Page 10- The Michigan CLDaily .I IFriday.May 3, 198 1C-CiiITO I FOR SALE '72 MERCEDES 28OSE 45Cflassic body, great condition. $7500.00. Col0607225or 449853. Leave message. WBfeoS FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM 'APT, for root for Foil near U of M Hospital. Cail 761-1463. 38CO530 PARKING SPACES for rotS Forest soar Wastesaw. Csl.Campus Rentalat6-8825. AN ASSORTMENT OF APARTMENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FALL 1985 CALL 663-3050 SPEARS-WOLTERSOM FOR RENT FOR RENT STUDENT SERVICES A FEW EFFICIENCIES, 1 and 2 bedroom apart- FRENCH HORN & PIANO students. Need ten- menta avaiable, starting September. 12-montb sons' Cali, 761-6153. 590531 C A M P U S ltease. CallCAMPUS RENTAS6O5S-O25orstop by 1335 S. University. cC033______________ CAM PROOMHOUSENERCMU.34tu FALL tili~ties. &e ocosol HELP .WANTE D 350 Thompson Street WE ARE CURNENTLY LEASING EFFIC- Completely furnisbed modern apartments now EXPERIENCED SAILOR to assint captain in IENCIES, t AND S BEDROOM MODERNrening fur Fail. Sbowing apartments M-F, 5:30 detivery and races starting May '05 in Minbigan FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR NEXT FALL. in 0:00 p.m. If sot convenient for you? Junt calf and Virginia Islandn for cbarter winter of O-So on and we will make it at yoar convenience. For C&C 6'. Send resume to Triumpb, P.O. 7o1t, ALSO moromifo orappintments call 99-373 or 43-7232 Troy, M148007-7011. t3Hts30 NEWtimHOMEtcDAYTIME WEEKDAY sitter 30brs. per wk.Live NE O EFALH185 in option. 996-2352, Anne. 54H0037 OVERLOOKING DESE WOODS WITHA variety of apartments are available. For more MDACNUTT.0420Jn OVERLOOKING DENSE WOODS WITH information tal 003-3050.MIACOSLNT94020Jn FIREPLACE, 3 BEDROOMS AND DEN OR 4: SPEARS-WALTERSOM 50HO524 BEDROOMS, 2 CAR GARAGE, FULL BASE- CCtc GREAT SUMMsER JOBS - BE ACAMP COUN- MENT, USE OF TENNIS COURT AND POOL. SELOR- top boysand girlscamps. Positionsstiil APPROX. i% MILES FROM CAMPUS. yyUNIVERSITY available: WaterfrontIWSI, Nature, Arcbery? Sinpyorail U1N VI1 IIITY Riflery, Athletics, Computer, Tennis, Water Stop y or all:Ski, Rocketry, Photography, Canoe Tripper, Dahlmann TOW ERS Gymnastic Cal coleteknown 0rrt 0 Aprt ensFuroished Apartments. 5365.Forest center. Daytime, esening, weekend hen. Approx. Apartmenh tSo.U.Phone 76 76-260 t0 Ils/wk. 662-3140. 4O7 54 7Curh-t7 o.U.M CARING, RESPONSIBLE PERSON in care for 76F700 ___________________oar 5% month-old child in our home. Part-time homemaker; own transpartation; referencesCal 769.1251 after 5P.M.0605 SUBLETSTHOMPSON APARTMENTS 02RD PUZZLE EfUBLETSie 30THdompa tET e ihlJfeBEAUTIFUL 3 BDRM., 2% beth, townhotuse in 483-7232 or 998-1373. cH06S5 42 Lles down 58 Land of the Woodbury Gardems for sublease from 6/85-11/05. 45 Avoid capture loma Call 662-3250. 917.0530 RESPONSIBLE, MOTIVATED 47Olinpater 5UPawrgt LET for a very reduced rats with Fail Lease AND ENTHUSIASTIC 50 nfl~sl~s asthor Bagnold Option. A very large and attractive one-bedroom tdtwaedwoateisgniya 50 nglsh utor agnld apartmnent near campus. Ideat for two pnle. sales representatives for spring-summer terms. Lauronce 60 Whirlpool Parking. Carpeting/wooen flooro. Lots of win-le Great experience and make commissions. Con- 5Gade 61Argo down. Private entrance. Cal Sot 91-87 (9-5 tact Mary anne at 74.0554. cHtc namesakes 63 State, in Paris MFll-0tafeoowhnd. 4753 56 Boris and 64 Buddios _______________ Ivan 66 "-Got a BUSINESS S R IE 57 Film idol Crssh on Youi" SERVICES ANSWERSl Tf PREVofIUS P11771 F" MISC ELLAN EOUS ART FAIR - Summer Asooc. Member needs in share space - generooo pay or trade! Col t- 517.642-0303. 61M060t GOVT. LAND $40 an acre. Many Lots available. BUILD A FUTURE! Col-l-619-68tfr info. 24 hro. 57MMM0 ROOMMATES MALE ROOMMATE needed. Furnisbed 2 bdrsm. apmt. Fall option.0662-3980. thanx. 305S5 TICKETS I REED two Phil Collins tickets! Night lawn or Pavilion. CallJonhb66-l162. 