-Friday, May 31, 1985
CODE OF SILENCE vengeful ghoul. If he gets his claws on them, they her eyes, and decides to jump out of the screen into
Chuck Norris vehicle. Lots of quasi-martial arts don't wake up. The plotting is weak and predic- her life. Somewhat gimmicky, and sentimentally
First ass-kicking. At the Fox Village Theater, 375 N. table and the acting stiff, but the film is made manipulativebut it has more than a few moments
Maple; 769-8780. redeemable by some clever special effects and of truly enchanting sweetness and wit. Definitely
Run director Wes Craven's snappy direction of the worthwhile. At the Fox Village, 375 N. Maple; 769-
CREATURES more chilling moments. A B-movie classic in the 1300.
F m No informationat press timebut if the title isany same league as Halloween or The Terminator. At
indication...At the State Theater, 231 S. State; 662- the Wayside Theatre, 3020 Washtenaw, 434-1782.
BEVERLY HILLSCP Soul-searching in a small Texas town. Directed Sylvestor Stallone reprises the role of the
Eddie Murphy goes through his usual fast jiving, DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN by Wilm Wenders from a piece by Sam Shephard. reslens Vietnam vet who, in this sequel to First
smart ass routines i this moderately amusing Film vehicle for transient popster Madonna. At AttheStateTheater,231S. State;662-6264 Blood, is sent back into the jungles to rescue
thriller/comedy about a streetwise Detroit cop the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- American POWs still in captivity. Does this sound
who goes to California to investigate a friend's 88 familiar toanyone else? At the Fox Village, 375 N.
murder. The script is just a sketchy outline, Maple,769-1300.
existing solely for Murphy to improvise around.
Murphy's antics are cute even if they're strictly FLETCH A PASSAGE TO INDIA
lowbrow. The laughs are fast and plentiful, but Chevy Chase as a wise-cracking reporter in a Return of David Lean's highly praised drama. At
lightweight, and you're always aware of just how mystery-comedy by the director of The Bad News the AnnArbor Theater, 219 S. Fifth Ave; 761-9700. A VIEW TO A KILL
shabbily slappedtogether the whole film is. At the Bears. At the State Theater, 231 S. State, 662-6264, Latest James Bond opus, with Roger Moore
Moviesat BriarwoodMall; 769-8780. and theWayside,3020Washtenaw; 434-172. (who's beginning to look a little long toothed to .
POLICE ACADEMYImake a believable 007) and Grace Jones as a
BIRDYm M T Y Sequel to last year's lowhrow somewhat funky nemesis. At the Fox Village
Long awaited Alan Parker (Shoot The Moon) THE GODSlMUST BE CRAZYVlllr, NMapl, Theater,375N. Maple;769-1300.
adaptation of William Wharton's novel about a A marvelously imaginative comedy about anPceAcademy AttheFox Village, 375 N. Maple,
shell shocked young man's obsessive fantasy of African bushman who mistakes a Coke bottle that
flying. Stars Matthew Modine and Nicolas Cage, falls from an airplane as a dropped trinket of the
with a score by PetertGabriel. Awarded the Special gods, and decidesto try to return it. The laughs are WITNESS
Jury Prize at this years Cannes Film Festival. At pure slapstick, but ingenious and relentless. The A PRIVATE FUNCTION Harrison Ford plays a Philadelphia detective
the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- newest cult classic in town and deservedly so. At who uncovers an extensive narcotics network
8780. the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood Mall; 769- British comedy of social manners, stars Maggie operated from within the agency, and his life is in
uss. te ovi a Brarood BraroodMat; 69Smith and Monty Python's Michael Patio. At the870 danger, Bume into the Pensoylvaia countryside
8750. Ann Arbor Theater, 210 S. Fifth Ave; 761-9700 taking refue inas Amish farmin g comnty.
ta g rfg a ms frigcommunity.
