MENSA mixes high
IQs with weirdness
By STEVE HERZ MENSA members seem to posit a
' There are countless organizations in theory that IQ and wealth are not
this world. necessarily compatible - they are not
Likewise, there are countless in- snobs who turn their noses up on
telligent people out there. laymen.
) But just how many organizations
Sare there specifically for intelligent BUT PEOPLE have their ideas,
*tpeople? Strauch said, and as soon as they hear
PROBABLY not too many, but about a high-IQ club, their ideas are
there is one that has a worldwide formed.
membership of nearly 70,000 and a Sometimes it can lead to confron-
chapter in Ann Arbor. tations with ignorant observers.
It's called MENSA, but as Bob Strauch recalled an incident at a
Strauch, co-vice president of the Ann Michigan basketball game when an
Arbor chapter cautions, don't be intoxicated man began to verbally
misled because "It's not an acronym. abuse him after identifying Strauch
misedecase"I's otnaconm. with MENSA. After the man
Rather than some fancy five-wordreitESy.ign r th'smax
slogan, MENSA has a simple foun- repeatedly ignored Strauch's ex-
dation,. It means table in Latin. planation of MENSA, the man con-
TABLE? Yes, and presumably a tinued to say that Strauch was just a
round table because as the MENSA rich, brainy snob. 4
guidebook states, "We are a roun- Finally, exhausted with the abuse,
dtable society that makes no distin- Strauch said, "I just said 'Buddy, I
ction as to race, color, creed, national don't know what the hell you're
" origin, age, or economic or social talking about. I'm a fucking house
status. Only intelligence matters." painter."
So if you're not a bookworm with an Strauch, like his group, takes a low-
abnormally high IQ, so much for key approach. They have a monthly
MENSA. Not so, the group asserts. dinner, movie nights, and a bevy of in-
Although, a prerequisite IQ of 132 is tellectual gatherings where sub-
Associated Press suggested, Straugh explains, "It's not groups discuss topics ranging from
that cut and dry." sex to poetry.
MENSA members are wary that And next month in Milwaukee, 4
Rioting breaks out among soccer fans at Brussel's Heysel stadium last night prior to the European Cham- people think they sit around and talk MENSA will convene to celebrate 50
pion's Cup Final between Liverpool and Turin. The incident resulted in deaths and hundreds of injuries. aboutphysics formulas, Strauch said. ears of existence. After 50 years, a
AS BOB Avery, a three-year mem- mention on the old Barney Miller
ber explained, "I guess the idea of the show, and a spot on 60 minutes, MEN-
" " organization is to make it whatever SA may just be catching on.
R ea an for tax reform thememberswantittobe"And if you thinktthe roup is not for
And what they want MENSA 'TO You, that might be the best reason to
(BE, Strauch said, is a social join. As one member cautioned, "If
(CsinedirsmPsgei) legislative package through ter in Florida and continues today in organization where intelligence is you expect to see a bunch of wierdos,
"We face a historic challenge: to Congress, conceded that corporate in- Virginia and Wisconsin and tomorrow fostered between people. you're right. .. It's crazy."
change our present tax system into a come taxes would rise far higher in in Pennsylvania. Reagan is also ex-
model of fairness, simplicity, ef- the next five years than the president pected to travel to several states next R - ,j
ficiency and compassion, to remove indicated in his Tuesday speech. And week.
the obstacles to growth and unlock the Baker said that the highest-income
door to a future of unparalleled in- taxpayers would get a dispropor- With political and public reaction PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - Claus "This case is based upon circum-
novation andachievement. tionate benefit from capping in- generally on his side, experts began von Bulow's attorneys, calling stantial evidence," he said, attacking
"This is a tax proposal we can be dividual taxes at 35 percent, down examining the fine print, including prosecution evidence a puzzle with the state's case. "Circumstantial
proud of, a proposal that will help from the current 50 percent. one estimate that Reagan himself pieces that "don't fit," opened the evidence is like a big puzzle and the
fulfill America's commitment to fair- Baker said he hoped Congress would have saved $28,000 on this defense case yesterday contending pieces don't fit."
ness, hope and opportunity for all its would pass the plan by the end of the year's tax form had his program been the socialite's heiress wife tried to kill Von Bulow, 50, a Danish jet-set
citizens." year, but he warned any changes in effect. herself with drugs and alcohol. financier, is charged with twice trying
REAGAN was investing his own would be acceptable only to the extent "As painful as it may be ... we will to kill his multi-millionaire wife with
political capital in an almost that higher taxes for some groups are "I hadn't figured that out," Reagan present the picture of a woman overta insulin shots at their Newport man-
evangelical-style crusade to offset by lower taxes for others. replied when asked about his own perid of years becoming addicted to sion during the Christmas holidays in
streamline the system, reduce taxes the use of drugs .. . who was taking 1979 and 1980. Prosecutors claim he 4
for most Americans and ensure his taxes during a session with substances that were very strong and wanted to kill his wife to collect an
place in history as the one president "THE PRESIDENT will be spen- photographers in the Oval Office. I very addictive," defense attorney inheritance and marry his mistress.
who conquered special interests in the ding a considerable amount of time think that points out for everyone just Thomas Puccio said in his opening His 1982 convicton was overturned
name of tax fairness. on this," Baker said. ow advantageous the new tax system statement. on constitutional grounds.
Treasury Secretary James Baker, He apparently meant a campaign- which Askewouldn't tsave as much, lass, Marth "Sunny" von Bulow, who Mrs. von Bulow, heir to a $75 million
who pae a major role in drafting style series of trips through the rest of which wud' aea uh Reagan
he played l a n ho he phrdd tye yer, a drive that thl e gan said: "Well, they also don't pay that remains in a coma, "took action by utiliites fortune, remains unconscious
the proposal and who shepherded the year, a drive that actually began mc her own hand which caused her to be and under guard at a New York
much of Reaan's first-term Monday at Wat Disney's EPCOT cen- much."heowhadhihcudhrtob an udrgadataNwYk
g 'M yin the state she is in today," Puccio hospital in her second coma, which
said. doctors say is irreversible.
Highlight Meetings 2055 MHRI.
For all Ann Arbor freaks, "Welcome to the His House Christian Fellowship - 7:30 p.m., Miscellaneous Two break-ins reported
Freak Show," a dance concert sponsored by per- 925 E. Ann. Michigan League - International night, Someone entered through an
formance Network atp.m., 408 W. Washington. Speakers "Mexican Border States," 5 p.m., League unlocked door of a house in the 900
Cafeteria. block of South Division Tuesday
Human Resource Development - Workshop- Student Wood & Craft Shop - Power Tool evening and stole a camera and cash.
Poage Baxter, "How to Achieve Success," 8:30 Safety Class, 537 SAB. The stolen goods were valued at less
a.m.,130BLSA. Microcomputer Education Center - than$300.
'FilmsBiological Engineering - Jang Ho Cha, Workshop, "DBASE III, Pt. I," 8:30 a.m.; A key was used to enter a home in 4
"Release of Tritiated GABA ('HGABA) from "MacManage: Disk & File Management," 10 the 500 block of East Hoover Tuesday
Michigan Theatre Foundation - The Shining, Horizontal Cells of the Goldfish Retina: Effects a.m.; "Microsoft Pt. II, 1 p.m.; "Intro to the night when a stereo and shotgun
7 & 9:35 p.m., Michigan Theatre. of Excitatory Amino Acids," 12:15 a.m., room Macintosh," 3 p.m., SEB. valued at less than $1,000, were taken.
-Laura Bischoff