5MQW1 ILIBERAL ARTS MAJORS... DAILY CROSS Edited by Trudy ACROSS 5 Joined, as 1 Buttonholer metals 5 Relief pitcher's 6 "The Greatest" feats 7-Ia France! 10 Long narrative 8 Haptpening 14 Yearn 8. Starts a tennis 15 Shadeof green game 16 Distant 10 Novelist Bellow 17 Leg part 11 Hairdo 18 Delicatessen 12 Catch one's purchase breath You're Needed All Overithe World., Ask Peoce Corps volunteers why their ingenuity ond flexibility ore Os vitol Os their degrees. They'll tell you they ore helping the world's poorest peoples attain self sufficiency in the oreos of food production, energy conservotion, educorion, economic develop- ment ond heolth services. And they'll tell you obout the rewords of honds on coreer experience overseos. They'll tell you it's the toughesr job you'llI ever love. PEACE CORPS 4 20 Prepared, as 13 -and crats -v*-- -vv nywu u -C salad 19 London's W A DE C L AY S A E 22 Encloses Sadler's- AP EX HKILO A NEL E 23 Bewitched Theatre R S VP A P AR N A MI1 .25-Aviv 21lWy out N E IL S PEED D EMO0N 26 Biblical craft 24 AtelIn style L A I T Y R A M 28 Novelist 26 Perfume from tA CT I Y E T I L I GH T Murdoch roses H0NEFI 30 Sportswear 27 Highway PSCUL 0SE 35-the mark 29litems of g P ASRCUPLEESE 36 Diva's furniture ARS AC MET upstager? 31lSpring mo. PL YMOUTH K I L TE D 38 River throsgh 32 Chicken entree ARBE S H R E Berlin 33 Poet Jahn S P I R I T A WAY AR O 39 Word with top 34 Be aware of NO0T T O D A UB N ID E or sock 37lJeanmaire of A RIE L A C NE OTI S 41lPostpone the ballet GE N RE R OAR R EN T 43 Horse of a 40 Compass dir, certain color 5131185 44 Make amends 46 Andersen and 1 52 3 4 5 0s t7 aI S 9 st0 s11 12 3' Bournonville -14 - 5-16 48 Parts of agal5 49 Leesmen 17 16,8 19- 51 Denomination 52 Employ 20 -- z1 22- 53 Native American 23 20 25 55 Make happy 2n6o27 - 28n 29 30 31 32 33 34 57 Highway menaces 35 - - 36 St 38 62 Part of a foot - - 65 Cut of beef 39 4 41 02 43 67-boyl! 3 1 4 68 Saharan 69 Grit 49" -so50 51 s 70 Not imaginary 71 Singer Vallse 53 54 55 5s 72 Kefauver 5 5-9 0-162636 73 Fleet planes u 4 1 1 5 I 5 65 660 6 DOWN 1 Years gone by 58-- 69 70 - 2 Reverberate 7- - 2 7 3 Skewered meat- - - treat: Var. - - - 4 Uptlg t e VM s nI.AgdaTlnosenes, 5131/85 QUALITY TYPING -STUDENT do prof. papero, PRETTIEST HAIR IN TOWN! thesis, etc. $/DS page. CINDY 62084. 00JO612 All your hair supplies from The Vilage Apothecary. 1112 S. University. RESUTMES AND) 0 cFtc GAY MEN'S SUPPORT GROUP funning usoo. Sel-belp groupa meet weekly to discuss persooal concerns. Info 763-486or662-197weekdays. 44FOo3t IF YOU'RE GAY, or think you might be, and are male, and would like to join a group led by trained gay facilitatoro and talk with men lihe youroelf about "coming out" in youroelf, 10 the gay community, or to non-gay people, call 703- 4186 or 662-977weekdays. 43Ft531 COVERLETTERS Written/prepared, typed or typeset. Call 6U-4530. cJtc ACCUTYPE WORD PROCESSING Discount resumes, coverlettero, &paper. 701-5050 cJtc Prints and Slides from the same rol Kodak MP film.., Eastman Kodak's professional motion INTRODUCTORY OFFER picture (MP) film now adapted for still use in 35mm 1 0 Rush me two 20-exposure rolls ofyour lcoding cameras by Seattle FilmWorks. Its micro-fine grain snd I KODAK MP film-Kodak 52410 1200 ASA). Enclosed rich color saturation meet thc exacting standards of the f $2.00. I'd like to be ablc so gct color printsoor slides (or mnv . inlic., W X wispPvl n ir, l ti.. Pv. ~~nn 3 botrh) from the some roll and cxperiececthe remarkablc 4 a 6 hsve to be a pro to get great everyday shots or capture special effects. Shoot in low or bright lighrfrom 200 ASA up to 1200 ASA. Get prints or slides, or both, from the same roll, Enjoy the very latent in photographic technology with substantial savings. 19M4SeattleFimWorks ' Kodak5247is aresed traeark softEsmanKodakComany.3 ovesotility of this professional quality film: NAME ADDRESS CITY________ STATE ZIP___ Limitof2 as spersomerss. 2 Mail to. Seattle FilmWorks 500OThird Avenue West, P.O. Box C-34456 Seattl, WA 98124