BREWSTER'S MILLIONS Australian director Peter Weir successfully takes
Latest Richard Pryor comedy wherein he is of- MARIA'SLOVERS a second rate script and elevates it to absolute
fered megamillions by an aging wealthy eccentric No information available at press time. At the TEPURPLEROEOFCAIRO sublimity. This film is one of the richest in mood
provided he can first managetospend thirty of itin StateTTheater,231O. Sate; 662-6264.e and texture I've ever seen Very highly recom
onemonth. At the Campus Theater 1214S. Univer- Wooy Allen's latet film, a romantic fantasy Mnded the Movies at Briarwood, Briarwood
about a Depression-age housewife (Mia Farrow)
THE CARE BEARS MOVIE whose only respite from the bitterness of life isnto
Animated fantasybased on the hugelysuccessful A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET escape into the local movie house and live out this
line of teddy bears. At the Movies at Briarwood, Low budget horror yarn about a group of week's musical or adventure. One day a character - Compiled by Byron L. Bu/l
Briarwood Mall,769-8780. adolescents who are stalked in their dreams by a inone of the films (Jeff Daniels) looks down into
FRIDAY Campus Cinema
A Clockwork Orange (Stanley
Kubrick, 1971) Michigan Theatre
Bars and Clubs Foundation
Stanley Kubrick's dark vision of our
The Apartment - (769-4060) - Big future as anti-utopia is loud, ob-
fun with D. J. Ricker. noxious, musically inventive, and
The Ark - (761-1451) - Bluegrass ultimately optimistic. Definitely not a
masters the R.F.D. Boys. family picture, but it does have a little
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Dance something for everyone. Michigan
to the mighty Motown sounds of Best Theater 7 p.m., 9:35 p.m. $2.50.
of Ann Arbor poll winners Domino! Pandora's Box (G.W. Pabst, 1928)
The Earle - (994-0211) - The jazz Cinema Two
stylings of Burgess and O'Connor. Cut-up versions of this classic silent
Main Street Comedy Showcase - film have been shown for years. Now
(996-9080) - Stuart Mitchell makes in a fully restored print, you can see
you laugh. the kind of pre-Hayes code
Mr. Flood's Party - (996-2132) - uninhibitedness that made Louise
Fast Tracks beats a path.
MountainJack's- (665-1131) - Jeff
Baldori and Bob Gardner brighten
your evening.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Alliance plays the dancefloor
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
- Stomp with The Urbations.
Windows - (760-9500) - Borderline
provides the tunes.
Godspell - Community High School
Local high school talent brings the
Gospel according to St. Matthew to
life with confetti, a carnival at-
mosphere, and a rock beat. 8 p.m. at
Community High. Student tickets are
$2. Call 994-2021 for more information.
Welcome to the Freak Show - Per-
formance Network
Eastern Michigan University dance
teachers Harriet Payne and Paul :e
Hodgkins have collaborated on a dan-
ce concert incorporating elements of
Japanese Noh drama, and the music
of Robert Fripp. With guest perfor-
mers Kathy Gantz Morse and Jeff
Picard. 8 p.m. at the Network, 408 W. 'Birdy,' starring Matthew Modine;
Washington. For ticket prices and/or shell-shocked young man's obsessi
Brooks a Hollywood star in this rags-
to-riches story. MLB 3, 7:30 p.m. only.
$2.50/single, $3.50/double.
Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977) C2
From the director of Dune.
Eraserhead, however, is about as
far from Dune as Dune is from Earth.
The English language hasn't yet
developed the complexity or
vocabulary to rationally discuss this
movie. It is compelling, an
awesomely cohesive hallucination,
and darkly witty. Not for pregnant
women or people who don't like
movies. MLB 3 9:30 p.m. only.
$2.50/single, $3.50/double.
The Terminator (James Cameron,
1984) Ann Arbor Film Co-op
A bi hit last summer. Arnold Sch-
wartzenegger stars as a tougher-
than-bullets hit man who's come back
from a future world where big, bad
machines are battling the small, good
humans in order to track downa rebel
who has preceded him into the past,
that is, our present. OK. So the plot
doesn't make much sense. Thrills,
spills, and chills. And a couple ex-
plosions. MLB 4 7:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
Bars and Clubs
The Ark (761-1451)-Tony Bird
and Nicolas Cage, is a movie adaptation of William Wharton's novel about a
ve fantasy of flying.