Friday, May 31, 1985
The Michigan Daily
Records----------- _
One of the standout pieces is a cover
Everything But the Girl- of "Kid," by Chrissie Hnyde Kerr.
Eveythngutte(irl) Slower, and sung to a twelve string
Love Not Money (Sire) guitar and piano, this track is a
Love Not Money, the second album unique version of the Pretender's
from Everything But the Girl, sounds classic.
in many ways like a collection of up- The production of Love Not Money
dated '40s songs. Lush and jazzy. is thick and soupy. Although it is very
these pieces make up an album that is different and a bit messy in com-
thoroughly warm and sensual. parison to much of the crystal clear
Everything But the Girl is a Lon- sounds that one is used to hearing
don-based duo fronted by vocalist these days, this thick sound somehow
Tracey Thorn, who sounds something contributes to the lush texture of the
like a female Morrissey. She could album. It almost recalls an earlier
have sung for any movie made forty era, giving certain songs a barroom
years earlier, with her slightly atmosphere.
quivering, sexy voice. Although Keep an ear out for Everything But
limited in range, one certainly the Girl. With their unique feel for the
doesn't mind. blues, this duo is another excellent
Ben Watts, the other half of the import from overseas.
composing team. is a gifted guitarist. -Beth Fertig
Together, their music sounds almost
like a cross between Aztec Camera
and Style Council. New Order - Low Life
However, this band does have their
own unique touch. The songs on Love (Quest Records)
Not Money speaks of painful Somewhere in the nights, the tracks
despair with day to day existence. of New Order's Low Life come alive.
"Ugly Little Dreams" is one excep- With its moody, street life feel, this
tionally exquisite number dedicated latest release is a well-crafted,
to Frances Farmer. Thorn longingly somewhat underground collection of
sighs, There's some ugly little songs that is also assuredly dan-
dreams for pretty girls to buy. It's ceable. Everything But the Girl, another gr
enough to make you mad, but it's New Order has a distinctively
safer just to break down and cry. European approach to what some will get some, but not too much FM
And "Angel" is a beautiful song about might label synth-pop; yet lacks the radio airplay.
universal poverty, with Thorn pop, as well as much of the heavy sun- On Low Life, their first album on
bemoaning, Under African sun or thesizers prevalent in much of that Qwest, New Order creates artsy
Dublin rain, necessities remain the genre. You might call is alternative, music that has a haunting quality
same. orpossibly progressive music; as it while it keeps the beat. The
eat British band, s
Pianist to grace Kerrytown j
B formance of Don Giovanni at the per- together because I think that they go p
By Neil Galanter sonal invitation of Sarah Caldwell. We together very well in terms of piano r
can thus deduce that Shames is a writing. The harmony in the com- h
prodigious and unique talent. posing is very small, and so are the
L E CROISSANT, le musique, His program is hardly conven- qualities-Late romantic music, with
le jus, le cafe, ah! that's the life. tional. Shames has programmed the lots of rubato." c
'he combination of good music, Norma Fantasie of Franz Liszt, This is Shames' first appearance at p
gourmet French food, champagne, which is a transcription of the Italian Kerrytown Concert Hall; he seemed b
:roissants and the lovable cup of cof- composer Bellini's opera, Norma. All most enthusiastic about performing o
fee will all be with us on Saturday of Liszt's opera transcriptions for solo there. d
rorning at Kerrytown Concert Hall. piano are some of the most brilliant I asked Shames if he felt that the fi
Kerrytown Concert Hall. and difficult compositions for solo smaller aspects of Kerrytown Con- li
Ann Arbor-based concert pianist piano in existence. Liszt skillfully in- cert Hall would suit the repetoire that b
Jonathan Shames will perform a tertwines all the various aspects of an he is performing. e
piano recital at 11 a.m. Featured will opera into music for two hands, but s ile
be the music of Liszt, Scriabin and the sound of those mere two hands is Yes, definitely. It's more in-
Alban Berg reminiscent of something more like timate, but it will work well. The o
Shames, who has studied at the an orchestra. Norma Fantasi is an example of "
University's School of Music with Shames claims that the Norma salon wa played S
Professor Theodore Lettvin, was one Fantasie is one of his favorite pieces, frequently in salons. G
of only two American pianists to which he likes because it is of a par- Saturday's atmosphere should be ci
