celtics, however, "want it more than the other team." They all want
erased those words in game four before fire- the title, pure and simple, and they'll play god-like
breathing Laker faithful and Jack Nicholson's basketball to get it.
incredibly cool shades. The argument that non-LA-Boston series aren't
Boston went on to take the fifth game back in exciting holds little new Coke. But LA-Boston
beantown, and almost upset the once lordly outdoes other series. By the time its over, spec-
Lakers in game six at The Forum. tators suffer bruised behinds from edge-of-the-
Game seven was history before it started. seat support.
Somehow, some way, Larry Bird and Co. weren't LA-Boston owns several courts of NBA history.
going to let the championship slip through their Laker fans will discount that history because the

Lakers have never beaten the Celtics in too many
attempts. Laker faithful will argue 1980s' Lakers
aren't spiritually tied to the losing teams of the
Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't really matter. The
spectacle of LA-Boston will never vanish, even if
the Lakers never beat the Celtics. Los Angeles and
its fans will become so incensed they'll be out for
more collective Boston blood each successive
No, don't expect an LA-Boston conflagration
every spring. The Pistons, the Cavs (yeah, right) or
even the Sacramento Kings could gain divine in-
spiration and win a better-than-crackerjack-like
prize. But it won't be the same. No way. Not like
By the way, game three is tomorrow at The
Forum. Under the new two-three-two system,
games three, four and five will be played
in ultimate-fastbreak country before the series
returns to green-and-white world for games six and
seven, if necessary.
This new format could change the NBA finals
dramatically. Witness the home of Lord Stanley's
goblet for the last two years. But the chances of
LA-Boston ending in five games are almost nil;
the rings mean too much.
Besides, Jack Nicholson would be disappointed
with a five-game finish. He'd lose his Risky
Business cool, literally.





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