reach the final round in the prestigious ticular genre that he has a keen in- just perfect for anyone who wishes to er
1982 International Tchaikovsky terest in-the transcripton. "The spend a relaxing and remissive day - b
Competition in Moscow. That is an (transcribed) music is one art work the intimacy of a small hall,
accomplishment of the highest recreated into another art work," he something to sip and nibble at, and of ha
degree in itself, but he made such a says. course invigorating and moving Li
striking impression in the Soviet Before his Norma Fantasie, music. di
Union that the Russian press hailed Shames will play a group of Seven Tickets for the morning are priced thi
him as a pianist of "good measure of Preludes . of Russian composer at $8, which includes the refreshmen- Vc
temperament and fine sense of form." Alexander Scriabin, from various ts. Coffee is from Perk Brew and w
"He may just end up as a conduc- opuses, which will be followed with a Cashew in the Kerrytown shops. st
tor," was the conviction running performance of Alban Berg's Piano Reservations are strongly suggested; ui
rampant after Shames made his Sonata, op.1. call 769-2999 for more information. La
debut conducting from the keyboard "These are also pieces that I love. I The Kerrytown Concert Hall is wi
in the boston Opera Company's Per- am playing Scriabin and Berg located at415N. Fourth Street
irrangements are
o hear all of th
luding some ex
However, all part
ightly enough toI
lying away and lo
"This Time ofN
tyle best. The b
dramatic feel, sett
seduction of botht
ect of the song. Un
tured rhythm, a
rogression mo
epetitive pattern
as an eeerie flavo
Sure-fire dance
The Perfect Kiss
ulture" - whi
resses the under
and. After a chu
pener, the piece
ance beat with a;
eel. The singer d
nes, One of the
ack to your h
ven notice that
eading the song to
New Order brea
n their beautiful i
Elegia." This pi
lass on keyboard
ate, repeating p
xcitingly drama
wilds to its crescen
It is unfortunate
as neglected addi
ow Life, as it is d
scern what is bei
is is clearly partc
ocals are treated
hole instead of
rument. But it
nique style that s
ow Life, how ton
ith a progressivea
ings with an updated 40s feel on Love Not Money.'
Lfree, leaving room Eurythmics-Be Yourself
e instruments; in- Tonight (RCA Records)
citing guitar lines.
s are reined in just Be Yourself Tonight; the new
prevent them from release from Eurythmics, absolutely
sing the rhythm. bursts off of the vinyl to create an in-
.ight" displays this stant Motown party.
band established a One look at the band, either on the
ting the stage for a new album's jacket, or in their video
the listener and oh- for the single, "Would I Lie to You,"
nder the thickly tex- says they've changed. No longer the
pretty keyboard androgynous "new wave queen," An-
ves along in a nie Lennox slinks about in a long
. The while piece black dress. This band, which
)r. emerged as a synth-based act, has
hits would include moved toward a fuller musical ap-
," as well as "Sub- proach. What was once done with
ch especially ex- keyboards is now replaced with real
ground feel of this instruments. Always strong on
urch-organ type of arrangements, the band's current use
picks up a mean of trumpets and saxophones marks a
somewhat nervous musical progression. And Dave
rones the fatalistic Stewart comes across more as a
se days you'll go guitarist than as the synth whiz of
ome. You won't their "Sweet Dreams" days.
t you are alone, Lennox's vocals have always had a
its climax. lot of soul. On the first two Eurymics
ks the dance beat albums, she added the human touch
nstrumental track that was missing in a lot of today's
ece sounds like ' electronic music. However, with Be
duet with Phillip Yourself Tonight's more R&B based
Is. It sets up delic- style, her voice lets loose completely.
atterns which are The music of this album provides the
tic as the music perfect vehicle for her. It follows a
ndo. direction hinted at on "Right By Your
e that New Order Side," from the last album, Touch.
ing a lyric sheet to Be Yourself Tonight features
lifficult at times to several impressive guests. Stevie
ng sung. However, Wonder plays harmonica for the
of the band's style. delightfully happy, "There Must Be
I as a part of the An Angel," which is also dedicated to
as a leading in- him. One almost wishes that he would
is New Order's sing along with Lennox, too;
hows us again, on however, she stands alone quite
make dance music well. Aretha Franklin joins Annie
artistic flair. Lennox for the slightly corny, but
terrifically fun salute to feminism,
--B#h Fertig : L ee RE ORDS, tge a